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2217 5th Street

Berkeley CA 94710

(310) 400 9061

Heating for Azatamut Clinic


Nestled in the upper northeast region of Armenia, the village of Azatamut is located in the Tavush region. It is an isolated border community with a population of 2,513. The Armenian Government previously renovated the Azatamut Clinic, however, they did not run gas to the building during their renovations leaving them without heat during the rough winters. The local Governor’s Office approached The Paros Foundation and asked us to complete this important project for the community. 



City / Village


Start Date

May 2024

End Date

Four months from start

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.

The Need

With no heating, the Azatamut Clinic is non-functional during the winter. Local residents rely on this clinic for vaccinations, pre-natal check-ups, blood pressure screenings, and so much more. The community needs a fully functional medical clinic year round to meet their immediate medical needs.

Short Term Impact

In the short term, running gas to the Azatamut Clinic will allow community members to receive the medical care that they need during the winter months.

Long Term Impact

In the long term, a functional year-round medical clinic will lead to overall improved health in community members for years to come. 

Sponsors Benefits

All sponsors of this important project will be listed on The Paros Foundation’s website and in all press related to this project. Visits to Azatamut can be arranged for sponsors visiting Armenia.

Anonymous User

Edward & Pamela Avedisian Charitable Trust

Arcadia, CA
April 16, 2024
Anonymous User


Chicago, IL April 3, 2024
Anonymous User

Mr. Gerard Rutteman

April 2, 2024