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Berkeley CA 94710

(310) 400 9061

Press Releases

Detroit Community Kicks Off Nationwide Fundraising Effort for Paros Housing, After-School & Vocational Center Building

On September 15, 2022, an enthusiastic crowd gathered at the beautiful Birmingham Athletic Club to learn more about and to support The Paros Foundation’s Housing, After-school and vocational center building in Gyumri, Armenia. The event was generously hosted by Dr. & Mrs. Gary and Linda Assarian and Mr. & Mrs. Howard and Catherine Atesian.

Event Co-Hosts, the Atesian and Assarian families, gather for a photo with The Paros Foundation’s Executive Director. Pictured left to right: Mrs. Catherine Atesian, Mr. Howard Atesian, Mrs. Linda Assarian, Dr. Gary Assarian and Mr. Peter Abajian.

“I am very pleased that our community joined us to enthusiastically support this exciting project. Once completed, this project will continue to help impoverished families in Gyumri break their cycle of poverty and become contributing members of society.”

-Dr. Gary Assarian

The Municipality of Gyumri voted to give The Paros Foundation an 18,000 square foot, three-story building that was built in the late 1980s, and was never completed. Eliminating these types of eyesores from the city is a priority of the Mayor, Vardges Samsonian, who proposed this large project to The Paros Foundation. Once completed, the building’s second and third floor will be occupied by 18 families currently living in one of Gyumri’s domik communities in one- and two-bedroom apartments. The first floor will be home to a second branch of the Debi Arach Children’s Center, a vocational training space and space for a social enterprise/training center. Construction on this building will begin in the coming weeks.

More than $75,000 was raised at this kickoff event in Detroit. Similar events will take place in communities around the country in the coming months. A special thanks to the following families for their major support: Dr. & Mrs. Gary & Linda Assarian, Mr. & Mrs. Howard & Catherine Atesian, Mr. & Mrs. Ara & Christine Atesian, Mr. Darren Atesian, Mr. & Mrs. Gregory & Sandra Jamian, Mr. & Mrs. Edward & Yvonne Korkoian, Mr. & Mrs. Peter & Marilyn Sarkesian, Mr. & Mrs. Dietrich and Marianna Sneideraitis and the Terchoonian Home Foundation.

“I would like to extend my deepest appreciation to the Assarian and Atesian Families who sponsored this successful kickoff event. Our goal is to raise the entire $500,000 necessary to complete work on this building in the next few months in order to complete construction and move in the new families prior to the onset of next winter.”

-Peter Abajian, Executive Director