Homes are being built in three areas, in the city of Mardakert, the village of Maghavus and Artsakh’s capital, Stepanakert. Once rebuilt, each of these homes will be given to a family selected by The Paros Foundation from the many families displaced by the war and the subsequent loss of territory.
“Following the war and subsequent repatriation of displaced families from Artsakh, who had taken refuge in Armenia during the war, it became evident that Artsakh has a tremendous housing shortage for their population. It is critical that we help these families get into permanent homes as soon as possible to give them some stability,” said Peter Abajian, Executive Director.
These homes are being reconstructed through the initiative and generous support of the Dombalagian Family, who are very passionate about the need to help Artsakh and Artsakh families.
“My father always felt that it was very important for us to help the people of Artsakh maintain their roots in these historic lands. “In his memory, I am pleased that my family is leading this effort through The Paros Foundation in Artsakh, and I would encourage others to join,” said Hasmik Dombalagian
Following the 2020 war in Artsakh, The Paros Foundation launched a resettlement program as part of the Armenian Resettlement Coalition. Through this coalition, 17 families will have been resettled into new homes by the end of this year in Armenia. In addition to these 17 homes, Paros directly has resettled two more families into Armenia bringing the total to 19. Now with construction moving forward in Artsakh on nine homes, this brings the total to 28 homes in Armenia and Artsakh that The Paros Foundation and its family of donors are or have built through its Emergency and Relief Reconstruction Fund-Artsakh.
“There are still hundreds of families in both Armenia and Artsakh that were displaced by the war and need permanent housing. We will continue to build and reconstruct homes as funding from our generous donors provides,” said Abajian.