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Donations to The Paros Foundation Projects for Prosperity are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. To sponsor a project through The Paros Foundation, a 501 (c) 3 organization (Tax ID 20-5094630), or learn more about specific projects in need of funding, please contact us using the information below.


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Berkeley CA 94710

(310) 400 9061

Tag: Completed


Kharpert Home for Special Children Excursion 10

Kharpert Home for Special Children Excursion 10


The Kharpert Home for Special Children is an orphanage located in the village of Nor Kharpert serving more than 250 children with varying degrees of developmental disabilities. The orphanage is a state run facility that receives governmental support to provide these vulnerable children with their basic care and education.

Excursions for these children to amusement parks and/or other appropriate venues provide these children with both valuable community experience and needed recreation. Children with disabilities in Armenia are generally kept sheltered from society. These children do not attend school, but rather attend classes at the orphanage. It is important for both these children and society for these children to experience community life.

For each donation of $250, approximately 20 children and an appropriate number of care provides will be able to go on an excursion to Yerevan at Victory Park, or another appropriate venue for a morning or afternoon of activities including transportation, admission and snacks. Please consider supporting multiple excursions for these children.



City / Village

Nor Kharpert

Start Date

June 27, 2016

End Date

June 27, 2016
Kharpert Home for Special Children Excursion 10

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.

The Need
Approximately 1,200 children live in Armenia’s 15 orphanages. While these facilities provide basic care for these children, their limited funding does not permit these children regular visits and participate in various social and cultural activities. A child with a disability has very few opportunities to visit the city and experience life outside of the grounds of the Kharpert orphanage.
Short Term Impact
The short-term impact of this project will be the employment of a bus driver, money being spent in Armenia’s local economy and most important the education and social benefits for 20 children with developmental disabilities.
Long Term Impact
This project has considerable long-term benefits for both the children and for society. Society’s attitudes towards people with disabilities will slowly begin to change as witness these children regularly and realize that society can indeed accommodate them as part of their community.
Sponsors Benefits
Your donation to the Kharpert Home for Special Children will be recognized at the Center and your name listed as a sponsor on The Paros Foundation website and in appropriate press related to this important project. The Paros Foundation stands ready to help you arrange a visit to the Kharpert Home for Special Children when you are in Armenia.
Anonymous User

Mr. Ivan Dennison

United Kingdom January 1, 2016

Updates: Images & Information

June 27, 2016

SERVICE Armenia 2016 participants along with Paros staff, accompanied 20 kids from the Kharpert Home for Special Children to a fun day at Victory Park.


Kharpert Home for Special Children Excursion 8

Kharpert Home for Special Children Excursion 8


The Kharpert Home for Special Children is an orphanage located in the village of Nor Kharpert serving more than 250 children with varying degrees of developmental disabilities. The orphanage is a state run facility that receives governmental support to provide these vulnerable children with their basic care and education.

Excursions for these children to amusement parks and/or other appropriate venues provide these children with both valuable community experience and needed recreation. Children with disabilities in Armenia are generally kept sheltered from society. These children do not attend school, but rather attend classes at the orphanage. It is important for both these children and society for these children to experience community life.

For each donation of $250, approximately 20 children and an appropriate number of care provides will be able to go on an excursion to Yerevan at Victory Park, or another appropriate venue for a morning or afternoon of activities including transportation, admission and snacks. Please consider supporting multiple excursions for these children.



City / Village

Nor Kharpert

Start Date


End Date

Kharpert Home for Special Children Excursion 8

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.

The Need
Approximately 1,200 children live in Armenia’s 15 orphanages. While these facilities provide basic care for these children, their limited funding does not permit these children regular visits and participate in various social and cultural activities. A child with a disability has very few opportunities to visit the city and experience life outside of the grounds of the Kharpert orphanage.
Short Term Impact
The short-term impact of this project will be the employment of a bus driver, money being spent in Armenia’s local economy and most important the education and social benefits for 20 children with developmental disabilities.
Long Term Impact
This project has considerable long-term benefits for both the children and for society. Society’s attitudes towards people with disabilities will slowly begin to change as witness these children regularly and realize that society can indeed accommodate them as part of their community.
Sponsors Benefits
Your donation to the Kharpert Home for Special Children will be recognized at the Center and your name listed as a sponsor on The Paros Foundation website and in appropriate press related to this important project. The Paros Foundation stands ready to help you arrange a visit to the Kharpert Home for Special Children when you are in Armenia.
Anonymous User

Ms. Gwen Essegian

Santa Cruz, CA March 25, 2015

Updates: Images & Information

April 28, 2015

Children from the Kharpert Home for Special Children were taken to an excursion at Victory Park. Participants of the Pilgrimage to Armenia 2015 group spend the day riding rides, enjoying refreshments with the children and helped implement this important project.


Adopt A School Restroom 1- Hatsik

Adopt A School Restroom - Hatsik 1


Representatives of The Paros Foundation have visited more than 100 schools throughout Armenia. While some schools have either been renovated thanks to the Armenian government or as a result of the generosity of international donors, many remain in deplorable conditions and have little hope of being renovated in the near future. These conditions affect both the ability for students to learn, as well as the health of students and teachers.

The Paros Foundation will directly oversee the renovation of the school bathroom including addressing such elements as windows, doors, flooring, lighting, paint, sinks, faucet and toilet. Whenever possible, the school staff, students and their parents will be incorporated into the classroom remodel project to help build a sense of community and personal investment.



City / Village


Start Date

May 2013

End Date

July 2013
Adopt A School Restroom 1- Hatsik

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.

The Need

Students need a dignified and clean restroom to use while attending school. Currently, many students have no option other than to use unsanitary restroom facilities, or, even worse, avoid using the restroom at all until they reach a more appropriate venue, which can lead to health issues in later life.

Short Term Impact

The reconstruction of a new bathroom will employ at least one craftsman and support the local economy through the purchase of necessary building materials and fixtures.

Long Term Impact

Hundreds of children will benefit from a modern, dignified bathroom to use while attending school.

Sponsors Benefits

Donors will be recognized with a plaque installed at the school and on The Paros Foundation Website

Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Greg & Karmen Dadourian

Manhasset, NY March 5, 2013

Updates: Images & Information

May 9, 2013

This restroom will be renovated along with several classrooms at the Hatsik Village School. Initial renovation work has began at the school.

June 22, 2013

Work in the restrooms is progressing at the Hatsik Village School. Wall tiles are being installed as well as work on the pipes.

June 27, 2013

Work on the Hatsik Village School restrooms are almost complete. Doors and tiles have been installed.


Adopt A School Restroom 2- Hatsik

Adopt A School Restroom - Hatsik 2


Representatives of The Paros Foundation have visited more than 100 schools throughout Armenia. While some schools have either been renovated thanks to the Armenian government or as a result of the generosity of international donors, many remain in deplorable conditions and have little hope of being renovated in the near future. These conditions affect both the ability for students to learn, as well as the health of students and teachers.

The Paros Foundation will directly oversee the renovation of the school bathroom including addressing such elements as windows, doors, flooring, lighting, paint, sinks, faucet and toilet. Whenever possible, the school staff, students and their parents will be incorporated into the classroom remodel project to help build a sense of community and personal investment.



City / Village


Start Date

May 2013

End Date

July 2013
Adopt A School Restroom 2- Hatsik

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.

The Need

Students need a dignified and clean restroom to use while attending school. Currently, many students have no option other than to use unsanitary restroom facilities, or, even worse, avoid using the restroom at all until they reach a more appropriate venue, which can lead to health issues in later life.

Short Term Impact

The reconstruction of a new bathroom will employ a contractor and support the local economy through the purchase of necessary building materials and fixtures

Long Term Impact

Hundreds of children will benefit from a modern, dignified bathroom to use while attending school.

Sponsors Benefits

Donors will be recognized with a plaque installed at the school and on The Paros Foundation Website.

Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Greg & Karmen Dadourian

Manhasset, NY March 5, 2013

Updates: Images & Information

May 9, 2013

This restroom will be renovated along with several classrooms at the Hatsik Village School. Initial renovation work has began at the school.

June 22, 2013

Work in the restrooms is progressing at the Hatsik Village School. Wall tiles are being installed as well as work on the pipes.

June 27, 2013

Work on the Hatsik Village School restrooms are almost complete. Doors and tiles have been installed.


Adopt A Classroom 17 – Ljashen

Adopt A Classroom 17 - Ljashen


Representatives of The Paros Foundation have visited more than 100 schools throughout Armenia. While some schools have either been renovated thanks to the Armenian government or as a result of the generosity of international donors, many remain in deplorable conditions and have little hope of being renovated in the near future. These conditions affect both the ability for students to learn, as well as the health of students and teachers. How is a student supposed to learn if there are not proper desks, chairs or windows in the classroom? One of the schools recently identified in need of a complete renovation DSCN1003is located in the large village of Ljashen in the Gegharkunik region at Lake Sevan.

Ljashen Village has a population of 5,000 and one local school. About 300 students attend this run down school. The Paros Foundation will directly oversee the renovation of a classroom at this school including doors, flooring, lighting, paint, electrical, and furniture as needed. The heating system was replaced 10 years ago by Developmental Services for Armenia, a California based humanitarian organization, and is still fully functioning. Whenever possible, the school, students and their parents will be incorporated into the classroom remodel project to help build a sense of community and personal investment.



City / Village


Start Date

June 2016

End Date

September 2016
Adopt A Classroom 17 – Ljashen

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.

The Need
Many classrooms throughout Armenia’s schools remain in deplorable conditions. Children should not have to try and learn in these conditions. Because of substandard doors and windows, many classrooms become unusable in the winter months because of the cold. In addition, even schools with proper heating are affected negatively with insufficient warmth in the classrooms that have broken doors and windows. While the Armenian Government and others regularly engage in a campaign to remodel schools, they simply cannot meet the huge need.
Short Term Impact
The short-term impact will be that students will have a newly renovated classroom in which to continue their studies. Also six local residents will be employed to renovate the classroom. There will be benefits to the local economy through the purchase of supplies.
Long Term Impact
The long-term impact will benefit at least 10 years of students that will be able to take classes using the updated and modern classroom. This will have a huge psychological impact on both the students and teacher. In addition, the school will benefit from energy savings in the winter months.
Sponsors Benefits
Donors will be recognized with a plaque installed in the remodeled classroom and on the Paros Foundation Website.
Anonymous User

Mr. Alex Hachigian

Newport Beach, CA
SERVICE Armenia August 28, 2016

Updates: Images & Information

Video Update

June 14, 2016

Initial renovation work has begun at the Ljashen Village school. ‪‎SERVICE Armenia 2016‬ will be arriving shortly and will continue renovation work on three classrooms as one of their service sites.

July 4, 2016

SERVICE Armenia 2016‬ has begun their service work at the Ljashen Village School! They will spend several service days during the next month completing renovations.


Adopt a Classroom 16 – Ljashen

Adopt a Classroom 16 - Ljashen


Representatives of The Paros Foundation have visited more than 100 schools throughout Armenia. While some schools have either been renovated thanks to the Armenian government or as a result of the generosity of international donors, many remain in deplorable conditions and have little hope of being renovated in the near future. These conditions affect both the ability for students to learn, as well as the health of students and teachers. How is a student supposed to learn if there are not proper desks, chairs or windows in the classroom? One of the schools recently identified in need of a complete renovation DSCN1003is located in the large village of Ljashen in the Gegharkunik region at Lake Sevan. Ljashen Village has a population of 5,000 and one local school. About 300 students attend this run down school. The Paros Foundation will directly oversee the renovation of a classroom at this school including doors, flooring, lighting, paint, electrical, and furniture as needed. The heating system was replaced 10 years ago by Developmental Services for Armenia, a California based humanitarian organization, and is still fully functioning. Whenever possible, the school, students and their parents will be incorporated into the classroom remodel project to help build a sense of community and personal investment.

Watch Video



City / Village


Start Date

June 2016

End Date

September 2016
Adopt a Classroom 16 – Ljashen

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.

The Need
Many classrooms throughout Armenia’s schools remain in deplorable conditions. Children should not have to try and learn in these conditions. Because of substandard doors and windows, many classrooms become unusable in the winter months because of the cold. In addition, even schools with proper heating are affected negatively with insufficient warmth in the classrooms that have broken doors and windows. While the Armenian Government and others regularly engage in a campaign to remodel schools, they simply cannot meet the huge need.
Short Term Impact
The short-term impact will be that students will have a newly renovated classroom in which to continue their studies. Also six local residents will be employed to renovate the classroom. There will be benefits to the local economy through the purchase of supplies.
Long Term Impact
The long-term impact will benefit at least 10 years of students that will be able to take classes using the updated and modern classroom. This will have a huge psychological impact on both the students and teacher. In addition, the school will benefit from energy savings in the winter months.
Sponsors Benefits
Donors will be recognized with a plaque installed in the remodeled classroom and on the Paros Foundation Website.
Anonymous User

David Barsamian

Allendale, NJ June 2, 2016
Anonymous User

Mr. Aram Parnagian

New York, NY May 19, 2016
Anonymous User

Mr. Christopher Shrikian

Newport Coast, CA May 18, 2016
Anonymous User

Mr. Levon Parsegian & Ms. Gayana Parsegova

San Diego, CA May 13, 2016
Anonymous User

Mr. Alex Hachigian

Newport Beach, CA May 2, 2016
Anonymous User

Mr. Mihran Markarian

Fountain Valley, CA May 2, 2016
Anonymous User

Mr. Alec Muradliyan

Newport Beach, CA May 2, 2016
Anonymous User

Mr. George Young

Pasadena, CA April 26, 2016
Anonymous User

Ms. Julie Woodall

Newport Beach, CA April 15, 2016
Anonymous User

Mr. Thomas Yokum

Winchester, MA April 9, 2016
Anonymous User

Ms. Lori Moses

Rancho Palos Verdes, CA April 6, 2016
Anonymous User

Ms. Brittany Balouzian

West Hills, CA April 1, 2016
View More Sponsors

Updates: Images & Information

June 14, 2016

Initial renovation work has begun at the Ljashen Village school. ‪‎SERVICE Armenia 2016‬ will be arriving shortly and will continue renovation work on three classrooms as one of their service sites.

July 4, 2016

SERVICE Armenia 2016‬ has begun their service work at the Ljashen Village School! Funds for this classroom were raised through the efforts of Alex Hachigian (CA) and contributions from the entire SERVICE Armenia 2016 group. They raised the funds necessary to renovate this classroom at the school and will spend several service days during the next month completing renovations.


Adopt A Classroom 15 – Ljashen

Adopt A Classroom 15 - Ljashen


Representatives of The Paros Foundation have visited more than 100 schools throughout Armenia. While some schools have either been renovated thanks to the Armenian government or as a result of the generosity of international donors, many remain in deplorable conditions and have little hope of being renovated in the near future. These conditions affect both the ability for students to learn, as well as the health of students and teachers. How is a student supposed to learn if there are not proper desks, chairs or windows in the classroom? One of the schools recently identified in need of a complete renovation DSCN1003is located in the large village of Ljashen in the Gegharkunik region at Lake Sevan.

Ljashen Village has a population of 5,000 and one local school. About 300 students attend this run down school. The Paros Foundation will directly oversee the renovation of a classroom at this school including doors, flooring, lighting, paint, electrical, and furniture as needed. The heating system was replaced 10 years ago by Developmental Services for Armenia, a California based humanitarian organization, and is still fully functioning. Whenever possible, the school, students and their parents will be incorporated into the classroom remodel project to help build a sense of community and personal investment.

Watch Video



City / Village


Start Date

September 2016

End Date

January 2020
Adopt A Classroom 15 – Ljashen

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.

The Need
Many classrooms throughout Armenia’s schools remain in deplorable conditions. Children should not have to try and learn in these conditions. Because of substandard doors and windows, many classrooms become unusable in the winter months because of the cold. In addition, even schools with proper heating are affected negatively with insufficient warmth in the classrooms that have broken doors and windows. While the Armenian Government and others regularly engage in a campaign to remodel schools, they simply cannot meet the huge need.
Short Term Impact
The short-term impact will be that students will have a newly renovated classroom in which to continue their studies. Also six local residents will be employed to renovate the classroom. There will be benefits to the local economy through the purchase of supplies.
Long Term Impact
The long-term impact will benefit at least 10 years of students that will be able to take classes using the updated and modern classroom. This will have a huge psychological impact on both the students and teacher. In addition, the school will benefit from energy savings in the winter months.
Sponsors Benefits
Donors will be recognized with a plaque installed in the remodeled classroom and on The Paros Foundation Website.
Anonymous User

Harry & Thomas Bonomo

Greenwich, CT November 29, 2016
Anonymous User

Mr. Alex Hachigian

Newport Beach, CA
SERVICE Armenia August 28, 2016

Updates: Images & Information

June 14, 2016

Initial renovation work has begun at the Ljashen Village school. ‪‎SERVICE Armenia 2016‬ will be arriving shortly and will continue renovation work on three classrooms as one of their service sites.

July 4, 2016

‪‎SERVICE Armenia 2016‬ has begun their service work at the Ljashen Village School! Funds for this classroom were raised through the efforts of Alex Hachigian (CA) and his friends and family, a SERVICE Armenia 2016 participant. He raised the funds necessary to renovate two classrooms at the school. Alex and his peers will spend several service days during the next month completing renovations to three classrooms at the Ljashen Village School.


Ghoghanj College Enterance Test Preparation 2013

Ghoghanj Children's Center College Entrance Test Prep 2012-13


The mission of the Ghoghanj Children’s Center is to provide the proper support and guidance children need to excel in school and become self-confident and respectful young adults. Founded in 2003, the Ghoghanj Children’s Center works with vulnerable “at-risk” children and their families to help them overcome social, psychological and legal issues.

The Center’s programs are specifically designed to facilitate group discussion and are sensitive to the psychological challenges of an at-risk child and their families. The Center works to develop successful communication, self-expression and tolerance skills among the students. A fundamental focus on homework assistance and tutoring to ensure academic success is a key ingredient of the programs’ success.

As students enter the 10th grade, they must begin preparing for their college entrance examinations. A successful score on these examinations means a child has a chance to attend college and turn his/her life around. As these students have substantial financial difficulties, it is impossible for them to engage a tutor for these tests. This new program of the Ghoghanj Children’s Center would provide 10th and 11th grade, at-risk students free of charge tutoring services for their college entrance examinations. The goal of this program is to help these students transition successfully into college.



City / Village


Start Date


End Date

Ghoghanj College Enterance Test Preparation 2013

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.

The Need
Without successful test scores, it is impossible for a student to gain admission to college. For a financially disadvantaged students, it is not possible for them to hire tutors to help them prepare for these intensive examinations. The Armenian government has provisions for tuition benefits for disadvantaged students, but no help exists for this important step – college preparatory examination tutoring.
Short Term Impact
The short-term impact of this project will be the immediate employment of four subject teachers to tutor these children.
Long Term Impact
In the long term, this project has the potential of turning around the lives of 20 students by helping them gain access to college.
Sponsors Benefits
Your donation to sponsor college entrance exam preparation will be recognized on the Ghoghanj Children’s Center’s website and in their printed materials, and your name listed as a sponsor on the Paros Foundation website and in appropriate press related to this important project. The Paros Foundation will happily arrange a visit to the Ghoghanj Children’s Center when you are in Armenia.
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel & Lisa Ajamian

San Diego, CA November 29, 2012

Updates: Images & Information

Video Update


Ghoghanj College Entrance Test Preparation 2012

Ghoghanj Children's Center College Entrance Test Prep 2011-12


The mission of the Ghoghanj Children’s Center is to provide the proper support and guidance children need to excel in school and become self-confident and respectful young adults. Founded in 2003, the Ghoghanj Children’s Center works with vulnerable “at-risk” children and their families to help them overcome social, psychological and legal issues.

The Center’s programs are specifically designed to facilitate group discussion and are sensitive to the psychological challenges of an at-risk child and their families. The Center works to develop successful communication, self-expression and tolerance skills among the students. A fundamental focus on homework assistance and tutoring to ensure academic success is a key ingredient of the programs’ success.

As students enter the 10th grade, they must begin preparing for their college entrance examinations. A successful score on these examinations means a child has a chance to attend college and turn his/her life around. As these students have substantial financial difficulties, it is impossible for them to engage a tutor for these tests. This new program of the Ghoghanj Children’s Center would provide 10th and 11th grade, at-risk students free of charge tutoring services for their college entrance examinations. The goal of this program is to help these students transition successfully into college.



City / Village


Start Date


End Date

Ghoghanj College Entrance Test Preparation 2012

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.

The Need
Without successful test scores, it is impossible for a student to gain admission to college. For a financially disadvantaged students, it is not possible for them to hire tutors to help them prepare for these intensive examinations. The Armenian government has provisions for tuition benefits for disadvantaged students, but no help exists for this important step – college preparatory examination tutoring.
Short Term Impact
The short-term impact of this project will be the immediate employment of four subject teachers to tutor these children.
Long Term Impact
In the long term, this project has the potential of turning around the lives of 20 students by helping them gain access to college.
Sponsors Benefits
Your donation to sponsor college entrance exam preparation will be recognized on the Ghoghanj Children’s Center’s website and in their printed materials, and your name listed as a sponsor on the Paros Foundation website and in appropriate press related to this important project. The Paros Foundation will happily arrange a visit to the Ghoghanj Children’s Center when you are in Armenia.
Anonymous User

St. John Armenian Apostolic Church - Sunday School Lenten Project

San Francisco, CA June 13, 2012
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel & Lisa Ajamian

San Diego, CA September 15, 2011

Updates: Images & Information

Video Update


Packs on Backs Armenia: Vanadzor Orran

Packs on Backs Armenia: Vanadzor Orran


The Heros Humanitarian Foundation (HHF), a Los Angeles based non-profit organization, supports children in need and their educational advancement. The organization was founded in 2008 by six Armenian Americans with the belief that no child should be deprived of the essential necessities needed for their education regardless of their socioeconomic status. Their mission is to provide backpacks and school supplies to children living in poverty and from low socioeconomic households around the world. Through their Packs on Backs initiative, HHF hopes to motivate children, help them stay and excel in school, and have successful futures.

The Heros Humanitarian Foundation has partnered with The Paros Foundation to bring their Packs on Backs initiative to Armenia. After the successful distribution of 280 backpacks and school supplies to children in Gyumri’s impoverished neighborhood, our goal is to provide the same assistance to 100 children attending the Orran Center in Vanadzor.

Vanadzor is Armenia’s third-largest city and the capital of the Lori Region. It is also one of the three main cities that suffered during the devastating 1988 Spitak earthquake. The dismal situation of Vanadzor is evident through its consistent decrease in population due to high unemployment rate, poor living conditions and the low prospect of development. Orran, an organization focused on diverting children from the streets and engaging them in academic, cultural, and extra-curricular activities established a center in Vanadzor in 2012. Children ages 6 to 18 and who come from economically deprived families attend the center regularly. Currently, numerous children in Vanadzor cannot attend school because they don’t have the basic necessities. Sponsorship of this project will help give 100 children at this center backpacks and school supplies. A donation of $30 will help obtain a backpack filled with supplies for one child. School supplies will be grade appropriate and include a combination of pencils, pens, pencil cases, notebooks, folders, erasers, sharpeners, glue, scissors, rulers, highlighters, and crayons. In-kind donations of the items listed are also welcomed.



City / Village


Start Date

May 2015

End Date

July 2015
Packs on Backs Armenia: Vanadzor Orran

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.

The Need
It is very difficult for a child to learn and excel in their studies without a proper backpack and essential school supplies. In addition, without the proper supplies these children are less likely to attend school on a regular basis, hence severely hindering their educational growth and minimizing future opportunities.
Short Term Impact
100 children attending the Vanadzor Orran will receive proper backpacks and school supplies to aid in their educational advancement. Local school supplies will be purchased whenever economically feasible in turn boosting the local economy.
Long Term Impact
In the long term, 100 children attending Vanadzor Orran will be given the opportunity to excel in their studies and further their educational careers. In additions, children will be motivated to attend school more regularly, and have increased self-esteem.
Sponsors Benefits
Your donation to sponsor the Packs on Backs Armenia: Vanadzor Orran project will be recognized on The Heros Humanitarian Foundation website and in their printed materials. Your name will also be listed as a sponsor on The Paros Foundation website and in appropriate press related to this important project.
Anonymous User

The Heros Humanitarian Foundation

Glendale, CA May 1, 2015

Updates: Images & Information

Video Update

July 14, 2015

Brand new backpacks and school supplies were distributed to 100 children attending the Orran Center in Vanadzor with the help of several SERVICE Armenia 2015 participants.