Debi Arach Children’s Center
Celebrates 10th Year!

In April 2015 as the 100th project of The Paros 100 for 100 Projects for Prosperity campaign we launched the Debi Arach Children’s Center in Gyumri.
Over the last 10 years, we have provided life changing services for more than 1,800 children from economically disadvantaged families, helping them move towards the goal of becoming self-sufficient, economically successful citizens of Gyumri through intense academic, humanitarian and nutritional support.
Stay tuned for a host of fun activities throughout the year to commemorate this monumental event!

Verishen Adult Center Update
On January 31, 2025, The Paros Foundation joined the celebration in the Goris community of Verishen to mark the completion of construction on the Community Living for Older Refugees. Eight people who lost their homes in Artsakh following its 2023 ethnic cleansing will be able to live in this forever home with dignity and modern convenience. Future plans include the addition of a fruit orchard, chicken coop and greenhouse to provide both economic and social activities for residents.

Paros Housing, After-School
& Vocational Center
Construction permits have been secured and construction will begin shortly for the multi-use center located in Gyumri. Once completed 16 families will receive new apartments. 16 domiks will be demolished and the land returned to the city for public use. 100 children will receive the benefits proven through the programing at Debi Arach and 8 to 10 full time employment positions will be created at the new location. Learn more here.

Med-Aid Nor Hachen Clinic Training
The Med-Aid team has been working with the Nor Hachen team to prepare both for ongoing training and for their summer medical mission. With the installation of a new teleconference equipment, the clinic has held its first ACEs training for clinic staff.

Shgharshik School Gym Renovation
Help give the students of Shgharshik a usable gym space! 60 students that attend the Shgharshik Secondary School cannot use the school’s gym because it is in need of a full renovation. Over the useful life of the school’s gym renovation, an estimated 2,000 children will receive the benefits of sports at their school.
Join the efforts of Arev Gabriel and her community who have been working to raise funds to make this project possible here!

There are a few spots left for our 2025 SERVICE Armenia summer trip! Meet other participants from the diaspora and experience all Armenia has to offer on this three-week long trip!
June 25-July 16, 2025 | Ages 17-23
Sign Up Here!

Are you a medical resident? Join us on Med-Aid 2025! Make an immediate impact through medical checks throughout the country and a lasting impact through trainings for local medical staff to make preventative care the norm in Armenia!
Learn more and apply to make a positive difference in Armenia next summer here.
**Note: participants must apply for approval from their residency program to receive credit.

the # of years Med-Aid has made
a difference in Armenia