Secure, Stable, Successful
These three words are not just a slogan for our year-end campaign, but rather they almost perfectly summarize our 17-year approach to making a difference in Armenia through meaningful, effective, and well-implemented projects. Our partnership with you, our supporters, enables us to help both Armenia’s development (especially in communities outside of Yerevan) and, directly help our brothers and sisters with their immediate humanitarian needs including food, medicine, and warm clothing, and improving their living conditions through home renovations and new, permanent housing. If you believe in our mission, like our approach and transparency, and want to make a difference in Armenia, please take this final opportunity in 2023 to make your tax-deductible contribution to the project of your choice today!

Hatsik Preschool Renovation
In 2013 and 2014, The Paros Foundation renovated one of the buildings on the Hatsik School’s campus which includes the school’s kitchen, gym and several of the offices and classrooms. In addition, the village’s preschool is housed on the school’s first floor. Soon, the school’s preschool wing will be completely remodeled, creating a safe, clean and inviting space for the children to begin their education. Work is progressing well and we expect the space to be completed in early 2024.

Nor Ughi Class Renovation
John and June Mangassarian are continuing their work in the village of Nor Ughi through their current support of the renovation of a classroom in the memory of their mothers, at the village School. Last summer when they were visiting Armenia, the Mangassarians cut the ribbon on the newly renovated gym, which they both led the effort to support by reaching out to family and friends and through a generous matching gift. Work on the classroom is moving along and hopefully, the children will return to a newly renovated classroom in the new year!

Save The Date: Med-Aid Armenia 2024
June 23, 2024 – July 5, 2024
Medical professionals and students can give back by joining our 2024 Med Aid Medical trip to Armenia. For more information contact Dr. Krikor Deramerian Med Aid Chair (818)416-7457.

Save The Date: SERVICE Armenia 2024
June 23, 2024 – July 14, 2024
Young people ages 17-22 are able to join us for three amazing weeks in Armenia. Serve, tour and have fun! For more information, contact Peter Abajian (310) 400-9061. Applications are now available, register here.

The number of families displaced from Artsakh following the September 23 attack that have now received new, permanent homes in Armenia through The Paros Foundation Artsakh Refugee Support Fund. Two families have been resettled into the consolidated community of Kajaran in Armenia’s Syunik Region and the other family has moved into the village of Meds Masrik in Armenia’s Gegharkunik Region. Â