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The Paros Foundation underwrites all administrative and overhead costs allowing 100% of all donor contributions to go directly towards projects and supported organizations.

Donations to The Paros Foundation Projects for Prosperity are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. To sponsor a project through The Paros Foundation, a 501 (c) 3 organization (Tax ID 20-5094630), or learn more about specific projects in need of funding, please contact us using the information below.


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Berkeley CA 94710

(310) 400 9061

Category: Newsletters


This Month at The Paros Foundation – February 2025

Debi Arach Children’s Center
Celebrates 10th Year!

In April 2015 as the 100th project of The Paros 100 for 100 Projects for Prosperity campaign we launched the Debi Arach Children’s Center in Gyumri.

Over the last 10 years, we have provided life changing services for more than 1,800 children from economically disadvantaged families, helping them move towards the goal of becoming self-sufficient, economically successful citizens of Gyumri through intense academic, humanitarian and nutritional support.

Stay tuned for a host of fun activities throughout the year to commemorate this monumental event!

Verishen Adult Center Update
On January 31, 2025, The Paros Foundation joined the celebration in the Goris community of Verishen to mark the completion of construction on the Community Living for Older Refugees. Eight people who lost their homes in Artsakh following its 2023 ethnic cleansing will be able to live in this forever home with dignity and modern convenience. Future plans include the addition of a fruit orchard, chicken coop and greenhouse to provide both economic and social activities for residents.

Paros Housing, After-School
& Vocational Center
Construction permits have been secured and construction will begin shortly for the multi-use center located in Gyumri. Once completed 16 families will receive new apartments. 16 domiks will be demolished and the land returned to the city for public use. 100 children will receive the benefits proven through the programing at Debi Arach and 8 to 10 full time employment positions will be created at the new location. Learn more here.

Med-Aid Nor Hachen Clinic Training
The Med-Aid team has been working with the Nor Hachen team to prepare both for ongoing training and for their summer medical mission. With the installation of a new teleconference equipment, the clinic has held its first ACEs training for clinic staff.

Shgharshik School Gym Renovation
Help give the students of Shgharshik a usable gym space! 60 students that attend the Shgharshik Secondary School cannot use the school’s gym because it is in need of a full renovation. Over the useful life of the school’s gym renovation, an estimated 2,000 children will receive the benefits of sports at their school.

Join the efforts of Arev Gabriel and her community who have been working to raise funds to make this project possible here!

There are a few spots left for our 2025 SERVICE Armenia summer trip! Meet other participants from the diaspora and experience all Armenia has to offer on this three-week long trip!

June 25-July 16, 2025 | Ages 17-23
Sign Up Here!

Are you a medical resident? Join us on Med-Aid 2025! Make an immediate impact through medical checks throughout the country and a lasting impact through trainings for local medical staff to make preventative care the norm in Armenia!

Learn more and apply to make a positive difference in Armenia next summer here.

**Note: participants must apply for approval from their residency program to receive credit.

Have you given our podcast a listen? Pari Louys with Paros is your connection to the motherland, where we will learn, grow, and better Armenia, together!

Listen now on
Spotify | Apple | Amazon



the # of years Med-Aid has made
a difference in Armenia


2025 – The Year of Action

Two Additional Artsakh Refugee Families Receive A New Home
Martin Grigoryan, his wife, and four children, one of which is a newborn received their new home in Vardenis! Their three bedroom home is now a safe and permanent space they can raise their family.

Vahan Atayan, along with his wife, two children, grandparents and uncle moved into their new three bedroom home in Babaikavan Village/Kajaran Community. This new space offers ample room to gather as a family to make the best of their new life in this community.

Thank you to everyone who continues to support our Artsakh Refugee Support Fund. It is with your help these life changing moves are possible.
Learn more about our Artsakh Refugee Support Fund here.

Nor Geghi Kindergarten
Gym Opening
The Paros Team visited the Nor Geghi Kindergarten to cut the ribbon on the new gym that was renovated thanks to the ongoing support and generosity of the Nor Keghi Association. More than 75 children will benefit from this new gym space!

The Paros team was in Gyumri this week to hold meetings with local and regional leadership regarding our programs and the progress on the Paros Housing, After-School & Vocational Center. These meetings included time with both the Shirak Region Governor, David Arushanyan, and Gyumri Mayor, Sarik Minasyan. We are looking forward to the great work we can all accomplish together!

Are you a medical resident? Join us on Med-Aid 2025! Make an immediate impact through medical checks throughout the country and a lasting impact through trainings for local medical staff to make preventative care the norm in Armenia!

Learn more and apply to make a positive difference in Armenia next summer here.

**Note: participants must apply for approval from their residency program to receive credit.

On our newest episode of Pari Louys With Paros, we interview Integrative & Functional Registered Dietitian, Stephanie Sudjian, to discuss what people in Armenia are doing correctly and how she is working to help improve the habits that may not be the healthiest for overall well-being.

Listen now on
Spotify | Apple | Amazon


the # of full and part time jobs created in Armenia to date through our efforts


This Month at The Paros Foundation – December 2024

Make Your Year End Contribution Today!

This year, our year-end campaign focuses on the impact on the vital border community of Vardenis. By improving all parts of this community our goal is to raise the overall well-being of the people who call it home. Join us in uplifting this community in more ways than one this holiday season!

Artsakh Refugee Resettlement

Several more families are hoping to make the community of Vardenis their permanent home. Funding permitting, the Paros team will continue our existing housing resettlement program, which purchases, renovates, furnishes and gives these refugee families 90% ownership in their new homes. The balance of ownership will be transferred to them in 10 years to ensure a stable home for their entire family.

The budget to permanently resettle an average family of six people is $35,000, which includes a fully renovated and furnished home, furniture and appliances.

Humanitarian Aid

Meds Masrik School Renovation

Vardenis Adult Recreation Center

Paros friends and donors Dr. Gary & Mrs. Linda Assarian are matching donations up to $7,500 for our Artsakh Refugee Families Humanitarian Aid efforts! These funds will help us distribute important items such as firewood for heating and cooking, clothing, winter boots, and food packs to these families during the cold winter months.

The school in Meds Masrik currently has 425 students including 45 from Artsakh, and needs additional renovations to accommodate these new students. Once renovated, these classrooms will house the 4th- 8th grade students. The renovation for this wing will cost $95,000 including a new roof, furniture and heating system.

Elderly refugees from Artsakh have settled into this community and often are lonely. We have raised the funds necessary with the generous support of Patrick & Mary Goshtigian to renovate this center to both provide elderly refuges and other elderly villagers a place to gather, have a hot meal and engage in meaningful interactions.  

Additional Artsakh Refugee
Family Receives New Home
The Harutyunyan family, Eric, his wife, two children and their grandmother received a new home in the city of Vardenis. The family is looking forward to a new start in a new space they can call home. Thank you to everyone who made this new start possible for the Harutyunyan family. Learn more about our Artsakh Refugee Support Fund here.

Paros Visits The East Coast
Members of our Paros team traveled to Boston to participate in several community activities including speaking at the annual Holy Translators Christmas Brunch about the Community Living for Elderly Refugee project, visiting the Holy Trinity’s annual Christmas Bazaar and speaking following church services. We also held strategy meetings regarding our Nourishing Armenia project, work taking place at Payuyr Sevak and other ongoing projects and upcoming efforts.

SERVICE Armenia 2025 Applications
Space is still available for our SERVICE Armenia 2025 summer trip! Join other diasporan Armenians for an incredible opportunity to connect with other Armenians, give back, and tour our Homeland.

The trip is happening June 25-July 16, 2025) and is open to participants ages 17-23. Spots are limited, apply here!

Join Med-Aid 2025!
Why join our medical trip? It’s simple, we have a goal to establish preventative care as a norm in Armenia. You can be a part of that change.

Join us June 21st – July 3rd, 2025 for an impactful and meaningful medical trip. All expertise levels are welcomed. Learn more and apply to make a positive difference in Armenia next summer here.

Have you given our podcast a listen? Pari Louys with Paros is your connection to the motherland, where we will learn, grow, and better Armenia, together!

Listen now on
Spotify | Apple | Amazon



the # of spots left on SERVICE
Armenia 2025


This Month at The Paros Foundation – November 2024

Renovated Hatsik Preschool Re-opens!

The Hatsik Preschool in the Armavir Region of Armenia is now reopened! After being fully renovated by Paros and fully furnished by Focus on Children Now, the kids, staff, and community are excited for this new space. Thank you to everyone who made this possible!

Community Living For Older Refugees So excited to announce that the work is ongoing on the “Community Living for Older Refugees” Home in Verishen settlement of Goris community in Syunik province of Armenia. Thank you, UNHCR Armenia and European Union for your generous and timely support and Action Against Hunger South Caucasus for ensuring sound technical assistance in the renovation of a new home for refugees and local older people in Goris community.

New Water Pipes Brings Water To Families Thanks to the Atamian Family and their support, nine families in newly constructed homes in the village of Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur will have now have access to running water in their homes. Prior to the installation of this piping infrastructure these families did not have access to running water readily available in this part of town.

2022-23 Annual Report Is Here!
Our mission is to remain transparent in all of our projects here at Paros. Our Annual Report serves as a way to give the public a look at what we have accomplished, how we accomplished it, and who helped make it happen. We invite you to skim the pages and learn where your donor dollars are going each year.
Learn more here!

SERVICE Armenia 2025 Applications SERVICE Armenia 2025 summer applications are now live, and we already have applicants! This trip is an incredible opportunity to connect with other Armenians, give back, and tour our Homeland.

The trip is happening June 25-July 16, 2025) and is open to participants ages 17-23. Spots are limited, apply here!

Med-Aid 2025 Applications Now Live!
Why join our medical trip? It’s simple, we have a goal to establish preventative care as a norm in Armenia. You can be a part of that change. 

Join us June 21st – July 3rd, 2025 for an impactful and meaningful medical trip. All expertise levels are welcomed. Learn more and apply to make a positive difference in Armenia next summer here.

Looking For Laptops
We are looking for six new or gently used laptops for Debi Arach Children’s Center to replace some of the older laptops in the computer room. If you or anyone you know is interested in donating, please contact Peter Abajian

Have you given our podcast a listen? Pari Louys with Paros is your connection to the motherland, where we will learn, grow, and better Armenia, together!

Listen now on Spotify | Apple | Amazon


the # of kids that attend the Meds Marsik School


This Month at The Paros Foundation – October 2024

Khndzoresk Kindergarten Receives Complete Renovation

Earlier this month representatives from the local community, lead project sponsor, Adrienne Krikorian, representatives of The Paros Foundation and officials of the consolidated community of Goris gathered for the re-opening celebration of Khndzoresk Kindergarten. This renovation will now allow the kindergarten to facilitate the early education for up to 100 children from this important border community.

Two Additional Refugee Families
Get Permanent Homes
The Telyan Family received their home in Meds Masrik, which was the second home they received after having to relocate in 2023. They had originally been given a home through our Emergency Resettlement program in Maghavuz, Artsakh, following the 2020 war. Their family of seven is looking forward to having a stable place to call home.

The Harutunyan Family moved into their home in Geghamasar with parents and six boys. Their family is thankful for this new beginning where their children can thrive.

Thank you to everyone who has supported this initiative for these families. We are proud of all that has been accomplished and the positive impact these efforts continue to make. Our work is not done yet, learn more and donate here!

Nor Geghi Kindergarten Gym Under Way
The work on the Nor Geghi Kindergarten Gym is underway! This renovation will allow 80+ students to enjoy and utilize the space for many fun activities. Learn more about this project here.

Nor Hachen Clinic Update
Thanks to the successful Med-Aid Cuban Night Fundraiser generously hosted by the Haddadian Family, a Slit Lamp Bio Microscope for eye exams was purchased for the clinic’s use. In addition, to improve the quality of management and care, the clinic’s director and emergency medicine doctor both began Master’s programs in their respective fields with scholarships provided by The Paros Foundation.

SERVICE Armenia 2025 Applications
SERVICE Armenia 2025 summer applications are now live, and we already have applicants! This trip is an incredible opportunity to connect with other Armenians, give back, and tour our Homeland.

The trip is happening June 25-July 16, 2025 and is open to participants ages 17-23. Spots are limited, apply here!

Looking For Laptops
We are looking for six new or gently used laptops for Debi Arach Children’s Center to replace some of the older laptops in the computer room.

If you or anyone you know is interested in donating, please contact Peter Abajian


Have you given our podcast a listen? Pari Louys with Paros is your connection to the motherland, where we will learn, grow, and better Armenia, together!

Listen now on
Spotify | Apple | Amazon



the # of people the Nor Hachen Clinic serves


This Month at The Paros Foundation – September 2024

Cuban Night was a huge success! It was such a fun evening raising substantial money for the clinic. This additional funding will help our ongoing efforts to improve the healthcare system in Armenia.

A very big thank you to the Haddadian Family for hosting this incredible evening and to everyone who attended and supported our efforts! Shout out to Mission Wine & Spirits, Old Oaks Cigar Company and Cherub Coffee for providing incredible cigars and coffee for the night and for their donations towards the clinic!

Chakhruk Music Festival In Gosh Village
The children of Debi Arach and Kharpert Home For Special Children participated in the Chakhruk Music Festival where they showcased their art and honey made at the center in Gyumri. The children toured Goshavank Monastery and ultimately had a day filled with friendship and culture.

Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur Gets A New Sports Court
It’s time for sports at this beautiful new sports court that was just completed at the Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur Primary School. A huge thank you to Dr. & Mrs. Gary & Linda Assarian for sponsoring this effort and creating a space that will bring so much joy to the community!

Levon Bosnoyan Chess Room Floors
The Levon Bosnoyan Chess Room in Vanadzor was renovated in memory of Levon and his love for chess.

A few years since his passing, his family wanted to honor his birthday and continue making the classroom a bright part of these children’s lives. Thank you to the Bosnoyan Family for keeping his memory alive in this meaningful way.


Have you given our podcast a listen? Pari Louys with Paros is your connection to the motherland, where we will learn, grow, and better Armenia, together!

Listen now on
Spotify | Apple | Amazon


Wishing You Luck!

We wanted to wish our latest Paros team member, Annie Dilsizian, all the best as she embarks on her next steps in her career! Thank you for all that you have done to help Paros!



The number of pounds of honey harvested from our three field this season


This Month at The Paros Foundation – August 2024

60 is the new 50 Fundraiser A Huge Success!

Thank you EVERYONE for the kind greetings and generous donations in honor of my 60th Birthday. I am humbled and overwhelmed with your friendship and generosity. We have raised more than $15,000 for our work and Debi Arach, and for this I am so grateful! Thank you, thank you!
-Peter Abajian

Artsakh Refugee Family Gets New Home
We are proud to announce an additional Artsakh refugee family has received permanent housing through our Artsakh Refugee Support Fund! Hovik, a contract soldier, was off fighting while his wife, children, and father fled out of Artsakh last year. Now reunited, they will be living in their permanent home in Geghamasar where they will have a fresh start and not have to worry about their living situation.

It’s Honey Season!
It is honey harvesting season, and the Paros hives are ready to be enjoyed by all! If you are in Armenia or traveling there soon reach out about purchasing honey from our hives.

These hives have offered econcomic opportunities for rural communities, keeping the entire process local and self-sufficient. Learn more about this initiative here.

New X-Ray & Ultrasound at
Nor Hachen Clinic
We are proud to announce that with your help, not only does Nor Hachen Clinic now have a new x-ray machine, but also a new ultrasound machine! A huge thank you to Dr. Krikor Deramerian for spearheading this initiative and for everyone who attended our Los Angeles fundraiser to make this happen. The community will greatly benefit from this update in their medical facility.

Cuban Night For Nor Hachen Clinic
Join us for a Cuban-themed night filled with lots of great food, unique auction items, and incredible people all for a great cause! Happening in Los Angeles on Sunday, September 15th, we will be gathering to enjoy a fun-filled night benefitting the continued improvements to the Nor Hachen Clinic. Learn more and reserve your spot here.

Dadourian & Barmakian Families Visit
The Dadourian & Barmakian Families joined the Paros team for a meaningful trip to Armenia! Their first stop was in Gyumri, where they visited Debi Arach Children’s Center, which they have been the main supporters of since its inception in 2015. The next day, a trip to Lake Sevan with a stop in Meds Masrik to contribute to the construction of a home for an Artsakh refugee family, was full of incredible moments. And lastly being present for a ribbon cutting in Geghamasar for a new home for an Artsakh refugee family, ended an impactful week together!

Bringing Garment Production to Armenia with Ashod Spendjian
It’s a rare occurrence to look at your clothing label and read “Made In Armenia.” Our guest Ashod Spendjian, and his family, with deep roots in the apparel industry, have set out to change this. Listen as Ashod explains this goal and how they are setting out to achieve it.

Listen now on Spotify or Apple!

50k for 60 Years with
Peter Abajian
Happy Birthday Peter Abajian! They say 60 is the new 50 and as our podcast guest this month Peter is the perfect example that age is just a number! To celebrate this milestone birthday, we are raising $50,000 towards Debi Arach Children’s Center Operating Budget!

Listen now on Spotify or Apple!



Number of SERVICE Armenia Alumni


This Month at The Paros Foundation – July 2024

SERVICE Armenia & Med-Aid Armenia Run
Successful Trips This Summer!

Summer 2024 was busy with our two Paros groups running at the same time! SERVICE Armenia 2024 spent three weeks serving, touring, and playing. With a full trip, participants were able to make lots of new friends from all over the country. Through meaningful work like distributing groceries for families in Gyumri, and renovating schools, meeting refugees, and so much more, the group made a lasting impression.

Our Med-Aid group had another successful year of conducting medical checks as-well-as continuing to establish preventative care as the norm in Armenia. In addition to regular check-ups trainings were also provided to help the local medical staff continue care after our team leaves.

Thank you to everyone who made this summer such a successful one!

Artsakh Refugee Family Gets New Home
We are proud to announce that an additional Artsakh refugee family has now received permanent housing! Sedrak H., his wife and their five children have moved into their new home in the village of Geghamasar. We are proud to continue providing these families with stability to move forward.

Meds Masrik Renovation
Thanks to the generosity of our friends and partner Developmental Services for Armenia (aka Organization of Humanitarian Services for Armenia), work on renovating the computer classroom and three additional classrooms at the Meds Masrik School is moving along great! SERVICE Armenia 2024 joined for a day of service there as well, and work will be completed and ready for the start of school on September 2. Renovating these new classrooms was needed to accommodate the increased number of students at the school because of the new Artsakh families that have settled in the community.

Cuban Night For Nor Hachen Clinic

Save The Date and join us for Cuban Night with Paros to raise money for The Nor Hachen Polyclinic on Sunday, September 15th in Los Angeles! More info to follow!

Learn more about The Nor Hachen Polyclinic and the progress we have made so far here.

Pari Louys With Paros Podcast
Armenia’s border villages serve as a buffer between the country and most of the time it’s not-so-friendly neighbors. Life can be particularly difficult in this region, but with a vibrant border, Armenia is much stronger. That is why Jean-Marie Atamian and his family have set out to improve the prosperity on the border.

Listen now on Spotify, Apple, Amazon!


Number of kilometers the Paros team drove in June and July for project visits


This Month at The Paros Foundation – June 2024

Welcoming Visitors In Armenia!

This month, we welcomed several donors and friends of The Paros Foundation who were in town to visit their projects, volunteer and inspect other project sites. We welcomed the Berejikian Family from Sacramento, California, the Bernardi Family from La Canada, California, the O’Neil Family from Chevy Chase, Maryland, the Mangassarian Family from Providence, Rhode Island, and Yn. Arpi Kouzouian from Boston, Massachusetts.

We love visitors! If you are in Armenia and would like to visit with us, please reach out!

Artsakh Refugee Family Gets New Home

Another displaced Artsakh family now has a permanent home in Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur! Sargis Simonyan, a contract soldier, was displaced with his wife and four young kids from their home in the Martakert area of Artsakh last year. A huge thank you to Jean-Marie & Lori Atamian, Stepan Atamian, and Nariné Atamian who made this positive impact possible for the Simonyan Family.

Nor Ughi Soccer Field Groundbreaking

We are proud to announce the official groundbreaking on the Nor Ughi School Soccer Field where work on the field has begun. Spearheaded by John and June Mangassarian, both present for the groundbreaking, this field accompanies the new gym which was also a project spearheaded by the Mangassarian family. Thank you to everyone who has helped make this field a reality.

Groceries For Gyumri Packs Distributed

SERVICE participants collectively assembled and started distributing 50 bags of groceries and non-perishable house supplies, containing one month’s supply of goods, for underprivileged families in Gyumri. Sponsor a family’s groceries for one month with a $50 donation.

Debi Arach Summer Is Here!

The Debi Arach Children’s Center summer has officially begun! Students of the center get to enjoy the many benefits of the center while school is out, including outdoor activities, meals, and lots of summer fun!

SERVICE Armenia 2024 In Full Swing!

Participants landed in Armenia and have hit the ground running touring the city, visiting Gyumri, passing out groceries, spending time with the children of Debi Arach, and so much more! Follow along with their trip on our social media accounts.

Med-Aid Armenia Making A Difference

Our 2024 Med-Aid group has arrived in Armenia and has jumped into medical checks at Debi Arach Children’s Center in Gyumri! Along with our Med-Aid group, the Mobile Dental Clinic is providing dental check-ups for the children. Thank you to everyone who has volunteered and is making a huge positive impact for the community. Follow along on our social media pages for more updates!

Cuban Night For Nor Hachen Clinic

Save The Date and join us for Cuban Night with Paros to raise money for The Nor Hachen Polyclinic on Sunday, September 15th in Los Angeles! More info to follow!

Learn more about The Nor Hachen Polyclinic and the progress we have made so far here.

Pari Louys With Paros Podcast

Since 2002, Unison NGO has been dedicated to creating a more equitable world for people with disabilities and special needs in Armenia. Through their advocacy they have fostered a community that continues to make a positive impact for all. Learn about this impact in our latest podcast episode where we interview Executive Director, Armen Alaverdyan.

Listen now on Spotify, Apple, Amazon!



Number of backpacks that will be distributed through Packs-On-Backs
at Debi Arach Children’s Center!


This Month at The Paros Foundation – May 2024

Community Living for Older Refugees
This home will serve as a group home for older refugees to offer them a clean, safe, and comfortable environment to live dignified lives. Ten residents will be selected from older refugees currently living in the area. The project will be administered in coordination with the local Goris municipality and renovations on the home will be starting in the coming weeks. Learn more and help us renovate and furnish the home here.

Nor Ughi Soccer Field
Recently, the Nor Ughi school gym was renovated through the leadership of Mr. and Mrs. John & June Mangassarian and they want to continue positively impacting Nor Ughi. In collaboration with GOALS – Girls of Armenia Leadership Soccer, a brand new soccer field will be built on the school’s grounds. The city has agreed to clear the field and remove the initial layers of soil in preparation for the field. Learn more and donate here.

New Home for Karine S.
Karine S. and her two young sons live in the border village of Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur. Last year, Karine’s husband was killed in a tragic auto accident. Prior to this accident, Karine and her husband had purchased a home of their own in the village with plans to renovate the space. With the generous contributions of the Atamian Family and Badishkanian Family, their home has been renovated and Karine and her children have moved in!

SERVICE Armenia Young Professionals 2024 Application
October 12-26, 2024
Ages 24-45

Back for a third year, SERVICE Armenia Young Professionals applications are now live! Join us this fall for an unforgettable experience serving touring, and playing in Armenia! Apply here.

Visit a Project in Armenia

If you are visiting Armenia this summer and are interested in visiting a Paros project that you have contributed to, or want to learn more about, our team is happy to coordinate that into your trip! Reach out with any questions!

Help Support Packs on Backs Armenia: Debi Arach 2024
and Groceries for Gyumri 2024

SERVICE Armenia 2024 will be working next month distributing backpacks and school supplies for the children at Debi Arach AND distributing food packs to needy families throughout Gyumri. A backpack filled with school supplies costs $35 and a one-month food pack costs $50. Families depend on this support to help make ends meet. Please consider supporting either of these important humanitarian efforts targeting people in Armenia’s second largest city. Contribute to Groceries For Gyumri & Packs on Backs!

Pari Louys With Paros Podcast

Wake up to the sweet smell of soorj and learn about different regions in Armenia as we give you a quick dive into life throughout the country. Pari Louys with Paros is your connection to the motherland, where we will learn, grow, and better Armenia, together!

Listen now on Spotify, Apple, Amazon!



The number of days until the start of SERVICE Armenia 2024!