Paros Teams up With Yerevan Municipality to Complete Renovations
On July 17, representatives of the Yerevan Municipality, Focus on Children Now, the Berd Consolidated Community and the Aygedzor Village joined the teachers, parents, children, and staff of the Aygedzor Kindergarten for a ribbon cutting celebration marking the re-opening of the newly reconstructed and expanded Aygedzor Kindergarten.

Prior to its renovation, the kindergarten was in very poor condition. Insufficient heating, poor sanitary conditions and mold contributed to very low attendance. Now, following its complete renovation, a second group of kindergarten children will be added allowing almost 50 village children and their families to gain the benefits of full-day early education.

“The reconstruction of this kindergarten today marks the 11th kindergarten Paros has either renovated or built along border communities in Armenia’s Tavush Region, and the 12th is currently under construction in Nerkin Tsakhavan. Investing in these communities is critical to help create a more vibrant and prosperous community for its residents.” – Peter Abajian, Executive DirectorÂ
The Paros Foundation was able to implement this important project thanks to the generous financial support from the John Mirak Foundation, Edward and Pamela Avedisian and an anonymous donor from Los Angeles. In addition to the Yerevan Municipality’s financial support, Focus on Children Now provided all the furniture and bedding
for the children at the kindergarten.