Matching Challenge Nor Ughi School Gym
162 students attend the village school which is in overall poor condition. Currently, students cannot utilize the gym in its entirety because of the fact that the existing wood flooring is rotten and unsafe to walk on in many areas. Mr. & Mrs. John & June Mangassarian from Rhode Island have pledged to match any contribution to this important project to help. $30K is needed to make this project a reality! Donate here.

Fitness Training For Village Kids
The DaVArd Gym in Arshaluys Village was established by Davit Vardumyan, a worldwide Taekwondo competitor. Davit provides 70 children from his, and nearby communities, with free of charge training and use of the facilities. Davit is hoping to expand and offer boxing classes and is in need of some equipment. Sponsorship of this project will help raise the amount needed in order to help obtain 150 floor mats and heavy bags. Donate here.

New Home In Maghavuz, Artsakh
Manvel Nersisyan, his wife and four kids moved into their newly renovated home in Artsakh, which was completed during the start of the blockade. Despite the blockade, we are very happy to have been able to move a family into their new home after losing their previous home during the war.

Sponsor-A-Hive is back for a second time! We are raising funds to launch 50 hives in a new community through the Aygepar Business Incubator. Expanded honey production will create commercially viable quantities of honey both for local consumption and export. With every $300 donation, you will be able to support one hive, as well as receive a jar of honey with a customizable label. Donate here. Customize your label here.

Aygepar Incubator Feed
The production of high-quality pig food is now being produced locally and distributed to stores in the Berd Area of Armenia’s Tavush Region. In addition, local alfalfa was grown on previously abandoned nearby land specifically for use in this feed creating additional employment opportunities for local villagers. This project, along with the Dr. & Mrs. Gary & Linda Assarian sponsored honey project and the orchard and aquaponics project in the village of Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur are all part of our economic development efforts designed to create job opportunities and prosperity on the border.

Apelian Dental Clinic Re-Opened
The Apelian Dental Clinic at the Prkutyun Disabled Children & Young People Center NGO has been providing free dental services to disabled children and impoverished families and is now back after a brief hiatus. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation today to support the expenses of the Apelian Dental Clinic and put a smile on a child’s face! The monthly expenses to operate the clinic amount to $1,500. Donate here.

Spots still open for SERVICE Armenia
We still have room for more people to participate in SERVICE Armenia this summer! Join other participants on a meaningful trip to Armenia, giving back, touring, and connecting with the homeland! The trip will take place from June 24th-July 15th for participants ages 17-23. Apply here.

Med-Aid Armenia 2023
Med-Aid Armenia is back again this summer from June 19th – June 29th, 2023! Join our medical group as they make an impact throughout Armenia through medical exams, research, and more! This trip is open to all medical professionals and medical students. Learn more here.

Save The Date Fundraiser For Nor Hachen
Join us in Los Angeles on May 21st for a fundraiser benefiting the Nor Hachen Poly Clinic. This clinic serves an area that includes almost 13,000 people. Although the Clinic is a full-service medical center, its existing X-ray machine is unsafe and more than 50 years old. Contact Peter Abajian (310) 400-9061 for more information.

The # of hives still available to sponsor through our Sponsor-A-Hive initiative