They Destroy. We Rebuild, BETTER!
Emma A. and her son, Vartan, live in the border village of Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur. On the morning of July 12, the Azeri’s launched a cross border attack on the Berd area of Armenia’s Tavush Region utilizing attack drones, tanks and other heavy artillery. Although the Azeris ultimately lost control of strategic military posts to the Armenian defense forces, a considerable amount of damage was inflicted upon the villages of Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur, Aygepar, Movses and Chinari.
In response to this assault, The Paros Foundation immediately committed to improving these villagers’ homes well beyond the damage sustained during this recent shelling. Work to rebuild Emma’s home began more than two weeks ago, thanks to the on-going generosity and sponsorship of Jean-Marie Atamian and his family, who have adopted this important border village and made major investments in its infrastructure since 2012.
No one should underestimate our resolve standing with our villages; for every house the enemy destroys, we will build 10 new homes.
– Jean-Marie Atamian
To support other home and infrastructure improvements in these border communities that were attacked by Azerbaijan, The Paros Foundation created the Emergency Reconstruction Fund. In addition to completing the repairs to the damaged Aygepar kindergarten, other residential projects in the neighboring border village of Aygepar will be addressed with monies raised from the Emergency Reconstruction Fund. #RebuildingTheBorder