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The Paros Foundation underwrites all administrative and overhead costs allowing 100% of all donor contributions to go directly towards projects and supported organizations.

Donations to The Paros Foundation Projects for Prosperity are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. To sponsor a project through The Paros Foundation, a 501 (c) 3 organization (Tax ID 20-5094630), or learn more about specific projects in need of funding, please contact us using the information below.


2217 5th Street

Berkeley CA 94710

(310) 400 9061

Press Releases

Hear From the Participants, SERVICE Armenia 2023 Was a Huge Success!

From June 26th to July 15th 2023, a group of young Armenian diasporans participated in our SERVICE Armenia program, engaging in Armenia through volunteer work and service projects. Nineteen participants and two coordinators traveled to Armenia from various regions throughout the United States, including Northern and Southern California, Texas, and Tennessee. During their time in Armenia, their volunteer efforts included taking orphans and disabled youth from Yerevan Children’s Home and Kharpert Home for Special Children to amusement park excursions, working on renovations to the Talin School of Music, teaching kids at the Debi Arach Children’s Center how to play Lacrosse, packing and distributing groceries through our Groceries for Gyumri initiative, and helping clean out one of The Paros Foundation’s new projects- Paros Housing, After-School and Vocational Center.

Please read our two first-hand accounts, one from a participant and one from a coordinator. Participant Nicole Timour is a high school senior from Southern California and 2023 was her first year as a SERVICE Armenia participant. Coordinator Renée Deramerian is a sophomore in college from Southern California and 2023 is her fifth year involved with SERVICE Armenia.



“Although I had previously visited, this trip allowed me to return with the intention of giving back.”

-Nicole Timour

“Living in the diaspora community, there is only so much you can do to give back to your homeland from 7,193 miles away. A month ago, SERVICE Armenia gave me the opportunity to return to Armenia on their three week long volunteering trip. Although I had previously visited, this trip allowed me to return with the intention of giving back. Our main purpose was to contribute and improve Armenia; however, we still toured and saw all the historical sights we had been educated on throughout the trip. The first week we arrived our program coordinator Marina took us to the Erebuni Fortress, Ambert Fortress, and multiple museums that educated us on our ancestors and culture. Looking back, these early trips allowed us volunteers to connect and form close bonds no matter our age differences. The first act of service we completed was handing out bags of groceries in Gyumri. When walking through their city, I noticed scattered shipping containers converted into homes. The families we met still welcomed us into their homes and were extremely thankful for the necessities donated to them. Although a small act of service, every member of the trip felt like their eyes were opened to the true extent of the Gyumri housing crisis. What was the most touching was how selfless each family truly was, handing us volunteers chocolates and fruits as a token of their appreciation.

As the trip continued our agenda began to fill up. We renovated classrooms at Talin Music School, taught students from the Debi Arach Children’s Center how to play lacrosse, spent time with the Kharpert Home for Special Children, and participated in many more acts of service. Finally, traveling with SERVICE Armenia allowed me to not only connect with Armenians from all over the world, but also create a second family I will never forget. Being with individuals instilled with the same values and purpose as I hold allowed us all to truly connect and make the experience a lot more meaningful. When first embarking on this trip, I thought I would only be giving back a small percentage to my community; I hope traveling to Armenia with the purpose of service showed the citizens of Armenia that the Armenian diaspora holds an unbreakable bond with them.”
-Nicole Timour



“There was not a day on the trip that didn’t go by with laughter and positive energy. And the days we worked the hardest, we had the most fun.”

-Renée Deramerian

“2018 was the first year I visited Armenia with my family. Of course, my brother and I would hear stories of it growing up but we never actually visited and got to experience it ourselves. My parents planned a three week-long trip, two and a half of those weeks consisting of my mom and dad dragging a then fifteen and twelve year old all over Armenia. Initially, the thought of a trip that long sounded like overkill, but as soon as we began touring the country, the stories we were told did not come close to describing the beauty of it all. Intricate monasteries built thousands of years ago, beautiful nature, and people equally as beautiful in spirit and warmth. Towards the end of the trip, my parents had planned for us to broaden our horizons by joining the Paros Foundation for a couple of days. In those two final days we helped renovate Taline Music School and packed groceries for locals in Gyumri living in less-than-ideal housing situations as part of the Groceries for Gyumri project. If you ask my brother and I today what we remembered from that first trip in 2018, we could only tell you stories of the last two days we were there in vivid detail and with smiles on our faces and fondness in our hearts.

Since then, we have gone back to Armenia every year and every year we have gone back with The Paros Foundation in some capacity. In 2019 and 2022, we went as “honorary participants”, meaning we did everything but stay with the program in the SERVICE house.

2020 of course was a hard year for everyone, both in terms of COVID and the political tensions that led to war in Armenia. We did not go back that year. The following year, I went back as an official participant and truly felt as though I was a part of the group as I had wanted to be for so long. The experience was unique in itself. To add to it, my father had other aspirations for his trip. He took charge of a Paros’ medical mission called MedAid Armenia in which he provides checkups to kids in different parts of the country and we all tagged along, adding yet again ANOTHER layer of depth to the experience and making it all the more fulfilling.

In 2023, my brother joined as a participant and I joined as a coordinator, meaning I was in charge of watching the participants when we were not participating in a tour or a service day. This year, it was different. My brother and I had urged our friends to join the program and join they did. There were twenty-one kids (including the two coordinators) which was more than I had ever seen participate in the program. I was intimidated by the number initially, but as time went on… I was pleasantly surprised. There was not a day on the trip that didn’t go by with laughter and positive energy. And the days we worked the hardest, we had the most fun. We celebrated birthdays, went to soccer games, went to amusement parks, laughed, cried… words cannot describe how much fun we had together. I plan on going back again next year with the program.

After all of that, I should be able to say that I am an expert of the experience, but that would not even begin to be true because each year is so wildly different from the years before. The city grows, the people change, and you learn to see everything in a new way that is gratifying in the deepest regard of the word. I cannot recommend it enough. See you next year!”

-Renée Deramerian


This Month at The Paros Foundation – August 2023

For 263 days the Azerbaijan Government has illegally blockaded 120,000 men, women and children who call Artsakh their home. This illegal action has led to widespread malnutrition, economic disaster and even most recently death. We cannot allow this attack on Armenians and Christians to go unchecked.

Please take a moment to contact the President, your elected officials and/or the media to urge them to pressure Azerbaijan to end this illegal and inhuman blockade before it is too late.

Knights of Vartan School #106
School 106 in Nor Nork over the last several years has received major upgrades thanks to the Knights of Vartan. Work has included the renovation of the school’s gym, work on its’ auditorium and the renovation of several classrooms and bathrooms for students on the first and second floors of the school. Most recently our team completed the renovations to the hallway on the first floor. If you are in the neighborhood, be sure to visit!

Nor Geghi Kindergarten
The work on replacing the roof at the Nor Geghi Kindergarten was completed earlier this month thanks to the continued support of the Nor Keghi Association based in Michigan. It is noteworthy that the local community also made a significant financial contribution to this work to help ensure it was completed this year prior to the onset of winter.

Aquaponics On The Border
Earlier this summer, we cut the ribbon and began production in the newly built ponics system in the village of Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur. This month, the first of our specialty tomatoes were sold in the local Berd marketplace. While it was a small amount, it marks another step in the cycle of this important project: Education, Production, Sales, and Community Reinvestment. We look forward to the continued success of our ponics greenhouse and all that are involved.

Visit Armenia with Paros in October!
Space is still available to join our Journey Through Armenia trip October 20 to November 1. Experience the best of Armenia, visit Paros projects, and help through service work. This ten day itinerary will take you to some of the best tourist sites, restaurants and project sites in Armenia. Please call Peter Abajian at (310) 400-9061 for more information and to reserve your space. Register Here

Debi Arach Student Gets Admitted To College
Another student from Debi Arach will be attending University! Larisa Grigoryan has attended Debi Arach since 2017. She thrived in her academic studies and enjoyed the extracurricular actives as well. She was specifically drawn to English and Math, and this year was admitted to the Department of Mathematics at Shirak State University. She now also volunteers at the center to help others like herself. Congratulations Larissa!

Thank You To Our Birthright Volunteer!
Special thanks to Annie Dilsizian who has been volunteering with us in Vanadzor this past summer. She has been participating in Birthright Armenia and working part time for Paros in Vanadzor. During her tenure, Annie helped with marketing efforts for Paros at the Vanadzor Museum of Fine Arts and Musical Armenia project sites. Thank you Annie!

The Growth of Ponics in Armenia 
How sustainable is farming in Armenia? Remote villages with a lack of access to resources like water or the correct landscape may have difficulty producing crops. That is where systems like ponics come in. Join us as we discover the magic of this growing system that has proven effective in Armenia with MAquaponics co-founder, Kirk Wallace.

Listen now on Spotify, Apple, or Amazon.


The number of days the Azerbaijan Government has illegally blockaded 120,000 people in Artsakh 


This Month at The Paros Foundation – July 2023

Nor Ughi Gym Opening
On July 13, students, parents, and staff at the Nor Ughi Village School welcomed local and regional officials and donors and staff from The Paros Foundation to the gala ribbon cutting of the school’s new gym. John and June Mangassarian (RI-USA) spearheaded the fundraising for this project, matching all contributions to this important project.

Four New Classrooms at Talin Music School
For the last several years, we have worked to expand the music school in the town of Talin and to make significant improvements to the facility. This summer, we improved four more classrooms for the students studying there. An additional $30,000 is needed to complete this project. Please consider contributing to this important project to help us complete this work. Learn more and contribute here.

9th Artsakh Family Receives A New Home
Arsen Mnatsakanyan, his wife Narine and their four children received a new home in the community of Meds Masrik through the collective efforts of The Paros Foundation and Focus on Children Now. The family, having lost their home during the 2020 war, are now able to begin putting down roots in this village located in Armenia’s Vardenis area. This is the 9th Artsakh family given a home in the community of Meds Masrik.

Work Begins to Clean Out Gyumri Building
SERVICE Armenia participants spent a day this month working at The Paros Foundation’s new building in Gyumri cleaning out trash and preparing for construction to begin. Years of neglect have left the building full of trash and the property overgrown with weeds and brush. More than a truckload of trash and brush was removed from the building! Thank you SERVICE Armenia participants for a job well done!

SERVICE Armenia 2023 Wraps Another Successful Trip
For three weeks 19 young people from throughout the United States created meaningful memories and left their mark on Armenia through The Paros Foundation’s SERVICE Armenia 2023 program. The group based in Yerevan traveled throughout the country and completed service projects in Payuyr Sevak (working at the school and kindergarten), Talin (helping continue the renovation at the music school), Gyumri (Paros Housing, After-School & Vocational Center and at the Debi Arach Children’s Center) and in Yerevan (orphan excursions for children at Nork and Kharpert residential facilities.) More than 150 young people have participated in this life-changing program which connects diasporan youth to the homeland. To express interest in next summer’s program (which is open to young people ages 17 to 22) please email us at

Visit Armenia with Paros in October!
Sign up now for The Paros Foundation’s Journey to Armenia trip October 20 to November 1. Experience the best of Armenia, visit Paros projects and help through service work. This ten day itinerary will take you to some of the best tourist sites, restaurants and project sites in Armenia. Please call Peter Abajian at (310) 400-9061 for more information and to reserve your space. Register Here

Med-Aid Armenia 2023 Wrapped
Med-Aid 2023 has officially wrapped! Our group spent their time in Armenia conducting health screenings on children in Yerevan, Gyumri and Paruyr Sevak. Medical professionals and volunteers also worked with their local colleagues in the community of Nor Hachen. We are so thankful for everyone who volunteered their time for this important initiative, and a special thank you to Dr. Krikor Deramerian who led the medical mission.

Ruzan is Working!
A new graduate of the Hianali Beauty Center, a social enterprise launched and supported by the Gary & Linda Assarian Vocational Training Program at Debi Arach, recently was hired to work at the salon. Ruzan is the third student that we have trained and ultimately hired. Of the almost 90 students that have completed their training, more than 75% of them are working in their new field and earning money. Hianali only hires the best of the best in the industry, so we are proud that their own program is contributing to this positive cycle. Congratulations Ruzan!

Hovnanian Family Foundation
Our latest episode of Pari Louys with Paros features Executive Director, Korioun Khatchadourian, from the H. Hovnanian Family Foundation. Since its inception in 1986, the foundation has created a ripple effect of positivity with programs like Birthright Armenia, various scholarships, and projects throughout Armenia. Listen using the link in our bio to learn about the impact this organization has made.

Listen now on Spotify, Apple, or Amazon.



The number of SERVICE Armenia Alumni

Press Releases

A New School Gym For Students In Nor Ughi

On July 13, students, parents, and staff at the Nor Ughi Village School
welcomed local and regional officials and donors and staff from The Paros Foundation to the gala ribbon cutting of the school’s new gym. John and June Mangassarian (RI-USA) spearheaded the fundraising for this project, matching all contributions to this important project implemented by The Paros Foundation.


“When I first visited this school last year while I was in the village working on a Fuller Center home build, I saw the needs here and knew I wanted to help. Today is a great day for June and I to see what our family, friends, and supporters accomplished working together with The Paros Foundation.”

-John Mangassarian,

During the opening celebration, students from the school performed several dances and songs. Head of the consolidated community of Vedi, Mr. Garik Sargsyan offered his remarks of appreciation along with Mr. Martin Manukyan Head of the Education, Sports and Culture Department of the Ararat Regional Governor’s Office. School Principal Mrs. Kristine Tunyan welcomed everyone and expressed her gratitude to both John and June Mangassarian for their generous support and interest in continuing work at the school, and to The Paros Foundation and its work crew for the high-quality renovation of the gym.


“Thanks to the vision and leadership of John Mangassarian and his group of supporters, the students here will be able to enjoy this gym and physical education for years to come. John has expressed interest in continuing work at the school and I look forward to our ongoing partnership for the betterment of conditions within this school.”

-Peter Abajian, Executive Director

The renovation of the gymnasium included the installation of a new ceiling, new electrical system and lighting, new heating piping, new doors, and the installation of new flooring. New safety netting was installed throughout to protect the ceiling and windows from breakage.

In addition to the gym itself, the renovation included the gym teacher’s office, boys and girls locker rooms and the portion of the hallway leading to the gym.

Paros Blog

Aquaponics Greenhouse & Educational Center Now Open In Border Village

On June 23, 2023 representatives and supporters from the Austrian Development Agency, the Tavush Regional Government, the Berd Consolidated Community, MAquaponics, and The Paros Foundation gathered to celebrate the official ribbon cutting and launch of the Ponics Greenhouse and Educational Center adjacent to the village school in Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur. The Goshtigian Family from California, who generously supported the project on behalf of The Paros Foundation, were on hand to witness the launch of this cutting-edge agricultural system.


We are very happy that we were able to provide support for this innovative project through The Paros Foundation for the benefit of the community in Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur and for the future education of the children here.”
-Patrick Goshtigian

The Ponics System uses animal waste converted to liquid fertilizer to grow high-yield crops in a sustainable system using very little water and is suitable for use in limited space. Two full-time people are now employed in this project. Students will be actively engaged in this teaching center and all proceeds from sales will be reinvested into the local community.

The Berd Consolidated Community provided The Paros Foundation with the land to install the system. The Austrian Development Agency provided the majority of the funds for the equipment. MAquaponics LLC designed the aquaponics system and was the implementing partner on this project. The Paros Foundation provided support for construction and the ongoing education, marketing and administration of the project.


“This project is exactly what border communities like Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur needs to expand its local agricultural sector.  Limited water and land make growing food difficult and this system and its related educational component can be the solution.”

-Peter Abajian, Executive Director


This Month at The Paros Foundation – June 2023

Aquaponics Opening
Representatives and supporters from the Austrian Development Agency, the Tavush Regional Government, the Berd Consolidated Community and The Paros Foundation gathered to celebrate the official ribbon cutting and launch of the Ponics Greenhouse and Educational Center adjacent to the village school in Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur. The Goshtigian Family from California, who generously supported the project on behalf of The Paros Foundation, were on hand to witness the launch of this cutting-edge agricultural system.

Hianali Has A New Home
We are excited to announce Hianali Beauty Center has moved to a new home! Thank you to everyone who has made this center a success for the past year and a half, especially with the donation and guidance of Dr. & Mrs. Gary & Linda Assarian. Their continued dedication to the people of Gyumri is incredible. We are excited about this next chapter. Stay tuned for more updates once they are fully settled!

SERVICE Armenia 2023
Off To A Great Start
It has been almost one week since our SERVICE Armenia group arrived and they have hit the ground running with touring and service! We are so excited about all that the group has left to do during their two remaining weeks in Armenia!

Med-Aid Armenia 2023
Med-Aid 2023 has officially wrapped! Our group spent their time in Armenia conducting health screenings on children throughout the country. We are so thankful for everyone who volunteered their time for this important initiative.

Journey Through Armenia 2023 Application Is Live!
We are excited to announce the Journey Through Armenia 2023 trip for anyone wanting to visit Armenia this fall! If you are interested please use the link below to fill out an interest form and we will follow up with more information! Register by August 1st, space is limited so don’t wait!
Register Here

Paros Charitable Giving
Did you know that you can add The Paros Foundation to your will? Through charitable giving, you can donate to Paros in various ways. To learn more about this form of giving, listen to our podcast episode with Eric Nikssarian, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Professional. Please also feel free to reach out with nay questions, we are happy to discuss!

Social Enterprise In Armenia
Our latest episode of Pari Louys With Paros takes a deep dive into learning more about the compelling social enterprise giving model and the impact it’s making throughout the country with Dr. Gary Assarian, who has led the charge in Gyumri.

Listen now on Spotify, Apple, or Amazon.


# of participants currently on SERVICE Armenia 2023

Paros Blog

Journey Through Armenia 2023 Registration is Now Open!

October 20th-November 1st, 2023

Experience all Armenia has to offer through an exciting 10 day itinerary, which will include several visits to UNESCO world heritage sites, amazing cultural outings and several visits to Paros project sites.

Opportunities to interact with Armenia’s children through service work will certainly leave you with a memorable and lasting impression. Delicious food, premium accommodations and transportation and English-speaking staff and guides ensure all will have a meaningful experience.

Deadline to sign up is August 1st, 2023. Space is limited so don’t wait!


This Month at The Paros Foundation – May 2023

New Kindergarten in Marmashen Village

The Shirak Region community of Marmashen now has a functioning kindergarten thanks to this collaborative project between the local community, Focus on Children Now, The Paros Foundation and its donor Ms. Jeanette Boras (CA-USA). The Gala celebration took place on May 4th, 2023 with representatives in attendance from the local community, FCN, parents, Paros staff and most importantly, the students! Up to 60 children will be able to attend kindergarten for the first time in Marmashen. Not only is this a huge benefit for the children as far as socialization and early education, but it is a direct benefit for their families as the children are there for a full day. This is the third Shirak Region community that has benefited from a kindergarten through this collaboration. The other two kindergartens are located in the communities of Keti and Jajur and were sponsored through the generous support of Mark & Charlene Asdourian (CA-USA) last year. The trilateral partnership on these three kindergarten projects broke down as follows: The local communities renovated the buildings to house the kindergartens, Focus on Children Now provided all of the necessary furniture for the children including lockers, tables, chairs, beds and bedding, and The Paros Foundation provided all of the kitchen cabinets, appliances, and all of the cooking, serving and eating settings.

Sswweeeeeet! The Honey Project is Expanding!

Thanks to individual family sponsorships and a generous donation from Dr. & Mrs. Gary & Linda Assarian (MI-USA) the Armenian Honey Project will be expanding into the Shirak Region village of Gusanagyugh near Gyumri. Generous individual support helped fund 32 new beehives. The Assarian family is not only funding 18 more, but their support is sponsoring a new beekeeper’s salary for one year along with field preparatory work that needs to take place prior to the new 50 hives being located within this new community. In addition to creating new jobs in this community, the locally produced honey will ultimately be packaged in the Assarian Clean Kitchen at the Aygepar Business Incubator in Tavush, thus creating new employment opportunities there as well. The economic impact of this project so generously supported by both the Assarian Family and individual donors around the country is significant through both the creation of these three fields of hives, the education taking place in local school curriculums and the packaging and selling of the honey. All in all, this is a pretty sweet project!

$4,000 Remains to Complete Matching Grant

Following a major matching grant funded generously by Mr. & Mrs. Hovhannes & Anahit Mardirossian (NJ-USA) aimed at installing a proper heating system on an emergency basis at the school in the Tavush village of Getahovit, enough funds have been raised over the last 18 months to rebuild the school’s boiler room, replace two boilers, replace all of the school’s heating pipes and radiators, rebuild the school’s chemistry lab and store room, and build a new administrative office for part of the school’s administrative team. Because of the number of students at the school, the school now plans on utilizing a wing of the school that was previously not in service. A third boiler needs to be installed to properly heat that portion of the school. Hovhannes and his wife, Anahit, have again agreed to match all contributions needed to complete this important project of $8,000. We currently need donations of $4,000 to purchase and install the boiler at the school. Learn more and donate here.

Scholarship Fund Created for Komitas Conservatory
Thanks to the vision of the Cultural Society of Istanbul Armenians in Detroit, Michigan, and in memory of one of their supporters, a new scholarship fund is being created that will help a few select students on an annual basis attend the Komitas Conservatory. The Komitas Conservatory is the premier institution in Armenia for musical and vocal education. More on this exciting new fund next month!

Working Towards a New X-ray Machine for Nor Hachen

On May 21, an enthusiastic group of Paros friends and supporters gathered at Momed restaurant in the Atwater Village neighborhood of Los Angeles to both enjoy one another’s company, an excellent meal and raise funds towards purchasing a new x-ray machine for the Nor Hachen Poly Clinic located about 30 minutes north of Yerevan. During last year’s Med Aid Medical Mission to Armenia, our team of healthcare professionals led by Dr. Krikor Deramerian, spent the day at the clinic and learned of this tremendous need and committed to helping raise the necessary funds to purchase a new machine. The event itself, along with additional support from donations made that evening and contributions from people who were unable to attend, has raised more than half of the funds required to complete this important purchase. The community of Nor Hachen serves more than 30,000 residents and their existing machine from Soviet times is unsafe to use. Learn more and help support this important initiative here.

Journey To Armenia 2023 Interest Form

Experience all Armenia has to offer through an exciting 10 day itinerary, which will include several visits to UNESCO world heritage sites, amazing cultural outings and several visits to Paros project sites. Opportunities to interact with Armenia’s children through service work will certainly leave you with a memorable and lasting impression. Delicious food, premium accommodations and transportation and English-speaking staff and guides ensure all will have a meaningful experience. If you are interested please fill out the form here and we will follow up with more information as it is available!

Adopting a village in Armenia has become an increasingly popular philanthropic model. By rallying efforts around one village, donors are able to make a big difference for people of one community in a meaningful way. Join us as guest Stepan Piligian shares his experience leading the charge on adopting a village in Armenia.

Listen now on Spotify, Apple, or Amazon.

The Birthright Armenia program brings together Armenians from all over the world to experience their ancestral homeland, give back, and ultimately fulfill their birthright. Join us as we interview country director, Sevan Kabakian, about this incredible organization.

Listen now on Spotify, Apple, or Amazon.



The number of kindergartens
Paros has renovated


This Month at The Paros Foundation – April 2023

Nor Hachen Poly Clinic X-ray Fundraiser
The Nor Hachen Poly Clinic is a full-service medical center, and its existing x-ray machine is unsafe to use and more than 50 years old. A quality portable X-ray will cost approximately $50,000 USD. Our goal is to raise the funds necessary to purchase and deliver a quality machine to the clinic. Any excess funds will be used to purchase additional needed equipment for the clinic. Learn more and donate here.

Sponsor-A-Hive is back for a second time! We are raising funds to launch 50 hives in a new community through the Aygepar Business Incubator and have 16 hives left to sponsor. Expanded honey production will create commercially viable quantities of honey both for local consumption and export. With every $300 donation, you will be able to support one hive, as well as receive a jar of honey with a customizable label. Donate here. Customize label here.

Getahovit School Heating System
Work on expanding the heating system at the Getahovit School is progressing. To complete the expanded heating system we need to raise $4,000. Thanks to the generosity of the Hovhannes Mardirossian & Anahit Ghazaryan, this amount will be matched. Learn more and donate here.

Tavush Wrestling Program
Schools involved in the Tavush Wrestling project with border communities in Tavush have begun their training. Students and coaches are excited and preparing for their upcoming intramural competition in September. Thank you to the Armenian Sports Hall Of Fame for making this happen! Learn more here.

Save The Date Fundraiser For Nor Hachen
Join us in Los Angeles on May 21st for a fundraiser benefiting the Nor Hachen Poly Clinic. This clinic serves an area that includes almost 13,000 people. Although the Clinic is a full-service medical center, its existing X-ray machine is unsafe and more than 50 years old. Contact Peter Abajian (310) 400-9061 or learn more and RSVP here.

Med-Aid Armenia 2023
Med-Aid Armenia is back again this summer from June 19th – June 29th, 2023! Join our medical group as they make an impact throughout Armenia through medical exams, research, and more! This trip is open to all medical professionals and medical students. Learn more here.

Join us as we hear firsthand what life is like for a tour guide in Armenia with Marine Khatchatryan, a freelance tour guide working with SIMA Tours and also a member of the Paros Team.

Listen now on Spotify, Apple, or Amazon.

The percentage of women that participated in one of our free vocational training courses at the Hianali Beauty Center and vocational training program sponsored by Dr. Gary and Mrs. Linda Assarian and are now earning money in their new career.

Paros Blog

Speak Up Against Formula 1 In Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan is gearing up for the Azerbaijan Grand Prix at the end of this month. 

They are preparing to open up roads in Baku, while at the same time keeping roads closed to Artsakh.

Please take a moment to send our pre-filled email to the race organizers to make them aware of what is taking place. Feel free to also share on social media.