Hatsik School Gym Rebuild
Hatsik School Gym Rebuild
Hatsik is a village in the Armavir Province of Armenia. This village of 2,558 people currently houses one school with 285 students in attendance. The Hatsik Village School, which was the site for renovations completed by the Paros Foundation’s SERVICE Armenia 2013 and 2014 groups, is in need of a complete gym makeover. The gym at the Hatsik Village School not only serves as the main sporting area for the entire school, but a meeting place for the entire village. The gym is home to several village meetings and events, and sporting functions for all children and adults from the entire village. Thanks to the generosity of past and present donors, The Paros Foundation renovated ten classrooms, three restrooms and the hallways housing the elementary school wing during the SERVICE Armenia 2013 and 2014 trips and plans to renovate more classrooms during the SERVICE Armenia 2015 trip. The regional government has allocated funding to complete the school’s heating system. In addition, the Hatsik Village Municipality is committed to help raise funds within their network of donors to help with the restoration of the school’s kitchen.
Sponsorship of this project will help raise the amount needed in order to complete renovations at the Hatsik School gym including, new doors, windows and window netting, new lighting, repairs to the walls ceiling and paint, and boys and girls locker rooms. Our previous renovations at the Hatsik School are well maintained, thus giving us great motivation to continue our work at this site. The Paros Foundation is committed to completing renovations and dramatically improving the overall condition for the children at this school.
City / Village
Start Date
End Date
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The Need
Short Term Impact
Long Term Impact
Sponsors Benefits
Noushig & Parik Benlian
La Canada, CA August 19, 2015Mr. & Mrs. Assadour & Lena Kizirian
Redondo Beach, CA August 11, 2015Ms. Raquel Aznive Parseghian
Glendale, CA June 4, 2015Genocide Centennial Committee
San Francisco, CA May 31, 2015Ms. Nicole Sarkisian
Sterling Heights, MI May 26, 2015Mr. Ralph Boyajian, Jr., Ms. Christine Boyajian
Fresno, CA May 26, 2015Mr. Samuel Karabashian
Ventnor City, NJ May 20, 2015Mr. Diron Jebejian
Los Angeles, CA May 17, 2015Mr. Richard Rakoobian
Los Angeles, CA May 7, 2015Mr. Christopher Hokokian, Ms. Alina Hokokian
Fresno, CA April 30, 2015Ms. Alik Christianian, Mr. Viken Christianian
Boulder, CO April 29, 2015Ms. Nicole Sarkisian
Canton, MI April 26, 2015Noushig & Parik Benlian
La Canada, CA August 19, 2015Mr. & Mrs. Assadour & Lena Kizirian
Redondo Beach, CA August 11, 2015Ms. Raquel Aznive Parseghian
Glendale, CA June 4, 2015Genocide Centennial Committee
San Francisco, CA May 31, 2015Ms. Nicole Sarkisian
Sterling Heights, MI May 26, 2015Mr. Ralph Boyajian, Jr., Ms. Christine Boyajian
Fresno, CA May 26, 2015Mr. Samuel Karabashian
Ventnor City, NJ May 20, 2015Mr. Diron Jebejian
Los Angeles, CA May 17, 2015Mr. Richard Rakoobian
Los Angeles, CA May 7, 2015Mr. Christopher Hokokian, Ms. Alina Hokokian
Fresno, CA April 30, 2015Ms. Alik Christianian, Mr. Viken Christianian
Boulder, CO April 29, 2015Ms. Nicole Sarkisian
Canton, MI April 26, 2015Mr. & Mrs. Jirair & Aline Christianian
Boulder, CO April 13, 2015Ms. Emily Barsoumian
Harrison, TN April 6, 2015Ms. Celine Arabatlian
West Chester, PA March 30, 2015Mr. Fabian Grigorian
Valencia, CA March 28, 2015Ms. Serbuhi Kzelian
Newton Square, PA March 26, 2015Mr. & Mrs. Steve & Gail Chelebian
Palos Verdes Estates, CA March 24, 2015Ms. Catherine Conrow
Ross, CA March 24, 2015Mrs. Beth Gregorian
Redondo Beach, CA March 23, 2015Mr. & Mrs. Bob & Rose Kizirian
Redondo Beach, CA March 20, 2015Ms. Lynn Bedrosian
Torrance, CA March 20, 2015Ms. Tina Essegian
San Francisco, CA March 16, 2015Mrs. Lena Soghomonian
Los Angeles, CA March 13, 2015SERVICE Armenia 2015 participants hard at work helping renovate the remaining classrooms, hallway and gym at the Hatsik village school
ÂStudents are now enjoying the renovated gym and locker rooms, along with the rest of their renovated school in the village of Hatsik.