The Paros Foundation is pleased to launch a new effort to provide permanent housing for older Artsakh refugees with the purchase of a home for the Community Living for Older Refugees project in the community of Goris.
This home will serve as a group home for older refugees to offer them a clean, safe, and comfortable environment to live dignified lives. Ten residents will be selected from older refugees currently living in the area. The project will be administered in coordination with the local Goris municipality and renovations on the home will be starting in the coming weeks.
“Following the mass exodus from Artsakh in September 2023, many older refugees have no one to look after them, very little income, and are left without affordable housing options. Providing group housing for these older refugees can alleviate their challenges, especially after leaving so much of their lives behind in Artsakh.”
-Peter Abajian, Executive Director
*Seniors pictured are not the same seniors in the housing program.
The community living home is situated in the community of Verishen and is adjacent to the Syunik city of Goris. The home has a large footprint that will provide both communal and private living spaces in addition to a large plot of land with fruit trees and garden spaces. The home even has a chicken coop should the future residents care to keep chickens! It is envisioned that the home will be equipped with both solar hot water systems and solar panels to keep utility costs low.