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The Paros Foundation underwrites all administrative and overhead costs allowing 100% of all donor contributions to go directly towards projects and supported organizations.

Donations to The Paros Foundation Projects for Prosperity are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. To sponsor a project through The Paros Foundation, a 501 (c) 3 organization (Tax ID 20-5094630), or learn more about specific projects in need of funding, please contact us using the information below.


2217 5th Street

Berkeley CA 94710

(310) 400 9061

Press Releases


Med-Aid ARMENIA – Helping Establish Preventative Care as a Norm

Berkeley, California – This year The Paros Foundation is hosting its third medical mission in Armenia. Med-Aid ARMENIA 2020 will be headed by Kaiser pediatrician, Dr. Krikor Deramerian, whose vision to launch free preventative care for impoverished children in Armenia became a reality. To date, medical professionals and volunteers have examined over 300 children in Gyumri, screening for general health, vision, hearing including providing information on overall wellness. Once issues are identified, The Paros Foundation works with the children and their families to help them address their medical needs

“We found several children with minor health issues during our mission last summer. This early diagnosis will help prevent these minor problems from becoming more serious ones in the future,” said Houry Abajian, Pharm. D.

This summer’s Med Aid ARMENIA 2020 medical mission will take place from June 25 to July 4 in Armenia. This summer, the team will conduct wellness screenings for several hundred children in the city of Gyumri and the village of Jil, who do not have regular access to healthcare. The program will need staff of all expertise and abilities.

As part of the mission, health care professionals and their accompanying families will experience visits to several of Armenia’s historic sites and tours. The trip will begin and end with time spent in Armenia’s vibrant capital, Yerevan.

Contact Peter Abajian, Executive Director of The Paros Foundation, for more information or to reserve your participation. Tel: (310) 400-9061 or Email:

Press Releases


Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur –With the completion of the reconstruction at the secondary school in the large border village of Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur, in Armenia’s Tavush Region, students are experiencing a vibrant newly energized approach to their education. The nearly $250,000 capital project was funded by Jean-Marie and Lori Atamian and their friends, Michael and Patricia Starzer, through The Paros Foundation’s Prosperity on the Border initiative and was completed in phases over four years. The campus consists of three large two-story buildings and has been reconfigured to accommodate more than 150 students in this growing village.

Originally an isolated border school in disrepair, the school now serves as a hub of education for the region and attracts many visitors and innovative programming.

One of the most modern rural educational facilities in Armenia, the Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur school now boasts bright classrooms and hallways, fully equipped science labs, a robotics room, an auditorium, a dance studio, library, exercise rooms and a state of the art kitchen and cafeteria. The gym has also been renovated and the children are provided with gym clothes at the start of every academic year, which proudly displays the school’s logo.

This ambitious project is part of a comprehensive initiative undertaken by the Atamian Family to rebuild the infrastructure of this important village and previously saw the complete reconstruction of the kindergarten, medical clinic, emergency services building and water supply system. The Atamians are continuing to fund the reconstruction of homes for large families and various agricultural projects to allow residents to improve their living conditions. The economic potential of this village recently prompted the government to build a modern, asphalted three-mile road connecting this previously isolated village to the main road and to finance an auxiliary water pipeline.

“The annual and long term financial support provided by the Atamians is helping transform Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur into a thriving and growing community,” said Peter Abajian, Executive Director of The Paros Foundation. “This village is serving as a model for our Prosperity on the Border Initiative and is inspiring other diasporan families to support the development of several other border villages, including: Paravakar, Chinari, Baghanis, Varagavan and Artsvabert.”

Press Releases


Since 2013, The Paros Foundation’s SERVICE Armenia program has taken young people ages 17 to 22 to Armenia for a month-long service and tour program. This year’s program will run from June 23 until July 24, 2020.

“Each year SERVICE Armenia connects young people from throughout the United States to one another and to the homeland in a meaningful and lasting way.” Said Peter Abajian, Executive Director of The Paros Foundation. “What these young people experience during this summer often times shapes their future plans and ambitions.”

In 2019, the SERVICE Armenia group worked on renovation projects at the Talin Music School in the town of Talin, the school in the village of Zorakan, the Debi Arach Children’s Center in Gyumri and at the Nor Hachn Museum in the village of Nor Hachn. In addition to these projects, the group implemented orphan excursions for children from the Yerevan Children’s Home and the Kharpert Home for Special Children. Dustin Hochmuth, a two-time past participant who launched “Groceries for Gyumri,” led it again for the second summer. SERVICE Armenia participants assembled food packets and distributed them to 50 impoverished families.

Applications are now available on The Paros Foundation’s website for SERVICE Armenia 2020 at The program includes tours to historic, religious and cultural sites in Armenia and Artsakh, English speaking staff and guides, safe and well-located accommodations and transportation combined with interesting cultural and educational activities that will ensure all will have an engaging and memorable experience. Participants need not be of Armenian descent; the program is open to everyone. Knowledge of the Armenian language is not required. Join us and create a lifetime of great memories & friends.

The deadline to submit the completed application is April 1, 2020. Applicants are encouraged to apply early. Contact Peter Abajian at (310) 400-9061 for more information.


“It was an eye-opening experience walking into the domiks and seeing how people were living even 30 years after the massive earthquake. This alone has taught me to be more appreciative and grateful for the things I have, and it really has changed me for the better.”

David Bogossian
SERVICE Armenia Participant 2019

Press Releases


“I constantly thought about what I could do to actually make an impact for schools, particularly on the grade school level, in the areas of need outside the capital city of Yerevan.” -Seda Melkoni

My name is Seda Melkoni and I am on a quest to help make improvements to School #8 in the City of Abovyan. More than 530 children attend this school. The entire school needs to be renovated and I have decided to partner with The Paros Foundation on this project. Here is my story…

In 2014, I traveled to Armenia for the first time to work on an American television mini-series production that would be filming in various parts of Armenia. One of the production days took place at the historic Garni Temple during the very early morning hours before the gates had opened to the public. When we wrapped production and the public was allowed entrance, I noticed several small school field trip groups arriving and one group, in particular, came all the way to the gates and after some conversation I noticed them preparing to leave, only to find out that they were not aware that there was now an entrance fee to the site and since none of the students or teachers could afford to pay, they had to leave. I offered to pay for the class, they graciously accepted and the students were able to have their field trip. The teachers requested a photo with me and the class to put up at their school in appreciation of what I thought was a very, very small gesture for such gratitude.

I kept a copy of that photo and that experience stayed with me for several years as I constantly thought about what I could do to actually make an impact for schools, particularly on the grade school level, in the areas of need outside the capital city of Yerevan.

By 2017, I had my second daughter and was further motivated to create a way for them to be inspired and connected to their Armenian culture as well as understand the value of helping others. This was also the time I joined the production planning team at Universal Pictures Home Entertainment, where I met Tatevik Torossian. As we began to work together, I shared my experience in Armenia and learned that for years, Tatevik had been sending donations of school supplies to her childhood friend who was now a teacher at a school in great need of help in the city of Abovyan. Tatevik had also attended that same school as a child. This became the foundation of the project I had been thinking about for years. My husband and I established the ELSO Foundation, named after our daughters Elena & Sofia and began the process in seeking partners for our projects, beginning with me asking Tatevik to provide the introduction to her friend the teacher.

In the fall of 2018, I met with the staff of The Paros Foundation to discuss the Abovyan School project. Their team visited the school, assessed the leaking roofs, broken windows, struggling furnace and agreed to tackle this project. Paros listed the project on their website and we began raising the necessary funds to renovate the roofs over six of the school’s buildings. By spring of this year, we had enough funds raised to change the roof on one of the buildings. The Paros team efficiently and effectively replaced the entire roof of this first building. Moving forward, I plan to continue my appeal to my family and friends to help with the other five roofs needing repair. The students and staff are anxiously awaiting the repairs to solve the school’s many leaks. I feel fortunate that I connected that morning with students at Garni and through this effort, I hope to connect others to students and the staff at School #8 in Abovyan.

Abovyan School #8

The town of Abovyan in Armenia’s Kotayk region is often referred to as the northern gateway to Yerevan because of its proximity to city (about 10 miles north.) Abovyan is home to more than 34,500 residents. More than 530 children attend School #8 in Abovyan. The school is in overall poor condition. School administrators do what they can to maintain the facility, but outside assistance is needed to dramatically improve conditions throughout this school. The roofs over the six buildings that are currently being used at the Abovyan School #8 are leaking and beyond repair. These roofs and much of the support structure beneath must be changed to help create a safe and comfortable environment for the children while they are at school. Learn more and get involved here.

Press Releases


Dr. Gary Assarian, Linda Assarian, Narine Panosian, Paros Foundation Association Director and Sevan Amirians, Paros Foundation Project Manager.

Bloomfield Hills, MI—Thanks to a generous second donation to underwrite the vocational training programs at the Debi Arach Children’s Center in Gyumri from the Dr. Gary and Linda Assarian Family Foundation, Debi Arach is proud to announce the naming of this program as the Assarian Vocational Training Program.

“My wife Linda and I visited Armenia and Debi Arach and gained an understanding of the economic challenges facing people in Gyumri,” said Dr. Gary Assarian. “Our goal is to help people learn a skill and successfully gain employment. We are excited to support Paros in these innovative programs and their future plans.”

Launched in 2017 with generous support from the Assarian family, vocational training is an integral component of the Debi Arach Children’s Center, helping future generations in Gyumri work themselves out of poverty. The program launched with a high-tech focus teaching web-design and web programming to young adults. Following classroom instruction in several course subjects, students graduated into internships to obtain real world experience. More than half of the graduates are now gainfully employed and utilizing their new skills in the workplace. These classes have continued with more than 40 students to date. In August of 2019, a second focused vocational option was added to include instruction for cosmetologists, hair stylists, make up artists and manicurists. This was aimed to help young women find employment in the region and provide a much needed service to their community. An additional 24 students are enrolled in these courses.

Dr. Gary Assarian, Linda Assarian, Narine Panosian Paros Foundation Association Director and Sevan Amirians Paros Foundation Project Manager.

“Since we launched the Debi Arach Children’s Center in April of 2015, the more than 200 children and young adults participating at the Center on a weekly basis are thriving,” said Peter Abajian, Executive Director of The Paros Foundation. “We are making a significant difference in the lives of these families and expanding our vocational training efforts is a natural step forward. It is a pleasure to work with the Assarian family and we have significant plans for expanding the Assarian Vocational Training Program at Debi Arach in the near future.

The Center operates six days per week and students attend the afterschool programs in two groups each three times per week. Programs are designed to take a holistic approach to addressing a poverty stricken child’s needs and help them overcome the obstacles to future success, including their humanitarian, physical and psychological needs, academic support and career planning. Debi Arach has notable successes to date beyond the vocational training programs, including reuniting children with their parents (who were leaving the children at orphanages or boarding schools), strong academic achievements, better overall health and successful career planning and job placement.

To support the Debi Arach Children’s Center or another project of The Paros Foundation, please visit

Press Releases


Los Angeles, CA—Since the beginning of the year, Jack Youredjian and the Youredjian Family Charitable Foundation has offered major support to The Paros Foundation allocated to the move of seven families from their domiks to modern apartments in Gyumri, Armenia. Most of these people have spent their entire lives in domiks-first as children following the earthquake, and later as adults with no other economic opportunities.

Anna Boghosian, her father and her three daughters are all smiles moving into their new home.

“My mother, Marguerite Youredjian, spent years following the 1988 Spitak Earthquake in Gyumri helping hundreds of families who lost their homes and family members,” said Philanthropist Jack Youredjian, “my heart breaks when I see children living in these horrible conditions, and I want to do my part to try and help.”

The Paros Foundation’s Purchase a Home project has moved a total of 20 families to date, from inadequate wagons, containers and temporary shelters into clean, modern and safe apartments in Gyumri. Whenever possible, families are also given needed appliances, furniture and additional humanitarian support. Many of the families’ children also attend, or are invited to attend, the after school programs at the Debi Arach Children’s Center, which was launched by and is supported through The Paros Foundation.

Jhanna and her two sons welcomed Jack and Zarig Youredjian into their new apartment for a visit in early September 2019.

“The housing crisis continues to effect more than 2,000 families in Gyumri. I commend Jack Youredjian and his family for their commitment to help children living in terrible conditions,” said Peter Abajian, Paros Foundation Executive Director. “Our program goals in Gyumri are two-fold, to help move as many families from domiks into apartments as possible; and secondly to work diligently through our programs at Debi Arach to empower many of these children to break their families’ cycle of poverty through academic success, career planning and vocational training.”

The Paros Foundation was launched in 2006 and has implemented more than $6.6 million worth of projects in Armenia through its unique model of philanthropy and community partnership. These projects are located throughout the country-with the majority of work focused in Gyumri and in the Tavush Region, along the border with Azerbaijan. Thanks to the generous support of Paros Founder and Chairman, Roger Strauch, all administrative expenses are underwritten, allowing 100% of donor contributions to be allocated in their entirety to the projects. To support this and other projects of The Paros Foundation, please visit

Press Releases

SERVICE Armenia 2018 Completes Another Successful Summer Program


SERVICE Armenia 2018 participants spent four days working on the art school in the village of Kanakeravan.

The Paros Foundation’s SERVICE Armenia 2018 group wrapped up another great summer of service, touring, and fun bringing the number of program alum to over 100. The nine participants and coordinator from around the United States joined us in Armenia to work on impactful service projects. During the one month program, participants also visited historic sites and developed lifelong friendships. Service Armenia was established in 2013 and provides Diaspora youth ages 17-22 years the opportunity to work on meaningful service projects and to have fun in Armenia. Next year’s program will run from June 23 to July 23, 2019. Applications are now available at

This summer’s service work included renovations at the Zorakan Village School in the Tavush region. SERVICE participants painted six classrooms as part of the second floor remodel. The remainder of the second floor was completed prior to the start of classes, however, $75,000 is still needed for the renovation of the first floor of the school. The Zorakan Village School services 135 secondary school students. At the Kanakeravan Art School in the Kotayk region, participants poured the subfloor and installed new flooring in three rooms. This combined with the complete renovation of these classrooms has created a beautiful environment for the art school students.

SERVICE Armenia 2018 participants visited the Armenian Genocide Museum and Memorial.

One of the highlights of SERVICE Armenia is always visiting the Debi Arach Children’s Center in Gyumri. This year minor renovations were done at the Center and a “Packs on Backs” distribution was carried out, providing 185 children with the necessary school supplies and backpacks. SERVICE youth had a chance to get to know students at Debi Arach through a fun day of dancing, playing sports, and socializing. While in Gyumri, Dustin Hochmuth, a repeat participant of SERVICE Armenia, also spearheaded the “Groceries for Gyumri” distribution for 100 families. His efforts included raising the necessary funding, obtaining and assembling food packets with his SERVICE Armenia peers, and coordinating the delivery of basic grocery staples, fresh fruits and vegetables, and personal hygiene products to families in need.

Other 2018 highlights included four exciting excursions with the Yerevan Children’s Home, the Vanadzor Orphanage, the Kharpert Home for Special Children and the Ghoghanj Children’s Center. The SERVICE Armenia group also toured many monuments and important historic locations throughout the country, along with overnight stays in the Lori Region and Artsakh. In addition to the well known religious and cultural sites, the group was able to experience hikes at the Hunot Gorge and the Kobayr Monastery, a tour of the Areni Caves and the Historic Noy Cognac Factory, and to visit the World UNESCO Heritage sites, Sanahin and Haghpat Monasteries. From Artsakh to Zorakan, SERVICE Armenia 2018 was definitely a summer to remember.

“This program was executed perfectly for the age and the interests of our group,” said Ani Shahinian. “In the three times I’ve been to Armenia, this was my favorite experience. I thoroughly enjoyed the trip!”

A visit to and lunch at the Geghard Monastary was among one of the many historic and religious sites visited throughout the month long program.

Applications for SERVICE Armenia 2019 are available on our website The program includes tours to historic, religious and cultural sites in Armenia and Artsakh, English speaking staff and guides, safe and well located accommodations and transportation combined with interesting cultural and educational activities that will ensure all will have an engaging and memorable experience. The program is open to both Armenian and American young people wishing to participate in this once in a lifetime opportunity. Knowledge of the Armenian language is not required. Join us and create a lifetime of great memories and friends. The deadline to submit the completed application is April 1, 2019.


For more information, please contact Peter Abajian (310) 400-9061 or via E-mail

Press Releases

Visit Armenia with The Paros Foundation

Join The Paros Foundation October 16-29 for a Journey through Armenia

Experience all Armenia has to offer through an exciting 11 day itinerary, which will include several visits to UNESCO world heritage sites, amazing cultural outings and several visits to Paros project sites. Opportunities to interact with Armenia’s children through service work will certainly leave you with a memorable and lasting impression. Delicious food, premium accommodations and transportation and English-speaking staff and guides ensure all will have a meaningful experience.

In-country fees including airport pick up, lodging, in-country transportation, tours with admissions to all sites and cultural activities and most meals:

$2,500 double occupancy
$3,200 single occupancy

Price includes a $500 tax-deductible donation in support of Paros projects. Pricing does not include airfare. This trip is open to everyone.