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Donations to The Paros Foundation Projects for Prosperity are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. To sponsor a project through The Paros Foundation, a 501 (c) 3 organization (Tax ID 20-5094630), or learn more about specific projects in need of funding, please contact us using the information below.


2217 5th Street

Berkeley CA 94710

(310) 400 9061

Tag: Completed


Story Beyond The Ruins

Story Beyond The Ruins


Story Beyond The Ruins is an oral history project documenting the earthquake that rocked not only its epicenter Spitak, but the entire nation of Armenia. Launched in 2017 by United States Peace Corps volunteers, Michael Chen and Max Malter, and American University of Armenia student, Arpine Hovannisyan, the project aims to preserve memories and lived experiences from and beyond the 1988 Spitak Earthquake (also known as the Armenian Earthquake) through a collection of interviews. Through their conversations with individuals, they have tried to provide a canvas for an authentic depiction of life during and after the earthquake. Their goal is to publish the stories online and continue conducting interviews and building upon their collection of stories. Story Beyond The Ruins operates with the help of volunteers. They have partnered with our organization to help raise the funds needed,$2,400, to continue to gather interviews, maintain their website and market their efforts for the next three years.

The young men and women behind Story Beyond The Ruins hope that these stories will strengthen the Armenian heritage of storytelling and give outsiders a glimpse into a profound event that led up to modern Armenia today. you can listen to these interviews on the Story Beyond The Ruins website at


Shirak & Lori / Շիրակ և Լոռի

City / Village

Gyumri, Spitak & Vanadzor / Գյումրի, Սպիտակ և Վանաձոր

Start Date

March 2019

End Date

March 2022
Story Beyond The Ruins

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.

The Need

A story about the past somehow has the power to alter our perception of the present and likewise shift our imagination of the future. The goal of the Story Beyond The Ruins project is to tell personal stories about the 1988 Spitak Earthquake including how it reordered the way people narrate their lives and how their identities changed. While there is much tragedy in the disaster, there is also much hope. People who survived this event grew up, pursued new goals, and changed into strong, motivated citizens who want to help their country and give back to those in need. This project is needed as a platform to tell these stories.

Short Term Impact

In the short term, a team of volunteers from Armenia will work to compile a collection interviews, translate them, and add them to the Story Beyond The Ruins website.

Long Term Impact

In the long term, a historical record will exist for future generations.

Sponsors Benefits

All sponsors will be recognized on The Paros Foundation and Story Beyond the Ruins websites. In addition, donors will be recognized on all relevant press regarding this project.

Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Norman & Roberta Malter

New York, NY March 21, 2019
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Ira & Nathalie Malter

Charlotte, CA March 14, 2019
Anonymous User

Mr. Vahan Tchakerian

Woodside, CA
In Memory Of Jean Barsam February 15, 2019
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Fred & Ardemis Tajirian

Oakland, CA
In Honor Of Vahe and Hilda Mener's 50th Wedding Anniversary February 7, 2019

Updates: Images & Information

May 6, 2019

Story Beyond The Ruins has just added to their collection of interviews. Armen Der Kiureghian's interview and the story of how the American University of Armenia was started after the 1988 Armenian earthquake is now available on their website.


NKA Water Pipeline 2

Water for Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur Phase 2


Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur is a village with approximately 1,100 residents in the Bert area of Armenia’s Tavush Region. This community lives on the border with Azerbaijan under the risk of sniper fire and renewed armed conflict.

Late last year a pump house, pump and pipelines were installed to provide 110 households in Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur, an estimated 500 people, each day with water. This was done because the supply of water to the water pipeline distribution network was not sufficient. With these improvements, each of these homes receive water daily and the lower reservoir now has enough water to also supply two additional groups of 30 neighboring homes with the installation of two additional pipelines, one 900 meters and the other 1,100 meters long, from the existing newly built pump house.


Tavush Տավուշ

City / Village

Nerkin Karmiraghbyur Ներքին Կարմիրաղբյուր

Start Date

March 2019

End Date

May 2020
NKA Water Pipeline 2

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.

The Need
Having running water in a person’s home is a basic necessity. An estimated 240 people in Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur cannot regularly bath, cook or clean because they barely have running water currently in their homes. This causes a constant struggle to do daily household chores and it breeds disease.
Short Term Impact
Running water will be delivered to 60 households allowing them the benefits of bathing, cooking and cleaning without the struggle of bringing water into their homes with buckets. Several short-term workers will be employed to dig and install the pipelines.
Long Term Impact
In the long term, helping improve Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur’s infrastructure improves the entire community, making living in this village easier. Villagers will become healthier will better access to fresh, clean drinking water.
Sponsors Benefits
Project sponsors will be listed on The Paros Foundation website and in relevant press materials related to this project. Visits to the village can be arranged for sponsors visiting Armenia.
Anonymous User

Mr. & Dr. Jean-Marie & Lori Atamian

New York, NY August 18, 2022
Anonymous User

Mr. & Dr. Jean-Marie & Lori Atamian

New York, NY September 15, 2020
Anonymous User

Mr. & Dr. Jean-Marie & Lori Atamian

New York, NY March 9, 2019

Updates: Images & Information

March 6, 2019

The local crew began trenching for the installation of the pipes. Some work was completed by hand, while in other areas, a tractor was utilized.

April 15, 2019

Work was completed on the extension of these two pipelines. Villages are now benefiting from the additional flow of water to their homes.

September 2, 2019

The Atamian Family visited the village today and saw the completed work on the pump house, pump and piping for both phases of this important project.


Purchase a Home 16 – Galoyan Family

Purchase a Home 16 - Galoyan Family


Following the 1988 Spitak Earthquake, tens of thousands of people were left homeless in the City of Gyumri. Many of these families took refuge in the overseas shipping containers (domiks) that were shipped into Armenia loaded with humanitarian relief supplies, or in condemned buildings. An entire generation of children has grown up in deplorable conditions, often times with no running water and little or no heat. The Armenian government has provided most of the families that lost their homes in the Earthquake with new housing units.

As people moved out of those makeshift housing units, others moved in. The 2,500 families that remain are Gyumri’s desolate families, who are not in line to receive a government provided apartment. Many of these families are comprised of single mothers, multiple children and/or the disabled. This is a sustainable model in that families that have been moved into permanent housing in the past have had a high degree of success maintaining their families and their new homes.

Aghonik Galoyan is a single mother.   She lives in a tiny domik with her mother and her son, Nareg.  Nareg has attended The Paros Foundation operated Debi Arach Children’s Center since it was opened in 2015.  He is a good student. Aghonik earns extra money seasonally by planting and picking potatoes.   The Galoyan family will dramatically benefit from a new home.

Once the move is complete, the make shift housing unit will be destroyed to prevent its future occupancy.


Shirak Շիրակ

City / Village

Gyumri Գյումրի

Start Date

February 2019

End Date

April 2019
Purchase a Home 16 – Galoyan Family

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.

The Need
2,500 families live in the city of Gyumri in temporary, make shift housing. These units are neither safe nor sanitary. These families and their children need a normal apartment in which to live.
Short Term Impact
Upon this project getting funded, an apartment will be purchased for this family. The make shift housing unit which they currently occupy will be dismantled.
Long Term Impact
In addition to this family and their improved mental state changing through the fact that they will be living in a normal housing situation, the city of Gyumri itself will improve with the removal of these make shift housing units.
Sponsors Benefits
All sponsors will be recognized on all relevant press regarding this project and on The Paros Foundation website.
Anonymous User


Switzerland February 12, 2020
Anonymous User

Dr. & Mrs. Alfred & Volga Zohrabian

United Kingdom February 8, 2020
Anonymous User


Manhattan Beach, CA December 29, 2019
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Josh & Alvart Cedar

Hayward, CA December 27, 2019
Anonymous User


Switzerland December 12, 2019
Anonymous User

Dr. & Mrs. Alfred & Volga Zohrabian

United Kingdom October 26, 2019
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Armen & Susan Skenderian

Danvers, MA October 11, 2019
Anonymous User

Ms. Ellen Sarkisian Chesnut

Alameda, CA October 11, 2019
View More Sponsors

Updates: Images & Information

March 27, 2019

The Galoyan Family moved into their new home today. We wish them much success on their new start.


Purchase a Home 15 – Boghosian Family

Purchase a Home 15 - Boghosian Family


Following the 1988 Spitak Earthquake, tens of thousands of people were left homeless in the City of Gyumri. Many of these families took refuge in the overseas shipping containers (domiks) that were shipped into Armenia loaded with humanitarian relief supplies, or in condemned buildings. An entire generation of children has grown up in deplorable conditions, often times with no running water and little or no heat. The Armenian government has provided most of the families that lost their homes in the Earthquake with new housing units.

As people moved out of those makeshift housing units, others moved in. The 2,500 families that remain are Gyumri’s desolate families, who are not in line to receive a government provided apartment. Many of these families are comprised of single mothers, multiple children and/or the disabled. This is a sustainable model in that families that have been moved into permanent housing in the past have had a high degree of success maintaining their families and their new homes.

Anna Boghosian is a single mother.  Her husband abandoned the family just before their youngest child was born.  Because of the difficult conditions in their domik, the girls have attended boarding school for the last several years.  Anna’s father also lives with them.  He is a war hero from the Artsakh war and was a tank gunner.  He spent the last year in Russia working to try and earn some money to make improvements to the families domik. The Boghosyan family will dramatically benefit from a new home.

Once the move is complete, the make shift housing unit will be destroyed to prevent its future occupancy.


Shirak Շիրակ

City / Village

Gyumri Գյումրի

Start Date

February 2019

End Date

March 2019
Purchase a Home 15 – Boghosian Family

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.

The Need
2,500 families live in the city of Gyumri in temporary, make shift housing. These units are neither safe nor sanitary. These families and their children need a normal apartment in which to live.
Short Term Impact
Upon this project getting funded, an apartment will be purchased for this family. The make shift housing unit which they currently occupy will be dismantled. Anna intends on no longer sending the girls to boarding school if they receive a new apartment.
Long Term Impact
In addition to this family and their improved mental state changing through the fact that they will be living in a normal housing situation, the city of Gyumri itself will improve with the removal of these make shift housing units.
Sponsors Benefits
All sponsors will be recognized on all relevant press regarding this project and on The Paros Foundation website.
Anonymous User

Youredjian Family Charitable Foundation

Los Angeles, CA January 2, 2019
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Jirair & Aline Christianian

Boulder, CO December 31, 2018

Updates: Images & Information

Video Update

February 8, 2019

Today we visited the Boghosyan family and told them they would be soon receiving a new apartment. They were overwhelmed with joy!

March 5, 2019

Today Anna, her father and three daughters were moved into their new apartment!

Image from iOS (44)

Kharpert Home for Special Children Excursion 17

Kharpert Home for Special Children Excursion 17


The Kharpert Home for Special Children is an orphanage located in the village of Nor Kharpert, and serves more than 250 children with varying degrees of developmental disabilities. The orphanage is a state run facility that receives governmental support to provide these vulnerable children with their basic care and education.

Excursions for these children to amusement parks and/or other appropriate venues provide these them with both valuable community experience and needed recreation. Children with disabilities in Armenia are generally kept sheltered from society. These children do not attend school, but rather attend classes at the orphanage. It is important for both these children and society for these children to experience community life.

For each donation of $250, approximately 20 children and an appropriate number of care provides will be able to go on an excursion to Yerevan at Victory Park, or another appropriate venue for a morning or afternoon of activities including transportation, admission and snacks. Please consider supporting multiple excursions for these children.


Ararat / Արարատ

City / Village

Nor Kharpert / Նոր Խարբերդ

Start Date

September 2020

End Date

September 2020
Kharpert Home for Special Children Excursion 17

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.

The Need

Approximately 1,200 children live in Armenia’s 15 orphanages. While these facilities provide basic care for these children, their limited funding does not permit them regular visits and participate in various social and cultural activities. A child with a disability has very few opportunities to visit the city and experience life outside of the grounds of the Kharpert orphanage.

Short Term Impact

The short-term impact of this project will be the employment of a bus driver, money being spent in Armenia’s local economy and most important the education and social benefits for 20 children with developmental disabilities.

Long Term Impact

This project has considerable long-term benefits for both the children and for society. Society’s attitudes towards people with disabilities will slowly begin to change as witness these children regularly and realize that society can indeed accommodate them as part of their community.

Sponsors Benefits

Your donation to the Kharpert Home for Special Children will be recognized at the Center and your name listed as a sponsor on The Paros Foundation website and in appropriate press related to this important project. The Paros Foundation stands ready to help you arrange a visit to the Kharpert Home for Special Children when you are in Armenia.

Anonymous User

Christopher & Michael Berube

Altadena, CA February 5, 2019

Updates: Images & Information

September 14, 2020

Residents of the Kharpert Home for Special Children went on an excursion to a Lake Sevan camp. They had a fun week of swimming and lakeside activities.


Kanakeravan Art School Classroom Renovation

Kanakeravan Art School Classroom Renovation


The Kanakeravan Fine Arts School is located in the village of Kanakeravan about 30 minutes outside of Yerevan and serves both this village and a neighboring village. The School provides afterschool program in several of the fine arts including music, dance, pottery, painting and needle work to more than 125 children annually. The School has a committed staff and principal that ensure that their personal passion for the arts is upheld and taught to these children.

The Paros Foundation has provided the school in past years with two new pianos and renovated the schools restroom and multipurpose room. The school is still in need of renovations to several of the classrooms and hallways including new flooring, doors, windows, paint and lighting. The local government provides the Art School support for their administrative expenses, while the students pay a modest monthly fee. Unfortunately, the support and fees are not enough to allow the school to complete the renovations on their own. Sponsorship of this project will help renovate a total of nine classroom/practice rooms and two administrative office.



City / Village


Start Date

June 2018

End Date

August 2018
Kanakeravan Art School Classroom Renovation

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.

The Need
Armenia’s villages and its children suffer from lack of facilities for children. The promotion of a child’s education and preservation of our rich culture depend on quality educational institutions. The Kanakeravan Fine Arts School can meet these needs with a modest amount of support.
Short Term Impact
125 children will have a newly renovated classrooms and practice rooms to attend. The renovation will employ a contractor and support the local economy through the purchase of necessary building materials.
Long Term Impact
Armenia’s rich heritage and culture will continue to be promoted through the support of this art school. In addition, life in the village of Kanakeravan will be more interesting and fulfilling by having a quality art school for children to study at and as a place for villagers to work.
Sponsors Benefits
Your donation to support the Kanakeravan Art School will be recognized with a plaque at the school, your name listed as a sponsor on The Paros Foundation website and in appropriate press related to this important project. The Paros Foundation stands ready to help you arrange a visit and tour the school when you are in Armenia.
Anonymous User

Danny Donabedian

Watertown, MA
SERVICE Armenia June 9, 2018
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Karo & Nadima Avakian

Chatsworth, CA
In Memory Of Robert Sarkiss June 3, 2018
Anonymous User

Ms. Rita Takvorian

Foster City, CA
In Memory Of Robert Sarkiss April 30, 2018
Anonymous User

Mr. Edward Godoshian

Danville, CA
In Memory Of Robert Sarkiss April 25, 2018
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Zaven & Nina Tashjian

San Jose, CA
In Memory Of Robert Sarkiss April 22, 2018
Anonymous User

Mr. Vicken Ekmekjian & Mrs. Nanor Kaplanian

San Francisco, CA
In Memory Of Robert Sarkiss April 22, 2018
Anonymous User

Mr. Smith K. Alexander III & Mrs. Suzy T. Alexander

Redwood City, CA
In Memory Of Robert Sarkiss April 22, 2018
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Sarkis & Gareneh Panossian

Mountain View, CA
In Memory Of Robert Sarkiss April 22, 2018
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Roupen & Siran Nahabedian

Redwood City, CA
In Memory Of Robert Sarkiss April 22, 2018
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Richard & Houry Viola

San Mateo, CA
In Memory Of Robert Sarkiss April 22, 2018
View More Sponsors

Updates: Images & Information

June 28, 2018

The SERVICE Armenia 2018 program participants spent three days working in the village on the subfloor at the Art School.

August 15, 2018

Students will begin the 2018/19 school year with new classrooms on the first floor! We hope to be able to continue the renovation of this school with the classrooms on the second floor next year.


Paruyr Sevak KG & PreK

Kindergarten & Preschool for Paruyr Sevak Village


The village of Paruyr Sevak was founded in 1978 and named after the famous poet Paruyr Sevak.  The village is located in the Ararat Region and is near the border of Nakhchivan and occasionally receives cross border sniper fire.  Almost 600 people live in the village of Paruyr Sevak.  Currently 16 children attend the preschool.  The village does not have a working kindergarten, nor an appropriate public gathering space for events and activities.  There is no gas infrastructure in the area, so families burn wood or use electricity to heat their homes and public buildings.  Improvements were recently made to the drinking water infrastructure for homes in Paruyr Sevak.  Irrigation water continues to be a problem for the village and dramatically effects their ability to farm.

The goal of this project is to rebuild several wings of the building that currently houses the preschool.  This will facilitate three major things for the village.  First, it will allow for the expansion for the preschool to accommodate additional children who are not attending due to the current poor conditions.  Second, it will allow the village of Paruyr Sevak to establish a kindergarten for the village.  Currently the village has 33 children awaiting the establishment of a kindergarten.  This will help these children receive the benefits of early education.  Finally, the renovation of a large assembly hall will allow the village to have an appropriate space to gather for various meetings and community activities.

This project will be implemented in phases as funding becomes available.  The first phase will include the renovation of the second story preschool space and will cost $18,500.  The second phase will include the renovation of the first story kindergarten space and the adjacent kitchen and will cost $28,500.  The third and final phase will include the renovation of the main entryway, the community assembly hall and the building’s entry courtyard and will cost $22,000.



City / Village

Paruyr Sevak

Start Date

May 2019

End Date

Paruyr Sevak KG & PreK

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.

The Need
The village of Paruyr Sevak has a small working preschool that needs renovation in order to better serve the community. In addition, children currently do not have a kindergarten to attend. The community as a whole does not have an appropriate assembly hall to meet for various events and activities.
Short Term Impact
In the short term, all of the preschool and kindergarten aged children will benefit from the newly renovated facilities. Additional jobs will be created at both the preschool and kindergarten, and during the reconstruction phase of the building. Materials will be purchased locally whenever possible, to help the local economy.
Long Term Impact
In the longer term, children in the village will benefit from early education and the villagers will have an appropriate space for community gatherings and events.
Sponsors Benefits
All sponsors of this project will be listed on The Paros Foundation website, on a plaque at the building’s entrance in Paruyr Sevak, and in any press related to this important project. Visits to the village can be arranged for sponsors and their families during visits to Armenia.
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. John & Beth Hamparian

Inverness, IL December 28, 2021
Anonymous User

Susan & Stepan Piligian

Westford, MA
In Honor Of Stepan Piligian's Birthday December 28, 2021
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. John & Beth Hamparian

Inverness, IL November 24, 2021
Anonymous User

Piligian Family

Westford, MA November 24, 2021
Anonymous User

Ms. Renée Deramerian

Sierra Madre, CA
June 20, 2021
Anonymous User

Ms. Tiffany Matevosyan

Glendale, CA June 18, 2021
Anonymous User

Ms. Sareen Armenian

La Canada, CA June 16, 2021
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. John & Beth Hamparian

Inverness, IL June 10, 2021
Anonymous User

Ms. Sanah Syed, Ms. Sarosh Syed

Fullerton, CA June 10, 2021
Anonymous User

Ms. Audrey Bogosian

Rolling Hills, CA May 24, 2021
Anonymous User

Mr. Aram Tashjian

Newton, MA May 18, 2021
Anonymous User

Ms. Ava Kuredjian

Simi Valley, CA May 14, 2021
View More Sponsors
May 19, 2019

Work began today on the second floor classroom spaces that will house the new pre-school.

July 16, 2019

Work is completed on the second floor classroom space. Now the crew is beginning the phase two work which includes the new main entrance, staircase, hallway and kitchen.

September 5, 2019

Today the Piligian and Hamparian families who are the primary sponsors of this project, visited the village of Paruyr Sevak and sponsored a gala celebration for the work that has been completed to date!

January 13, 2020

With work on phase two nearing completion, our work crew has begun the renovation of the first floor kindergarten space.

February 29, 2020

After a considerable amount of research, our Paros staff concluded the most effective heating system for this large building is an electricity fired boiler and radiators to heat all newly renovated spaces. Our heating specialist was able to tie in the existing partial solar heating system for additional benefit.

March 7, 2020

The work on the first floor kindergarten classroom spaces is also complete and the crew is now working on the second floor auditorium.

April 9, 2020

Today our crew finished the interior work. The children will return to both the kindergarten and the newly opened pre-school as soon as the Covid-19 restrictions are lifted. We will continue to work with the project sponsors to tackle the work on the grounds next.

July 9, 2021

Today our SERVICE Armenia participants spent the day at P. Sevak helping paint some of the verandas in the playground space.  Thanks to participant's donations, these structures were rebuilt and will offer both students, staff and families shelter from the heat!  

August 27, 2021

Thanks to the generous continued support from the Piligian and Hamparian families, the village's medical center, which is located next to the kindergarten's kitchen, is being renovated!  Work began today and should be completed within a few weeks.  

July 29, 2024

The Paros team visited the Payrur Sevak Kindergarten and Pre-School to spend time with the children. 


Ghoghanj Nor Nork 2019-2020 Funding

Ghoghanj Nor Nork - 2019-2020 Funding


The Ghoghanj Children’s Center located in the Kentron of Yerevan provides afterschool and summer school programs for approximately 60 children every month. Children who attend the Center are loosely defined as “at risk.” These children typically come from very poor households, often times with a single head of household, who cannot pay for such assistance. The goal of the Ghoghanj Children’s Center is to provide the necessary academic, psychological and social support to ensure that the children attending mature to well adjusted, successful, young adults.

In order to further impact more “at-risk” children, the Center has identified a need for this model to be replicated and offered to other communities in Armenia. Through the generous support of the Dadourian Foundation, a second center for “at-risk” children was opened in 2014 in the Nor Nork neighborhood of Yerevan to provide support to 85 additional children annually. The new center has provided students the same core classes daily (English, Russian, Computer, Design, Painting, Theater and Dance) as the Ghoghanj Children’s Center – Kentron. The goal of this project is to broaden the services offered to socially vulnerable children and families in other communities and provide them with the proper support and guidance needed to excel in school and become self-confident and respectful young adults.

Amount will include rent, utilities, teacher salaries, maintenance and additional improvements, and supplies.


Yerevan / Երևան

City / Village

Nor Nork / Նոր Նորք

Start Date

September 2019

End Date

August 2020
Ghoghanj Nor Nork 2019-2020 Funding

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.

The Need
Children living in the community of Nor Nork in Yerevan are in need of additional guidance through social, psychological and academic support. A second center for these kids has been opened and needs financial support in order to cover operational costs for the following school year 2019-2020.
Short Term Impact
In the short term, sponsorship of this project will help continue to employ teachers, and provide 85 children in the Nor Nork neighborhood of Yerevan with their needed tutoring and guidance.
Long Term Impact
In the long term, this project has the potential of impacting the lives of 85-100 at-risk students by helping them gain the guidance and support they need in order to create greater future opportunities, and become successful individuals and good citizens.
Sponsors Benefits
Your donation to fund the operational costs for the 2019-2020 school year for Ghoghanj-Nor Nork will be recognized with a plaque at the Center and on the Center’s website and in their printed materials. Your name will also be listed as a sponsor on The Paros Foundation website and in appropriate press related to this important project. The Paros Foundation will happily arrange a visit to the center when you are in Armenia.
Anonymous User

Dadourian Foundation

New York, NY December 17, 2018

Updates: Images & Information

October 6, 2019

Students from the Ghoghanj Children's Center attended the Digitec Expo 2019 annual exhibition and presented their work.

March 12, 2020

Following the order of the Prime Minister, the Ghoghanj Children's Center will be temporarily closed due to Covid-19 until further notice.


Purchase a Home 14 – Matevosyan Family

Purchase a Home 14 - Matevosyan Family


Following the 1988 Spitak Earthquake, tens of thousands of people were left homeless in the City of Gyumri. Many of these families took refuge in the overseas shipping containers (domiks) that were shipped into Armenia loaded with humanitarian relief supplies, or in condemned buildings. An entire generation of children has grown up in deplorable conditions, often times with no running water and little or no heat. The Armenian government has provided most of the families that lost their homes in the Earthquake with new housing units.

As people moved out of those makeshift housing units, others moved in. The 2,500 or so families that remain are Gyumri’s desolate families, who are not in line to receive a government provided apartment. Many of these families are comprised of single mothers, multiple children and/or the disabled. This is a sustainable model in that families that have been moved into permanent housing in the past have had a high degree of success maintaining their families and their new homes.

The Matevosyan family has been identified as a family in need of a new home.  Marina, her husband Gevorg and their three children have lived in this domik since Marina and Gevorg purchased it for $1,200 nine years ago.  Gevorg works as a contract soldier and is currently stationed at the border with Azerbaijan.  The family has no running water and their domik is infested with rats. Once the move is complete, the make shift housing unit will be dismantled to prevent its future occupancy.


Shirak Շիրակ

City / Village

Gyumri Գյումրի

Start Date

January 2019

End Date

March 2019
Purchase a Home 14 – Matevosyan Family

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.

The Need
2,500 families live in the city of Gyumri in temporary, make shift housing. These units are neither safe nor sanitary. These families and their children need a normal apartment in which to live.
Short Term Impact
Immediately, a new apartment will be sought out and purchased for the Matevosyan family. The make shift housing unit which they currently occupy will be dismantled as soon as the family has been moved into their new home.
Long Term Impact
In addition to this family and their improved mental state changing through the fact that they will be living in a normal housing situation, the city of Gyumri itself will improve with the removal of these make shift housing units.
Sponsors Benefits
All sponsors will be recognized on all relevant press regarding this project and on The Paros Foundation website.
Anonymous User

Youredjian Family Charitable Foundation

Los Angeles, CA January 2, 2019

Updates: Images & Information

Video Update

February 8, 2019

Today the Paros team along with our friend, Vahan Tumasyan from the Shirak Center told the Matevosyan family the good news that they were selected to receive a new home. Marina called her husband, Gevorg and gave him the good news. Gevorg is stationed at a post on the Azeri border and is due home from his shift in twelve days.

March 29, 2019

Today The Matevosyan Family became home owners! They signed the purchase contract at the Notary and the gifting agreement with the Paros team.

April 3, 2019

Moving day! The Matevosyan family said good bye to their old domik and opened a new chapter to their lives. Congratulations!


Debi Arach Children’s Center 2019 Operating Budget

Debi Arach Children's Center 2019 Operating Budget


The Paros Foundation launched the Debi Arach Children’s Center in Gyumri, Armenia on April 15, 2015 with the help of generous donors. The center, which provides 170 children each week the necessary academic, psychological, social and humanitarian support, has since been a source of positivity in this city. The residents of Gyumri, Armenia’s second largest city have endured very devastating realities since the tragic 1988 Spitak Earthquake. More than 100,000 residents were left homeless, and plagued with unemployment and rampant poverty for years to come. In turn, the fate of children in Gyumri has also been affected. Dealing with the difficulty of finding means to feed and care for their families, many parents are unable to provide their children with the proper guidance, supervision, educational aid and the financial resources for them to excel in school and have successful futures. The Debi Arach Children’s Center, which in Armenian means “moving forward,” helps these socially vulnerable children through a holistic approach providing them with both humanitarian and educational support. The center provides counseling and group therapy with a psychologist on staff, homework help and tutoring for almost every subject the children learn in school including English, Math, Art/Design, and Computer classes. Additionally, they are served a nutritious meal everyday, helping them receive the calories and/or nutrients they would otherwise not have. Furthermore, the Center addresses a very important hygienic need by providing the children in attendance with supervised bathing facilities. The goal is to help hundreds of children develop a vision for a successful future, and to give them the skills they need to reach these goals. This project is impacting the lives of hundreds of socially vulnerable children by helping them gain the guidance and support they need in order to create greater future opportunities, and become successful individuals and good citizens.

To date, the center has already had several important successes. At least nine children have been taken out of boarding schools, attend our center and now live back at home with their families. Many of the children who were receiving poor grades in school are now achieving top scores. The children have become socially well adjusted and much more healthier than before with the continued consumption of multi-vitamins and a daily well-balanced meal. Staff trainings have begun with an academic counsel of professionals from the United States and Armenia to ensure that the children are receiving the best care, treatment and methods for their development.

The center is working on funding year four and raising additional funds in order to develop and add to the programs and classes offered with the ability to hire more educators, and get more supplies, and equipment. Funds will also be used to supplement daily activities, hold forums for guest speakers and provide educational and career planning opportunities. $77,000 is needed to cover operating costs for the Center. In January of 2017, Debi Arach successfully launched its first program within its Vocational Training Center, teaching children computer programming, 3d printing and robotics curriculum. The goal of this newest component is to provide these children with marketable job skills in order to help them work themselves out of poverty.

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Shirak Շիրակ

City / Village

Gyumri Գյումրի

Start Date

April 2019

End Date

March 2020
Debi Arach Children’s Center 2019 Operating Budget

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.

The Need
Thousands of children in Gyumri are living in extreme poverty, with no hope for a decent future. These socially vulnerable children are in need of a safe and enriching environment where they can receive additional guidance through social, psychological and academic support giving them a chance to break their cycle of poverty. The children’s center will continue to provide these children with the opportunity to attend afterschool and summer school programs providing them with the additional skills necessary for a successful future. Additionally, these children suffer from malnutrition and related illnesses due to a lack of well-balanced meals. The center will continue to provide each child with a nutritious meal everyday, helping them receive the calories and/or nutrients they need. Furthermore, many families were forced to take refuge in overseas shipping containers (domiks), or in condemned buildings after the devastating 1988 Spitak Earthquake or due to their poor socioeconomic status. An entire generation of children has grown up in deplorable conditions, often times with no running water and little or no heat to take showers. The Center will address this very important hygienic need by continuing to provide the children in attendance with supervised new bathing facilities.
Short Term Impact
The short-term 170 children will receive immediate support and guidance to help them succeed for the second year. The Center will continue offer nutritious meals, bathing facilities, counseling opportunities, homework aid and tutoring and core classes including English, Computer, Art/Design, and Math.
Long Term Impact
In the long term, with the success of the Center’s current offerings, additional classes and programs will be added and attendance will rise. The number of children growing up in poverty in the future will decrease as the number of children successfully graduating from our program and continuing onto college or successful vocations increases. The number of “social orphans” and children temporarily residing in boarding schools in Gyumri will be reduced as parents become increasingly able to keep their children at home given the humanitarian support they receive at the center. Through ongoing employment opportunities created, several families will continue to receive a fair wage, hence improving Gyumri’s economy.
Sponsors Benefits
Your donation to sponsor the operating cost for 2019 of the Debi Arach Children’s Center in Gyumri will be recognized with a plaque at the Center and on the Center’s website and in their printed materials. Your name will also be listed as a sponsor on The Paros Foundation website and in appropriate press related to this important project. The Paros Foundation will proudly arrange a visit to the new Center when you are in Armenia.
Anonymous User

Ms. Mariam Kostandyan

United States September 3, 2020
Anonymous User

Mr. Roupen Dechkounian

Lexington, MA April 4, 2020
Anonymous User


Whittier, CA February 15, 2020
Anonymous User

Mr. Albert Avedissian

Porter Ranch, CA January 28, 2020
Anonymous User

Mr. Donald Cutler

Frisco, TX January 17, 2020
Anonymous User

Ms. Gayane Pogosyan

Frisco, TX January 17, 2020
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Vahan & Anne Sarkisian

New London, NH January 8, 2020
Anonymous User

Dr. & Mrs. Shant & Robin Garabedian

Jackson, TN
January 8, 2020
Anonymous User

Dr. John Aljian

Alpine, NJ December 31, 2019
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Chuck & Peggy Barsam

Huntington Beach, CA December 31, 2019
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Charles & Lisa Sansone

Sterling Heights, MI December 29, 2019
Anonymous User


San Juan Capistrano, CA December 27, 2019
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Stanley & Irene Antranikian

Clovis, CA
In Memory Of Howard Essegian December 27, 2019
Anonymous User

Mr. Albert Avedissian

Porter Ranch, CA December 26, 2019
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Nejdeh & Janet Hacopian

Glendale, CA December 21, 2019
Anonymous User

Mr. Shahen Hairapetian & Mrs. Arax Mansourian

San Marino, CA December 18, 2019
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Bob & Rose Kizirian

Redondo Beach, CA December 16, 2019
Anonymous User

Vicki & Nicole Sarkisian

Sterling Heights, MI December 15, 2019
Anonymous User

Ayvazian-Daghlian Family Charitable Trust

Arlington, MA December 12, 2019
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Peter & Carole Karabashian

Ventnor City, NJ December 11, 2019
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June 28, 2019

The Paros Foundation’s Service Armenia 2019 group came to visit Debi Arach and implement the Packs on Backs Armenia: Debi Arach project, distributing backpacks full of school supplies to all of the students. The backpacks are important for students as they ensure that no student is left behind due to inadequate school supplies. The SERVICE 2019 group will return soon to spend one of their work days doing minor renovations and paint work at the center.

July 1, 2019

The Paros Foundation’s Mobile Dental Clinic arrived at Debi Arach to treat the students throughout the month of July with free dental care and treatment.

October 9, 2019
Thanks to a generous second donation to underwrite the vocational training programs at the Debi Arach Children’s Center in Gyumri from the Dr. Gary and Linda Assarian Family Foundation, Debi Arach is proud to announce the re-naming of this program as the Assarian Vocational Training Program.
November 1, 2019

Today, Debi Arach had an amazing fall mini-excursion at a local park. Students split up into groups, some picking up trash and cleaning the park, some writing poetry, and some doing arts and crafts. It was a great day not only doing good for the community, but also appreciating nature.

November 7, 2019

Debi Arach now has a small library for students with over 100 books in Armenian, English, and Russian. Classes have been extended two days a week to allow for some independent reading time.

November 12, 2019

As a part of Debi Arach's career fair program and focused on the profession of law, 20 students were given the rare opportunity to visit a court. The president of the Universal Court of the Shirak Marz, Gagik Hovhannisyan, spoke about the judicial process and how a court case works. Students received a full tour of the area and learned so much about what lawyers do.

December 13, 2019

Debi Arach had a special visit from the Armenian EyeCare Project. They performed 19 eye exams for students who exhibited sight problems, 12 of which will be fitted for glasses. Thank you Armenian EyeCare Project!

March 9, 2020

The Debi Arach Children's Center and as well as the Assarian Vocational Training Program have temporarily closed due to Covid-19 following the order of the Prime Minister and until further notice. We are dedicated to providing consistent meals, psychological support, and structured in-home learning to the youth. Although the facility is currently closed, we are working hard to ensure the physical and emotional well-being of all students and staff. We have also committed to continue paying our staff during the closure. We are working closely with our on-staff psychologist, who is checking in with the kids each week to help them navigate their lives during this challenging time. We want to make sure the students still receive consistent, adequate nutrition so we are providing food packages for all families of Debi Arach with guidelines on safety protocols for receiving and cleaning the items.