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The Paros Foundation underwrites all administrative and overhead costs allowing 100% of all donor contributions to go directly towards projects and supported organizations.

Donations to The Paros Foundation Projects for Prosperity are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. To sponsor a project through The Paros Foundation, a 501 (c) 3 organization (Tax ID 20-5094630), or learn more about specific projects in need of funding, please contact us using the information below.


2217 5th Street

Berkeley CA 94710

(310) 400 9061

Category: Newsletters


This Month at The Paros Foundation – June 2024

Welcoming Visitors In Armenia!

This month, we welcomed several donors and friends of The Paros Foundation who were in town to visit their projects, volunteer and inspect other project sites. We welcomed the Berejikian Family from Sacramento, California, the Bernardi Family from La Canada, California, the O’Neil Family from Chevy Chase, Maryland, the Mangassarian Family from Providence, Rhode Island, and Yn. Arpi Kouzouian from Boston, Massachusetts.

We love visitors! If you are in Armenia and would like to visit with us, please reach out!

Artsakh Refugee Family Gets New Home

Another displaced Artsakh family now has a permanent home in Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur! Sargis Simonyan, a contract soldier, was displaced with his wife and four young kids from their home in the Martakert area of Artsakh last year. A huge thank you to Jean-Marie & Lori Atamian, Stepan Atamian, and Nariné Atamian who made this positive impact possible for the Simonyan Family.

Nor Ughi Soccer Field Groundbreaking

We are proud to announce the official groundbreaking on the Nor Ughi School Soccer Field where work on the field has begun. Spearheaded by John and June Mangassarian, both present for the groundbreaking, this field accompanies the new gym which was also a project spearheaded by the Mangassarian family. Thank you to everyone who has helped make this field a reality.

Groceries For Gyumri Packs Distributed

SERVICE participants collectively assembled and started distributing 50 bags of groceries and non-perishable house supplies, containing one month’s supply of goods, for underprivileged families in Gyumri. Sponsor a family’s groceries for one month with a $50 donation.

Debi Arach Summer Is Here!

The Debi Arach Children’s Center summer has officially begun! Students of the center get to enjoy the many benefits of the center while school is out, including outdoor activities, meals, and lots of summer fun!

SERVICE Armenia 2024 In Full Swing!

Participants landed in Armenia and have hit the ground running touring the city, visiting Gyumri, passing out groceries, spending time with the children of Debi Arach, and so much more! Follow along with their trip on our social media accounts.

Med-Aid Armenia Making A Difference

Our 2024 Med-Aid group has arrived in Armenia and has jumped into medical checks at Debi Arach Children’s Center in Gyumri! Along with our Med-Aid group, the Mobile Dental Clinic is providing dental check-ups for the children. Thank you to everyone who has volunteered and is making a huge positive impact for the community. Follow along on our social media pages for more updates!

Cuban Night For Nor Hachen Clinic

Save The Date and join us for Cuban Night with Paros to raise money for The Nor Hachen Polyclinic on Sunday, September 15th in Los Angeles! More info to follow!

Learn more about The Nor Hachen Polyclinic and the progress we have made so far here.

Pari Louys With Paros Podcast

Since 2002, Unison NGO has been dedicated to creating a more equitable world for people with disabilities and special needs in Armenia. Through their advocacy they have fostered a community that continues to make a positive impact for all. Learn about this impact in our latest podcast episode where we interview Executive Director, Armen Alaverdyan.

Listen now on Spotify, Apple, Amazon!



Number of backpacks that will be distributed through Packs-On-Backs
at Debi Arach Children’s Center!


This Month at The Paros Foundation – May 2024

Community Living for Older Refugees
This home will serve as a group home for older refugees to offer them a clean, safe, and comfortable environment to live dignified lives. Ten residents will be selected from older refugees currently living in the area. The project will be administered in coordination with the local Goris municipality and renovations on the home will be starting in the coming weeks. Learn more and help us renovate and furnish the home here.

Nor Ughi Soccer Field
Recently, the Nor Ughi school gym was renovated through the leadership of Mr. and Mrs. John & June Mangassarian and they want to continue positively impacting Nor Ughi. In collaboration with GOALS – Girls of Armenia Leadership Soccer, a brand new soccer field will be built on the school’s grounds. The city has agreed to clear the field and remove the initial layers of soil in preparation for the field. Learn more and donate here.

New Home for Karine S.
Karine S. and her two young sons live in the border village of Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur. Last year, Karine’s husband was killed in a tragic auto accident. Prior to this accident, Karine and her husband had purchased a home of their own in the village with plans to renovate the space. With the generous contributions of the Atamian Family and Badishkanian Family, their home has been renovated and Karine and her children have moved in!

SERVICE Armenia Young Professionals 2024 Application
October 12-26, 2024
Ages 24-45

Back for a third year, SERVICE Armenia Young Professionals applications are now live! Join us this fall for an unforgettable experience serving touring, and playing in Armenia! Apply here.

Visit a Project in Armenia

If you are visiting Armenia this summer and are interested in visiting a Paros project that you have contributed to, or want to learn more about, our team is happy to coordinate that into your trip! Reach out with any questions!

Help Support Packs on Backs Armenia: Debi Arach 2024
and Groceries for Gyumri 2024

SERVICE Armenia 2024 will be working next month distributing backpacks and school supplies for the children at Debi Arach AND distributing food packs to needy families throughout Gyumri. A backpack filled with school supplies costs $35 and a one-month food pack costs $50. Families depend on this support to help make ends meet. Please consider supporting either of these important humanitarian efforts targeting people in Armenia’s second largest city. Contribute to Groceries For Gyumri & Packs on Backs!

Pari Louys With Paros Podcast

Wake up to the sweet smell of soorj and learn about different regions in Armenia as we give you a quick dive into life throughout the country. Pari Louys with Paros is your connection to the motherland, where we will learn, grow, and better Armenia, together!

Listen now on Spotify, Apple, Amazon!



The number of days until the start of SERVICE Armenia 2024!


This Month at The Paros Foundation – April 2024

Artsakh Family Number Five
Receives a New Home!
While the Paros Team was in the Syunik village of Babikavan, they were able to give Tigran Petrosyan, his wife and six children the excellent news that they were now owners of a newly renovated three bedroom apartment and would be moving in within the next week. In addition, the family’s new apartment will be fully furnished thanks to the generosity of the St. Sahak & Mesrob parish in Wynnewood, PA.

Help contribute towards supporting permanent housing for other Artsakh refugees here.

Community Gym for Verin Karmir Aghbyur
The Paros team visited the new “Sport Zone” community gym in the Tavush village of Verin Karmir Aghbyur to celebrate its opening. Gevork, a champion weightlifter and visionary of the gym worked tirelessly with friends and relatives to complete the renovation on this facility, which was given to them for this purpose by the local community. Thank you to the Goshtigian Family for supporting this important initiative.

Paros Team In Armenia
Accompanied by Paros leadership from the US, the Paros team visited many of its project sites throughout all regions of Armenia during a brief 13 day visit, completing planning and making substantial progress on many new and existing projects. Of special note was the team’s visit to the Tsitsernakaberd Armenian Genocide Memorial.

Fundraiser for Nor Hachen Clinic
On April 28th in Los Angeles, The Paros Foundation held a successful and enjoyable dinner fundraiser to support the Nor Hachen Polyclinic. Proceeds from the event will be used to purchase additional necessary medical equipment for the clinic. Med-Aid Armenia Program Chairman, Dr. Krikor Deramerian will once again lead this year’s medical mission to Armenia in late June.

AYP’s School Students visit Nerkin Karmir Aghybur Agriculture Projects
Students from the “AYP” School, a leading private school based in Yerevan, visited our orchard and ponics greenhouse at the school in Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur to learn more about these successful agricultural and educational initiatives. Students were able to not only tour the facilities, but also obtained hands-on experience in orchard and greenhouse systems management.

Med-Aid Armenia 2024
June 23, 2024 – July 5, 2024
We welcome pre-med, medical students, and residents to join in these efforts to garner experience and expertise in the medical field. It is truly a unique opportunity for hands-on experience, program development and to create a lasting effect in a place of great need. Learn more and apply here.

SERVICE Armenia Young Professionals 2024 Application
October 12-26, 2024
Ages 24-45
Back for a third year, SERVICE Armenia Young Professionals applications are now live! Join us this fall for an unforgettable experience serving touring, and playing in Armenia! Apply here.

SERVICE Armenia 2024
We are excited to announce our SERVICE Armenia 2024 summer program is at capacity and full! Thank you to everyone who signed up, we cannot wait for an incredible summer with all of you!

Pari Louys With Paros Podcast

Visiting Armenia can be a life-changing experience, and for many, it kickstarts a passion to get involved and to make a difference. In our latest episode of Pari Louys With Paros you can listen to Wendy O’Neil’s experience, who jumped with both feet in at the chance to make a difference in the lives of many.

Listen now on Spotify, Apple, Amazon!



The number of participants who will be on SERVICE Armenia Summer 2024


This Month at The Paros Foundation – March 2024

Artsakh Refugee Support Fund Update #3
  • During the blockade, helped deliver 740 tons of food emergency food and aid
  • Facilitated the delivery of more than $80,000 in direct financial assistance to displaced families
  • Distributed 750 pairs of new winter boots
  • Distributed 170 new winter coats
  • Distributed more than 4,500 articles of clothing to over 1,200 refugees
  • Met the heating and cooking needs of 25 families with firewood
  • Provided and moved four families into new permanent housing
  • Purchased and currently renovating six new permanent homes for Artsakh families
  • Building 10 new homes in the Kajaran community of Qeti

Packs On Back 2024
Through our Packs on Backs initiative you can help ensure one child’s success this upcoming school summer and school year.

Each $35 donation provides one backpack full of supplies (notebooks, pens, pencils, and more!)

Donate Here

Heating for Azatamut Clinic
The Armenian Government previously renovated the Azatamut Clinic, however, they did not run gas to the building during their renovations leaving them without heat during the rough winters. With no heating, the Azatamut Clinic is non-functional during the winter. Help us provide a fully functional medical clinic year round to meet this community’s immediate medical needs.

Donate Here

Khndzoresk Kindergarten Renovation
Work on the kindergarten in the border village of Khndzoresk has begun, and renovations on the roof are underway. With over 75 children attending the kindergarten and a waitlist of 35, construction on the remainder of the school is a top priority. Please join us as we expand the early education of these children and consider donating to help us continue renovations.
Donate Here

Gyumri Updates
Children at the Debi Arach Children Center had a very busy month. Guest speakers visited the Center and presented information about careers in the field of Agriculture and the Armenian Military. Debi Arach celebrated Easter with its traditions and fun activities. At the Hianali Beauty Center, our next group of trainees completed their courses and received their certificates!

This month, Hianali helped sponsor a Gala Concert that took place in Gyumri with renowned performers by doing their hair and make-up. This helped promote the high quality of service and led to new customers visiting Hianali for the first time!

Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur
Home Improvements

Thanks to the generous support of Jean-Marie Atamian and his family, significant improvements were made to two more family’s homes in the village of Nerkin Karmir Aghybur. The Samvel P.’s family now enjoys an indoor restroom and an extra bedroom that they can use with the birth of his new grandchild. Vartan S.’s family will now enjoy their expanded living space and a new roof over their now larger home. This brings to more than two dozen the number of homes completely rebuilt or significantly improved for local families in this border village.

Ponics on the Border
This month our ponics growing system in the village of Nerkin Karmir Aghybur sold many potted flower plants as the celebration of international women’s day took place on March 8. Our team continues its trials to determine the best way to maximize the greenhouses growing potential. Children from the school continue to enjoy their lessons and hands-on experience as part of their curriculum.

Fundraiser for Nor Hachen Clinic

Help us revamp healthcare delivery for residents in the greater community of Nor Hachen!

Support by bidding on our online auction, or if you are in Los Angeles, join us for an enjoyable, informational, and elegant gathering to raise funds to help equip the clinic.

SERVICE Armenia 2024
There are a few spots left on our summer trip! Open for ages 17-24 June 23-July 14, 2024. Apply here.

Interested in visiting Armenia this fall with other 24-45 year olds? Fill out our SERVICE Armenia Young Professionals Interest Form!

Med-Aid Armenia 2024
June 23, 2024 – July 5, 2024
We welcome pre-med, medical students, and residents to join in these efforts to garner experience and expertise in the medical field. It is truly a unique opportunity for hands-on experience, program development and to create a lasting effect in a place of great need. Learn more and apply here.

Pari Louys With Paros Podcast

Our latest episode of Pari Louys With Paros features Der Vasken and Yeretzgin Arpi Kouzouian, of Holy Trinity Armenian Church of Greater Boston, sharing their experience rallying support, collecting items, and personally distributing to over 1,000 Artsakh refugees in Armenia.

Listen now on Spotify, Apple, Amazon!



The number of people who will benefit from a new x-ray machine in the greater Nor Hachen community


This Month at The Paros Foundation – February 2024

Artsakh Refugee Support Fund

Our team has been distributing coats, shoes, and necessities to Artsakh refugees throughout the country with volunteers from the United States who helped make the distributions possible. Our support fund is still active and we are working tirelessly to permanently house and provide much-needed items for displaced families. Please consider joining our efforts here.

Meds Masrik School Improvements

Meds Masrik is a village in the Gegharkunik region of Armenia. It is a border village with a population of 3,000 with 420 children in attendance. With the recent population growth because of families displaced from Artsakh, the school has a shortage of available classrooms. Join us as we renovate classrooms and create a computer center for learning. Donate here.

Developmental Services For Armenia Event

Join us in supporting Developmental Services for Armenia in their relaunch event benefitting the Meds Masrik School Improvements project on March 17th! Thousands of children will benefit from the renovations completed at the school. RSVP by contacting Raffi directly (626) 818-2969.

SERVICE Armenia 2024

June 23, 2024 – July 14, 2024

Priority deadline is March 15th! Young people ages 17-22 are able to join us for three amazing weeks in Armenia. Serve, tour and have fun! Applications are now available, register here. If you or someone you know is interested contact Peter Abajian (310) 400-9061.

Nor Hachen Polyclinic Fundraiser

Funding for the Nor Hachen X-Ray machine was raised primarily from the May 21, 2023 fundraiser held in Los Angeles.

SAVE THE DATE: Please join us on
April 28, 2024 to support the continued efforts to improve the clinic and its patient services. More information on tickets coming soon!

Med-Aid Armenia 2024

June 23, 2024 – July 5, 2024

Dr. Krikor Deramerian, leader of The Paros Foundation’s upcoming Med-Aid 2024 Trip, spent time in Armenia this month working on plans for this summer’s mission. Learn more and get in touch to help make a positive difference this summer! Learn more and apply here.

SERVICE Armenia Young Professionals

SERVICE Armenia Young Professionals is open to ages 24-40 and is a great opportunity to discover Armenia through a new lens, meet other young adults, and give back. If you are interested in a potential SERVICE Armenia Young Professional for Fall 2024 please fill out this form here and we will follow up with more information as it is available!

Wake up to the sweet smell of soorj and learn about different regions in Armenia as we give you a quick dive into life throughout the country. Pari Louys with Paros is your connection to the motherland, where we will learn, grow, and better Armenia, together!

Listen now on Spotify, Apple, or Amazon.



The number of students in Meds Masrik who will enjoy the new classrooms and computer lab


This Month at The Paros Foundation – January 2024

Artsakh Refugee Support Fund Update
Work on both permanent housing solutions and immediate humanitarian assistance for our brothers and sisters who were displaced last September from Artsakh continues at an aggressive pace.

  • 162 new winter coats were distributed to refugees in Kapan, Kajaran, Gyumri, Vardenis & Goris.
  • Hundreds of pairs of Armenian-made warm winter boots were distributed to refugees in communities including Kapan, Kajaran, Gyumri, Vardenis and Goris.
  • More than 1,100 refugees received clothing in communities including Kapan, Kajaran, Gyumri, Vanadzor, Berd and Goris.
  • Three displaced families from Artsakh have received and are now living in their new permanent homes.
  • Three homes are currently under renovation for the next three displaced families. 
  • Negotiations on two additional homes are completed and both will be purchased in the coming days.
  • Plans are finalized on the construction of 10 new homes for Artsakh families in the community of Kajaran in Armenia’s Syunik Region.  These homes will be completed within three months as a result of innovative construction methods and the full support of the local municipal leadership.

Please consider supporting these important efforts by making a tax-deductible contribution today. Approximately $30,000 will provide permanent housing for a family from Artsakh.

Hatsik Preschool Renovation
Renovations are almost complete at the Hatsik School for the preschool wing. In a few days, the new classrooms will welcome students back to a warm, clean and bright environment. Thank you to everyone who donated to complete this important project.

Berd Medical Center Renovations
The footings are in! Our construction team in the border community of Berd was successful in digging and pouring the new foundation for the X-ray room addition to the Berd Medical Clinic. As soon as the weather permits, the team will begin blocking up the walls and soon this clinic will be able to operate its new x-ray machine to help their patients.

Paros Executive Director in Armenia
The Paros Foundation’s Executive Director, Peter Abajian, spent half of January and part of February on a regular working visit to Armenia. During his trip, and despite two different snow storms and icy conditions, team members and volunteers traveled to visit project sites in the Syunik, Vayots Dzor, Geghargunik, Tavush, Lori, Shirak and Kotayk Regions.

Nor Hachen Polyclinic
Our Med-Aid effort to improve healthcare in Armenia successfully delivered four vital sign monitors, four otoscopes, and four new portable ultrasound machines, along with other needed supplies for use at the Nor Hachen Polyclinic. In addition, the team signed a purchase contract for a new X-Ray machine for the clinic’s use to replace a 40+ year old machine they currently operate. Learn more here.

Nor Hachen Polyclinic Fundariser
Funding for the Nor Hachen X-Ray machine was raised primarily from the May 21, 2023 fundraiser held in Los Angeles.

SAVE THE DATE: Please join us on April 28, 2024 to support the continued efforts to improve the clinic and its patient services. More information on tickets coming soon!

Med-Aid Armenia 2024

June 23, 2024 – July 5, 2024

Dr. Krikor Deramerian, leader of The Paros Foundation’s upcoming Med-Aid 2024 Trip, spent time in Armenia this month working on plans for this summer’s mission. Learn more and get in touch to help make a positive difference this summer! Learn more and apply here.

SERVICE Armenia 2024
June 23, 2024 – July 14, 2024

Young people ages 17-22 are able to join us for three amazing weeks in Armenia. Serve, tour and have fun! Applications are now available, register here. We are currently looking for a coordinator to join the trip. If you or someone you know is interested contact Peter Abajian (310) 400-9061.

In 1993, a group of passionate Armenians knew they could make a positive difference by bringing together their resources and love for Armenia. That is how Developmental Services for Armenia came to be. Our guest, Raffi Bilemjian, walks us through how the foresight of a few passionate individuals has created lasting positive changes for Armenia for over 30 years.

Listen now on Spotify, Apple, or Amazon.


The number of refugees from Artsakh who received clothing in communities including Kapan, Kajaran, Gyumri, Vanadzor, Berd and Goris.


This Month at The Paros Foundation – December 2023

Secure, Stable, Successful
These three words are not just a slogan for our year-end campaign, but rather they almost perfectly summarize our 17-year approach to making a difference in Armenia through meaningful, effective, and well-implemented projects. Our partnership with you, our supporters, enables us to help both Armenia’s development (especially in communities outside of Yerevan) and, directly help our brothers and sisters with their immediate humanitarian needs including food, medicine, and warm clothing, and improving their living conditions through home renovations and new, permanent housing. If you believe in our mission, like our approach and transparency, and want to make a difference in Armenia, please take this final opportunity in 2023 to make your tax-deductible contribution to the project of your choice today!

Hatsik Preschool Renovation
In 2013 and 2014, The Paros Foundation renovated one of the buildings on the Hatsik School’s campus which includes the school’s kitchen, gym and several of the offices and classrooms. In addition, the village’s preschool is housed on the school’s first floor. Soon, the school’s preschool wing will be completely remodeled, creating a safe, clean and inviting space for the children to begin their education. Work is progressing well and we expect the space to be completed in early 2024.

Nor Ughi Class Renovation
John and June Mangassarian are continuing their work in the village of Nor Ughi through their current support of the renovation of a classroom in the memory of their mothers, at the village School. Last summer when they were visiting Armenia, the Mangassarians cut the ribbon on the newly renovated gym, which they both led the effort to support by reaching out to family and friends and through a generous matching gift. Work on the classroom is moving along and hopefully, the children will return to a newly renovated classroom in the new year!

Save The Date: Med-Aid Armenia 2024

June 23, 2024 – July 5, 2024

Medical professionals and students can give back by joining our 2024 Med Aid Medical trip to Armenia. For more information contact Dr. Krikor Deramerian Med Aid Chair (818)416-7457.

Save The Date: SERVICE Armenia 2024

June 23, 2024 – July 14, 2024

Young people ages 17-22 are able to join us for three amazing weeks in Armenia. Serve, tour and have fun! For more information, contact Peter Abajian (310) 400-9061. Applications are now available, register here.

Wake up to the sweet smell of soorj and learn about different regions in Armenia as we give you a quick dive into life throughout the country. Pari Louys with Paros is your connection to the motherland, where we will learn, grow, and better Armenia, together!

Listen now on Spotify, Apple, or Amazon.

The number of families displaced from Artsakh following the September 23 attack that have now received new, permanent homes in Armenia through The Paros Foundation Artsakh Refugee Support Fund.  Two families have been resettled into the consolidated community of Kajaran in Armenia’s Syunik Region and the other family has moved into the village of Meds Masrik in Armenia’s Gegharkunik Region.  


This Month at The Paros Foundation – November 2023

Update On Artsakh Refugee Support Fund
As a result of generous support from supporters of The Paros Foundation, 25 homes are now in the process of being purchased, renovated and given to families from Artsakh who have taken refuge in Armenia following the Azeri takeover of Artsakh in late September. This significant number of homes are located in the Kapan community of Kajaran, the Berd community of Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur and the Vardenis community of Geghamasar. These 25 permanent homes for families is only the start, and other homes will be purchased, renovated and given to families as more funds are raised. Paros is also proud to be partnered with the Organization of Humanitarian Services for Armenia (DSA), who will be supplying needed appliances for homes for these families. In addition to this important program to help Artsakh refugee families, The Paros Foundation is continuing to distribute “Zadur Shoes” winter boots for women and children, and new clothing as needed.
Donate and learn more here.

Housing, Vocational, & Children’s
Center Groundbreaking
Government officials, staff, friends, and supporters all gathered for the official groundbreaking on October 30, 2023, of The Paros Foundation’s new housing, vocational training and children’s center building in Gyumri. The project budget to complete construction on the entire building is estimated to cost $800,000. $300,000 has already been raised towards this important effort. Learn more and donate here.

Fuel Through Firewood: Gyumri
The harsh winters and extreme poverty lead to people picking through trash to find something that they can burn to keep warm and cook food for their families. Due to the intense cold weather and toxic fumes, children often get sick and are unable to attend school. This effort will ensure that 300 families in Gyumri will receive fuel for heating and cooking through firewood for a month’s period. Donate here.

Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur Home Build
After losing her husband in an accident, Karine S. had little hope of having their new home remodeled and made livable for her two young sons. Thanks to the continued support of Jean-Marie Atamian and his family, who have continuously invested in both complete home remodels and home repairs in the village of Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur, Karine and her sons will soon be living in a newly renovated and expanded home. With this continued support from the Atamian Family, and our Prosperity on the Border initiative, more than 10% of the village’s homes have been rebuilt and have had significant improvements made to them, helping improve the living conditions and lives of the families in this important border community.

Stepanavan School Bathrooms
Students at the St. Gregory the Illuminator School in Stepanavan returned to school following their fall vacation to 8 of the school’s 15 restrooms fully renovated and ready for use! Construction on the school’s remaining seven restrooms will be completed within the next two weeks. Work on the school’s restrooms follows the replacement of the entire school’s heating system, windows and roof over the school’s gym. Efforts to improve conditions at the school are being led by significant donations from Diane Barsam and her family and friends in memory of her father, Vartkess Barsam, who carefully managed the school’s original construction following the 1988 Spitak Earthquake.

Vanadzor Heating System
In advance of the onslaught of winter, the Vanadzor Music School #3 has received a brand new heating system consisting of new boilers, pipes and radiators throughout the three floors of the school. The old heating system ceased operating at the end of last winter and needed to be completely replaced. This new system will work more efficiently and heat the school better, creating a comfortable environment for the teachers and students. This project was made possible by the generous support of brothers, Arman and Ara Bernardi and their respective families.

Save The Date: Med-Aid Armenia 2024

June 23, 2024 – July 5, 2024

Medical professionals and students are able to give back by joining our 2024 Med Aid Medical Mission to Armenia. For more information contact Dr. Krikor Deramerian Med Aid Mission Chair (818)416-7457.

Save The Date: SERVICE Armenia 2024

June 23, 2024 – July 14, 2024

Young people ages 17-22 are able to join us for three amazing weeks in Armenia. Serve, tour and have fun! Applications available soon. For more information, contact Peter Abajian (310) 400-9061.

Wake up to the sweet smell of soorj and learn about different regions in Armenia as we give you a quick dive into life throughout the country. Pari Louys with Paros is your connection to the motherland, where we will learn, grow, and better Armenia, together!

Listen now on Spotify, Apple, or Amazon.



the number of homes thus far that will be purchased, renovated, and given to refugee families from Artsakh


This Month at The Paros Foundation – October 2023

To date we have raised about $220,000. Over the past few weeks, Executive Director Peter Abajian, and our entire Armenia team have been on the ground meeting with refugees, assessing their needs, and ultimately coming up with a plan to address their immediate and long-term needs.

Please read more about their findings and how we plan on addressing them here.

Wrestling Competition by ARMHOF
110 kids from 7 different villages and towns in the Tavush region, including participants from Artsakh, attended a wrestling competition, the first one in five years. This is the culmination of months of intramural wrestling support funded through the generosity of ARMHOF via the Paros Foundation including coaches, equipment and training.

Getahovit School Opening
Hovhannes Mardirossian and his wife Anahit visited the Getahovit School to install the plaque marking the completion of work they have led through a matching grant to install a new heating system throughout the school, renovate the school’s chemistry classroom and a new office. The work was done in memory of Hovhannes’ brother, Yessayi Mardirossian. Thank you to the Mardirossian Family for spearheading this project and to all of the donors who made this possible.

KOV Detroit Renovates School
The Knights of Vartan’s Nareg-Shavarashan Lodge of Greater Detroit, USA, has successfully orchestrated the comprehensive renovation of a two-story building at the Knights of Vartan 106th School in Yerevan. This latest round of renovations included the extensive renovation of a smaller building on the school’s campus inclusive of all 13 classrooms across two stories, stairways, and hallways.

Journey Through Armenia
Journey Through Armenia 2023 had a meaningful and productive trip this year! The group was able to visit several Paros project sites as well as implement an excursion with children from the Yerevan Children’s Home and distribute humanitarian aid. Thank you to everyone who joined for this memorable trip!

Artsakh Refugee Crisis
The mass exodus from Artsakh has begun, and the thousands of refugees arriving in Armenia are in need of food, shelter, and basic necessities. Executive Director Peter Abajian breaks down the ongoing crisis in our latest episode of Pari Louys With Paros.

Listen now on Spotify, Apple, or Amazon.


the number of pairs of boots donated and being distributed to refugee families through Paros with the support of Zadur Shoes


This Month at The Paros Foundation – September 2023

Tens of thousands of Armenians from Artsakh have been driven from their homes and have arrived in Armenia, while others are trying to leave. This dark chapter of our nation’s history has created a humanitarian crisis. While short-term needs are being addressed, Armenia will need serious support to help permanently shelter this number of people from Artsakh.

Our Artsakh Refugee Support Fund was launched with an initial generous donation from Paros supporters, Dr. & Mrs. Gary & Linda Assarian. Funds will be used for both immediate humanitarian needs for refugees and for permanent housing opportunities. Unfortunately, we are in this situation again. Both Armenia and our brothers and sisters from Artsakh need us. Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution to help support this important effort.

Debi Arach Welcomes Artsakh
The Debi Arach Children’s Center announced that it opened its doors to accept any children from Artsakh who have relocated to Gyumri and will benefit from their services. We are incredibly thankful to our Debi Arach community for opening their doors and hearts to our brothers and sisters from Artsakh.

Aygezard Joins Aygepar Incubator
Welcome to the newest business to join the Aygepar Business Incubator – Aygezard. This sewing enterprise was launched with the help of the Berd Women’s Resource Center Foundation and the Homeland Development Initiative Foundation, with the support of the Eurasia Cooperation Foundation. Aygezard will create jobs for 12 women from Aygepar.

Artsakh Refugee Crisis
The mass exodus from Artsakh has begun, and the thousands of refugees arriving in Armenia are in need of food, shelter, and basic necessities. Executive Director Peter Abajian breaks down the ongoing crisis in our latest episode of Pari Louys With Paros.

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The number of refugees that have fled from Artsakh to Armenia.