Community Living for Older Refugees
This home will serve as a group home for older refugees to offer them a clean, safe, and comfortable environment to live dignified lives. Ten residents will be selected from older refugees currently living in the area. The project will be administered in coordination with the local Goris municipality and renovations on the home will be starting in the coming weeks. Learn more and help us renovate and furnish the home here.

Nor Ughi Soccer Field
Recently, the Nor Ughi school gym was renovated through the leadership of Mr. and Mrs. John & June Mangassarian and they want to continue positively impacting Nor Ughi. In collaboration with GOALS – Girls of Armenia Leadership Soccer, a brand new soccer field will be built on the school’s grounds. The city has agreed to clear the field and remove the initial layers of soil in preparation for the field. Learn more and donate here.

New Home for Karine S.
Karine S. and her two young sons live in the border village of Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur. Last year, Karine’s husband was killed in a tragic auto accident. Prior to this accident, Karine and her husband had purchased a home of their own in the village with plans to renovate the space. With the generous contributions of the Atamian Family and Badishkanian Family, their home has been renovated and Karine and her children have moved in!

SERVICE Armenia Young Professionals 2024 Application
October 12-26, 2024
Ages 24-45
Back for a third year, SERVICE Armenia Young Professionals applications are now live! Join us this fall for an unforgettable experience serving touring, and playing in Armenia! Apply here.

Visit a Project in Armenia
If you are visiting Armenia this summer and are interested in visiting a Paros project that you have contributed to, or want to learn more about, our team is happy to coordinate that into your trip! Reach out with any questions!

Help Support Packs on Backs Armenia: Debi Arach 2024
and Groceries for Gyumri 2024

SERVICE Armenia 2024 will be working next month distributing backpacks and school supplies for the children at Debi Arach AND distributing food packs to needy families throughout Gyumri. A backpack filled with school supplies costs $35 and a one-month food pack costs $50. Families depend on this support to help make ends meet. Please consider supporting either of these important humanitarian efforts targeting people in Armenia’s second largest city. Contribute to Groceries For Gyumri & Packs on Backs!

Pari Louys With Paros Podcast
Wake up to the sweet smell of soorj and learn about different regions in Armenia as we give you a quick dive into life throughout the country. Pari Louys with Paros is your connection to the motherland, where we will learn, grow, and better Armenia, together!

The number of days until the start of SERVICE Armenia 2024!