Yesterday, an agreement was signed by Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia to end the war in Artsakh. The terms of the agreement can be read here . The bottom line is Armenia has lost considerable portions of Artsakh including Shushi, the agreement does not address a final status of Artsakh, and provides Azerbaijan with a transit corridor to Nakhichevan. Russian peacekeeping forces are already in Artsakh enforcing this agreement.
We are grateful that no more of our brave soldiers and volunteers will lose their lives, and we are forever humbled by the heroism and sacrifice of our fallen and their families. This is a difficult time for the Armenian nation. A beacon of hope for our people was demonstrated through our collective, unified effort around the world to stand tall with our nation, and the awakening of the spirit and passion of our ancestors in our next generation and future leaders.
The following is an excerpt from Danny Donabedian,
a Paros SERVICE Armenia 2018 Alum’s social media post yesterday: