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Donations to The Paros Foundation Projects for Prosperity are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. To sponsor a project through The Paros Foundation, a 501 (c) 3 organization (Tax ID 20-5094630), or learn more about specific projects in need of funding, please contact us using the information below.


2217 5th Street

Berkeley CA 94710

(310) 400 9061

Tag: Completed


Packs on Backs Armenia: Debi Arach 2022

Packs on Backs Armenia: Debi Arach 2022


The Packs on Backs initiative, was started by the The Heros Humanitarian Foundation (HHF), a former Los Angeles based non-profit organization that supported children in need and their educational advancement. HHF partnered with The Paros Foundation to bring their Packs on Backs initiative to Armenia, and together successfully distributed 380 backpacks and school supplies to children in Gyumri and Vanadzor in the summer of 2015 and 225 backpacks to the children at the Kharpert Children’s Home in the summer of 2016. Since then, the Packs on Backs initiative continues to impact the lives of children in need in Armenia with this essential need.

Our next distribution will be for the kids attending the Debi Arach Children’s Center in Gyumri. Socially vulnerable children attend the center after their school and receive both humanitarian and educational support through a holistic approach. The Paros Foundation established the Debi Arach Children’s Center on April 15, 2015 and has since provided children each week the necessary academic, psychological, social and humanitarian support they need to succeed. Gyumri’s devastating history has left more than 100,000 residents homeless, and plagued with unemployment and rampant poverty. These families often struggle to provide their children with life’s basic necessities; therefore making backpacks and school supplies a distant priority. Children at the center were recipients of backpacks and school supplies during our first distribution in 2015. This distribution will meet the ongoing needs of both current and new children. Our goal is to provide 30 new attendees with new backpacks and school supplies and replenish the school supplies for 180 children who already have backpacks. A donation of $30 will help obtain one backpack filled with supplies for one child. School supplies will be grade appropriate and include a combination of pencils, pens, pencil cases, notebooks, folders, erasers, sharpeners, glue, scissors, rulers, highlighters, and crayons. In-kind donations of the items listed are also welcomed.


Shirak / Շիրակ

City / Village

Gyumri / Գյումրի

Start Date

January 2020

End Date

September 2020
Packs on Backs Armenia: Debi Arach 2022

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.

The Need

It is very difficult for a child to learn and excel in their studies without a proper backpack and essential school supplies. In addition, without the proper supplies these children are less likely to attend school on a regular basis, hence severely hindering their educational growth and minimizing future opportunities.

Short Term Impact

A total of 180 children from Gyumri’s poverty stricken communities attending the Debi Arach Children’s Center will receive either proper backpacks and school supplies or new school supplies to aid in their educational advancement. Local school supplies will be purchased whenever economically feasible in turn boosting the local economy.

Long Term Impact

Your donation to sponsor the Packs on Backs Armenia: Debi Arach project will be recognized on The Paros Foundation website and in appropriate press related to this important project.

Sponsors Benefits

All sponsors of this important project will be listed on The Paros Foundation’s website and in all press related to this project. Visits to these communities can be arranged for sponsors visiting Armenia.

Anonymous User

Mr. Samuel Khatchadourian

Glendale, CA September 22, 2022
Anonymous User

Mr. Samuel Khatchadourian

Glendale, CA September 21, 2022
Anonymous User

Mr. Samuel Khatchadourian

Glendale, CA September 8, 2022
Anonymous User

Mr. Samuel Khatchadourian

Glendale, CA September 7, 2022
Anonymous User

Mrs. Louise Bedrosian

Rancho Palos Verdes, CA August 30, 2022
Anonymous User

Mr. Samuel Khatchadourian

Glendale, CA August 25, 2022
Anonymous User

Mr. Samuel Khatchadourian

Glendale, CA August 19, 2022
Anonymous User

Mr. Samuel Khatchadourian

Glendale, CA July 29, 2022
Anonymous User

Mr. Samuel Khatchadourian

Glendale, CA July 29, 2022
Anonymous User

Mr. Vahe Ghevandian

United States June 29, 2022
Anonymous User

Mr. Mher Mekertichyan

United States June 29, 2022
Anonymous User

Ms. Tatevik Torossian

United States June 27, 2022
View More Sponsors
Kharpert Home for Special Children Excursion 19

Kharpert Home for Special Children Excursion 19

Kharpert Home for Special Children Excursion 19


The Kharpert Home for Special Children is an orphanage located in the village of Nor Kharpert serving more than 250 children with varying degrees of developmental disabilities. The orphanage is a state run facility that receives governmental support to provide these vulnerable children with basic care and education.

Excursions to amusement parks and/or other appropriate venues provide these children with both valuable community experience and needed recreation. Children with disabilities in Armenia are generally kept sheltered from society. These children do not attend school, but rather attend classes at the orphanage. It is important for both these children and society that they experience community life.

For each donation of $250, approximately 20 children and an appropriate number of care provides will be able to go on an excursion to Yerevan at Victory Park, or another appropriate venue for a morning or afternoon of activities including transportation, admission and snacks. Please consider supporting multiple excursions for these children.



City / Village

Nor Kharpert

Start Date

July 2021

End Date

July 2021
Kharpert Home for Special Children Excursion 19

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.

The Need

Several homes in these frontier communities were damaged to varying degrees and need immediate repair. Villagers need to know that the diaspora stands with them in this time of need.

Short Term Impact

Approximately 1,200 children live in Armenia’s 15 orphanages. While these facilities provide basic care for these children, their limited funding does not permit these children regular visits and participate in various social and cultural activities. A child with a disability has very few opportunities to visit the city and experience life outside of the grounds of the Kharpert orphanage.

Long Term Impact

This project has considerable long-term benefits for both the children and for society. Society’s attitudes towards people with disabilities will slowly begin to change as people witness these children regularly and realize that society can indeed accommodate them as part of their community.

Sponsors Benefits

Your donation towards the Kharpert Home for Special Children’s Excursion project will be recognized as a sponsor on the Paros Foundation website and in appropriate press related to this important project. The Paros Foundation stands ready to help you arrange a visit to the Kharpert Home for Special Children when you are in Armenia.

Anonymous User

Mr. Sarkis Karabashian

Ventnor, NJ December 15, 2020
Anonymous User


United States September 23, 2020
Anonymous User

Ms. Linnet Zohrabian

United States September 9, 2020
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Richard & Kathy Mouradjian

Fountain Hills, AZ June 18, 2020
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Richard & Kathy Mouradjian

Fountain Hills, AZ December 24, 2019

Updates: Images & Information

July 16, 2021
SERVICE Armenia 2021 participants accompanied residents from the Kharpert Home for Special Children to a fun day at Victory Park.
Image from iOS (44)

Kharpert Home for Special Children Excursion 18

Kharpert Home for Special Children Excursion 18


The Kharpert Home for Special Children is an orphanage located in the village of Nor Kharpert serving more than 250 children with varying degrees of developmental disabilities. The orphanage is a state run facility that receives governmental support to provide these vulnerable children with basic care and education.

Excursions to amusement parks and/or other appropriate venues provide these children with both valuable community experience and needed recreation. Children with disabilities in Armenia are generally kept sheltered from society. These children do not attend school, but rather attend classes at the orphanage. It is important for both these children and society that they experience community life.

For each donation of $250, approximately 20 children and an appropriate number of care provides will be able to go on an excursion to Yerevan at Victory Park, or another appropriate venue for a morning or afternoon of activities including transportation, admission and snacks. Please consider supporting multiple excursions for these children.



City / Village

Nor Kharpert

Start Date

September 2020

End Date

September 2020
Kharpert Home for Special Children Excursion 18

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.

The Need

Approximately 1,200 children live in Armenia’s 15 orphanages. While these facilities provide basic care for these children, their limited funding does not permit these children regular visits and participate in various social and cultural activities. A child with a disability has very few opportunities to visit the city and experience life outside of the grounds of the Kharpert orphanage.

Short Term Impact

The short-term impact of this project will be the employment of a bus driver, money being spent in Armenia’s local economy and most important the emotional and social benefits for 20 children with developmental disabilities.

Long Term Impact

This project has considerable long-term benefits for both the children and for society. Society’s attitudes towards people with disabilities will slowly begin to change as people witness these children regularly and realize that society can indeed accommodate them as part of their community.

Sponsors Benefits

Your donation towards the Kharpert Home for Special Children’s Excursion project will be recognized as a sponsor on the Paros Foundation website and in appropriate press related to this important project. The Paros Foundation stands ready to help you arrange a visit to the Kharpert Home for Special Children when you are in Armenia.

Anonymous User


United Kingdom November 8, 2019
Anonymous User

Dr. & Mrs. Alfred & Volga Zohrabian

United Kingdom November 8, 2019

Updates: Images & Information

September 14, 2020

Residents of the Kharpert Home for Special Children went on an excursion to a Lake Sevan camp. They had a fun week of swimming and lakeside activities.


Verin Getashen School Renovation

Verin Getashen School Renovation


Verin Getashen is a large village located just southwest of Lake Sevan.  The village was founded in the early 1800s by migrants from Mush and Alashkert in present day Eastern Turkey.  Almost 5,000 people call Verin Getashen their home.  More than 300 children attend the school, which is in poor condition.  Major needs of the school including replacing the roof, windows and heating system will be addressed as funds become available for this project.



City / Village

Verin Getashen

Start Date

August 2019

End Date

November 2022
Verin Getashen School Renovation

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.

The Need
The children in Verin Getashen attend school in very poor conditions. The school is in need of a new roof, new windows and a proper heating system.
Short Term Impact
In the short term, students attending the school will benefit from a safer, more comfortable environment in which to learn. Materials and labor will be purchased locally whenever possible, thus adding to the local economy.
Long Term Impact
In the longer term, once the school improvements have been completed (in phases) the entire community will benefit for years to come with the school providing generations of residents with safe, comfortable and clean surroundings in which to learn.
Sponsors Benefits
All sponsors will be listed on The Paros Foundation website, on a plaque installed at the school and in all appropriate press related to this important project.
Anonymous User

Developmental Services for Armenia

Arcadia, CA November 9, 2022
Anonymous User

Ms. Suzanne Papaian

Los Angeles, CA
In Memory Of Flora Dunaians August 15, 2022
Anonymous User

Mrs. Joyce Abdulian

Studio City, CA
In Memory Of Flora Dunaians August 11, 2022
Anonymous User

Developmental Services for Armenia

Arcadia, CA August 10, 2022
Anonymous User

Ms. Rita Barsoumian

Toluca Lake, CA
In Memory Of Flora Dunaians August 9, 2022
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Greg & Gina Felikian

Sierra Madre, CA
In Memory Of Flora Dunaians August 8, 2022
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Armen & Eleanora Hayrapetian

Northridge, CA
In Memory Of Flora Dunaians August 8, 2022
Anonymous User

Ms. Diane Barsam

Newport Beach, CA
In Memory Of Flora Dunaians August 8, 2022
Anonymous User

Mr. & Dr. Peter & Houry Abajian

Beverly Hills, CA
In Memory Of Flora Dunaians August 8, 2022
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Greg & Gina Felikian

Sierra Madre, CA
In Memory Of Flora Dunaians August 8, 2022
Anonymous User

Mr. Tavit Najarian

Rumson, NJ
In Honor Of Ohannes & Zabel Najarian July 24, 2020
Anonymous User

Ms. Diane Barsam

Newport Beach, CA
In Memory Of Mr. Vartkes Barsam July 24, 2020

Updates: Images & Information

August 15, 2019

Thanks to the generous support of Developmental Services for Armenia and the Dunaians Family, work on the roof at the school has begun.

September 23, 2019

Work on the roof has been completed.

October 29, 2019

The Dunaian Family visited the school today with Paros Project Manager, Gegham Minasyan. During their visit, they viewed the interior of the school to determine the next steps forward.

February 17, 2020

Work on the kitchen, dining hall and storage room began today. This effort is supported in partnership with support from Developmental Services for Armenia and the municipality of Verin Getashen and materials from the World Food Program.

April 2, 2020

With the subfloor installed and drying, the work at the Verin Getashen School has stopped. Work will begin once the stay at home orders are lifted and it is safe to return to work.

May 1, 2020

With the easing of the stay at home orders, work once again began at the Verin Getashen School's kitchen, cafeteria and storage room.

July 4, 2020

Renovations on the cafeteria are finished! Shortly after sinks, tables, and chairs were added to the cafeteria. Now the students have a brand new area to enjoy their lunches.

August 10, 2022

The Verin Getashen School's computer room renovations have started and we look forward to providing computers with the new classroom. 

December 19, 2022

Computer room renovations are finished! The classroom is now full operational and  equipped with computers for students to learn new skills. Thank you to our donors for making this project possible. 


Purchase a Home 21 – Tovamasyan Family

Purchase a Home 21 - Tovamasyan Family


Following the 1988 Spitak Earthquake, tens of thousands of people were left homeless in the City of Gyumri. Many of these families took refuge in the overseas shipping containers (domiks) that were shipped into Armenia loaded with humanitarian relief supplies, or in condemned buildings. An entire generation of children has grown up in deplorable conditions, often times with no running water and little or no heat. The Armenian government has provided most of the families that lost their homes in the Earthquake with new housing units.

As people moved out of those makeshift housing units, others moved in. The 2,500 or so families that remain are Gyumri’s desolate families, who are not in line to receive a government provided apartment. Many of these families are comprised of single mothers, multiple children and/or the disabled.

This project will identify suitable needy families who can be moved into a new apartment and can demonstrate that they can afford their monthly utilities, etc. This is a sustainable model in that families that have been moved into permanent housing in the past have had a high degree of success maintaining their families and their new homes.

Once the move is complete, the make shift housing unit will be destroyed to prevent its future occupancy.



City / Village


Start Date

November 2019

End Date

December 2019
Purchase a Home 21 – Tovamasyan Family

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.

The Need
2,500 families live in the city of Gyumri in temporary, make shift housing. These units are neither safe nor sanitary. These families and their children need a normal apartment in which to live.
Short Term Impact
Immediately a family will be identified and an appropriate apartment purchased for them. The make shift housing unit which they currently occupy will be destroyed.
Long Term Impact
In addition to this family and their improved mental state changing through the fact that they will be living in a normal housing situation, the city of Gyumri itself will improve with the removal of these make shift housing units.
Sponsors Benefits
All sponsors will be recognized on all relevant press regarding this project and on The Paros Foundation website.
Anonymous User

Youredjian Family Chartitable Foundation

Los Angeles, CA June 14, 2019

Updates: Images & Information

November 5, 2019

Today the Tovamasyan Family signed the purchase contract and gifting agreement and became home owners!

November 15, 2019

Moving Day! Paros Foundation staff joined the Shirak Center staff to arrange and help with the Tovamasyan family move into their new apartment. Immediately following the move, Shirak Center staff began the demolition of the Tovamasyan families old domik.


#Everygirl Sport

#EveryGirl Sport for Social Impact


GOALS encourages communities to transform societal norms into equitable values. Sport enables them to push for discussions around gender equity in marriage, leadership positions, and opportunities in a way that other mechanisms don’t allow through on-field games, soccer matches, and cross-cultural events.

Our main challenge in 2019 was to create demand for girls’ sports teams in the regions and villages of Armenia. We are proud to say that we have accomplished our mission. But with this accomplishment comes the new challenge of meeting that demand.

For 2020, at GOALS we seek to empower #everygirl in Armenia to find a pathway to an alternate possible future. While we have already impacted over one thousand girls by allowing them to unlock their potential through sports, we still have a long way to go. With your support, we will be able to expand our reach to many more villages in the regions of Armenia, revamp our sport for social impact curriculum and truly live into the movement that we have ignited.

#Everygirl deserves the chance to shine, play, grow. With GOALS our girls develop a voice, one that will carry them through life as the leaders they are born to be.

Your donations will go directly towards the expansion and operations of our Leagues in Tavush and Gegharkunik regions. Costs include uniforms, sports equipment, travel for teams to practices and games, coaches training, coordination and staffing associated with the Leagues.


Tavush, Gegharkunik, Vayots Dzor, Armavir

City / Village

All in Tavush, Gegharkunik, Vayots Dzor, Armavir

Start Date

December 2020

End Date

January 2020
#Everygirl Sport

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.

The Need
Throughout Armenia, there are limited opportunities for girls to play soccer. Despite having a strong desire to do so, girls cannot find the resources necessary or sporting groups that make experiencing the game a possibility. In addition, organized sport participation has several benefits to youth development such as leadership skills, teamwork skills, confidence building and improved overall physical health. The GOALS organization helps give young women the chance to play soccer through their GOALS Leagues, Media, Coach and Referee trainings, Camps and After-school Clubs while helping Armenian communities change the broader mindset limiting girls and women in many aspects of their lives and see that girls can and should be future leaders of their country!
Short Term Impact
In the short-term, we will expand the teams in Tavush and Gegharkunik and support the empowerment of these young women.
Long Term Impact
In the long-term, public opinion regarding girls’ participation in soccer is changing, paving for the way for greater sports and leadership opportunities. We see a movement toward more inclusive soccer leagues that start at a young age and continue, also contributing to a competitive National Team for Armenia.
Sponsors Benefits
Sponsors will be listed on The Paros Foundation website, on the GOALs website and in all relevant press of this important project.
Anonymous User

Ms. Liana Chobanyan

CA, United States December 5, 2020
Anonymous User

Ms. Christina Del Zingaro

United States
In Honor Of Anna Hakobyan's Birthday March 15, 2020
Anonymous User

Ms. Christina Artner Urruchua

United States
In Honor Of Anna Hakobyan's Birthday March 13, 2020
Anonymous User

Ms. Cynthia Odell

NY, United States
In Honor Of Anna Hakobyan's Birthday March 11, 2020
Anonymous User

Ms. Ronda Berkeley

Van Nuys, CA February 11, 2020
Anonymous User

Dr. Julia Kahrl

Arrowsic, ME February 10, 2020
Anonymous User

Ms. Anna Astvatsatryan

United States February 10, 2020
Anonymous User

Mr. Edik Eskandarian

NY, United States February 7, 2020
Anonymous User

Kagan Family

Pacific Palisades, CA February 6, 2020
Anonymous User

Mr. Glenn Greenberg

Bronxville, NY February 3, 2020
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Donald & Pamela Shassian

Rye Brook, NY February 2, 2020
Anonymous User

Ms. Nancy McKenna

Bronxville, NY January 31, 2020
View More Sponsors

Updates: Images & Information

February 17, 2020

Phase 2: Thanks to your generosity we were able to reach our first goal of 25k and fund our efforts in Gegharkunik and Tavush. Keeping in mind the spirit of reaching #everygirl for phase 2 of our efforts we are seeking support for the expansion of Vayots Dzor and Armavir Leagues. Your donations will go directly towards the expansion and operations of our Leagues in Tavush, Gegharkunik, Armavir, and Vayots Dzor. Costs include uniforms, sports equipment, travel for teams to practices and games, coaches training, coordination and staffing associated with the Leagues.

May 15, 2020

With the current State of Emergency in Armenia, all programming has been postponed until further notice. Although we are unable to resume regular programming at this time GOALS is committed to coming up with creative and innovative ways to continue to engage our girls and continue to provide a safe space for growth, learning, and leadership. On behalf of the GOALS team, we want to thank you for your continued support throughout these challenging times.


Empowering Young Girls in Gyumri

Empowering Young Girls in Gyumri


Nor Luyce aims to provide girls the means to become self-sufficient, healthy, globally aware young women, who have set personal and career goals and who have created an action plan of how to achieve them. Our program was developed to improve self-esteem, self-reliance, and a sense of community and then build on these skills and potential. We believe in empowering teenage girls from orphanages and low-income families to build a community of strong, thoughtful, creative young women who are the future of Armenia.

In order to improve the future and career opportunities for girls from socially disadvantage families and foster cares, we prove a 3-phase, 3-year mentoring program that impacts approximately 60 girls a year. Currently, we are seeking funding for our first phase, which will provide a mentoring to 20 new Nor Luyce beneficiaries, aged 13-14 raising the number from 60 to 80.

Our Mentoring Phase program covers 11 months, during which 20 girls, aged 13-14, from socially vulnerable families and foster care receive mentoring. Each mentor-mentee pair meet approximately 40 times for individual meetings as well as partake in 20 group meetings. During our mentoring phase, we also focus on empowering participants to become active community members through service activities, cultural events, and building leadership through various responsibilities such as presenting information to their peers and other organization members. We also offer tutoring services for any participant who is struggling academically.

In order to decrease the likelihood that girls will be trafficked or married off at a young age, we strive to provide teenagers (13-14 year old) with a positive role model and a strong connection with other girls and prominent community leaders. We focus on career aspirations and how to create the best version of themselves, using the traits, skills, and strengths the participants already have. We also believe, that in order to empower young girls, we need to have a comprehensive approach to their development, as such following the first phase we then focus on skill-building trainings, career development, and offer scholarships for higher education. As of now, we have seventeen girls currently involved in higher education institutions, two more girls have already graduated from colleges and universities and now they work with their profession. On top of these, we have one mentee who graduated from a college which she had to admit because of the inforce of her parents, however, she could find the inner strength to change her profession and pursue the degree that was close to her heart.



City / Village


Start Date

September 2019

End Date

August 2020
Empowering Young Girls in Gyumri

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.

The Need
According to a 2010 UNICEF report, Armenia has 50 institutions that provide “residential care services” to children in the nation. Of the 4,902 children in the system, 3,823 live in residential care. These institutions lack the personnel responsible for emotional, personal, and professional development. At institutions specifically designated as “orphanages” the ration is an abysmal 1:20. Under these circumstances, the socio-economic outcomes for adults who grow up in the orphanage system are grim. Children living in orphanages generally experience different behavioral problems, are fearful, feel despair, insecurity, and high anxiety level. The children lack a number of life skills to engage effectively in the social and academic world. Because of lack of adult care, our youth have difficulty in regulating with their behavior and emotions. Situations for the young women are more challenging; they face gender-based discrimination in a male dominated and conservative society.
Short Term Impact

All goals will be met in an ongoing fashion, throughout the ten-month program.

• 20 mentees will partake in at least 30 one-on-one meetings with their mentors

• 20 mentees will take part
in at least 10 group meetings focusing on various life skills such as moving from dreams to reality, conflict resolution, stress management, etc.

• All 20 mentor-mentee pairs will complete at least one community service activity

• All the Mentoring Phase mentees (20 girls) will take part in at least 10 overall group meetings focused on creating a global perspective on issues such as different cultures, human rights, government, etc.

• All mentees (80 mentees) will take part in at least one international event such as International Women’s Day, International Human Rights Day, etc.

• 20 Mentors will take part in prementoring and on-going mentoring trainings to provide better services to the mentees.

• 30 mentees will meet a number of well-known and successful people in Armenia who will share the key to their success. As a result of the meetings mentees will experience:
    – Increase in academic performance by the end of program year

    – Increase time management skills

    – Creation of a career plan with short and long term goals of each mentee

    – All 20 mentees will create a presentation and lead a group discussion

Long Term Impact
In the long-term participants will continue onto Nor Luyce’s other two phases and become a more well-rounded, active, and confident individual.
Sponsors Benefits
Sponsor will be recognized on both the Nor Luyce and The Paros Foundation websites, social media sites and in all appropriate press related to this project. Donors will also be mentioned in the Nor Luyce e-newsletter and be given regular progress reports on the girl’s progress as well as thank you e-mails.
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur & Kathleen Koncagul

Troy, MI
December 8, 2021
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Richard & Sharon Chackerian

San Francisco, CA November 12, 2021
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Jack & Zarig Youredjian

Los Angeles, CA May 1, 2021
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Richard & Sharon Chackerian

San Francisco, CA December 21, 2020
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Ara & Michelle Chackerian

Berkeley, CA July 17, 2020
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Mark & Gretchen Albarian

Hermosa Beach, CA May 7, 2020
Anonymous User

Ms. Gay Hagopian

NJ, United States November 29, 2019
Anonymous User

Ms. Jeanette Derhagopian

Warminister, PA November 29, 2019
Anonymous User


Boston, MA November 29, 2019
Anonymous User

3 M's St. Mary Armenian Church

N. Caldwell, NJ November 15, 2019
Anonymous User


Boston, MA November 6, 2019

Updates: Images & Information

July 1, 2020

2019-2020 program year was both challenging and exciting. In spite of the pandemic, these 10 months were full of both in-person and online meetings. As a result, 638 individual mentoring meetings, 13 pre-mentoring, and 6 on-going mentoring trainings for the mentors took place conducted by not only Gyumri professionals, but also trainers from Yerevan, San Francisco, Columbia State University, and more. There has also been 10 mentoring group meetings, 27 career planning meetings and 11 program-wide group meetings. Moreover, the mentees had a chance to meet with 10 guest speakers from Gyumri, Yerevan, New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Beirut. All the mentees of the Skill-Building Phase could finalize the career plans that will guide them throughout their high school years. This year is also highlighted by our Alumni group taking initiative and organizing a series of group meetings to discuss women who motivate them.


Help Build the Artsvabert Kindergarten

Help Build the Artsvabert Kindergarten


More than 2,700 people live in the isolated border community of Artsvabert. The village is in desperate need of a second kindergarten to accommodate two additional groups of children (60 total), as the current existing kindergarten is full. 

Near the primary school in the village, there is an existing building that needs a complete renovation including new roof, windows, doors, kitchen, bathrooms.  In addition, work will be completed to the entrance to create a safe and convenient entry to the kindergarten.  Once renovated, this building would easily house two additional groups of kindergarten aged children. 

Following the complete reconstruction of the new kindergarten, new furniture and kitchen equipment will be installed.




City / Village


Start Date

April 2021

End Date

October 2021
Help Build the Artsvabert Kindergarten

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.

The Need

The village of Artsvabert needs an additional kindergarten to facilitate early education for the growing number of children in this larger border community.  A building located near one of the village’s two schools needs to be complete reconstructed to serve as the village’s second kindergarten.

Short Term Impact

In the short term, 60 children will begin receiving the benefit of early education.  At least 6 more employment positions will be created in the community.  In addition, a modest economic benefit will be realized as all materials will be purchased locally.

Long Term Impact

In the long term, the community of Artsvabert will benefit as a whole from having a second kindergarten in the community.  In addition, 60 families will directly benefit from the services provided by the kindergarten.  

Sponsors Benefits

All sponsors of this important project will be listed on The Paros Foundation’s website, on a plaque installed at the kindergarten, and in all appropriate press. Visits to the Artsvabert Kindergarten can be arranged for sponsors during their visit to Armenia.

Anonymous User

Ms. Annette Stepanian

Walnut Creek, CA February 15, 2021
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Peter & Sarah Goorjian

Oakland, CA February 12, 2021
Anonymous User

Ms. Laura Beulens

United States February 11, 2021
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. John & Maria Sheridan

NY, United States
In Memory Of Dorothy Jenkins February 1, 2021
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Jody Thompson

Roseville, CA
In Memory Of Margred Thompson January 19, 2021
Anonymous User


Hillsborough, CA December 22, 2020
Anonymous User

Dadourian Foundation

New York, NY December 18, 2020
Anonymous User

John Mirak Foundation

Arlington, MA April 20, 2020
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Dikran & Lynn Barsamian

Allendale, NJ March 13, 2020
Anonymous User

Mr. Mike Adams

Davis, CA January 15, 2020
Anonymous User

Mr. David Yaldezian

La Habra, CA December 31, 2019
Anonymous User


Hillsborough, CA December 31, 2019
View More Sponsors

Updates: Images & Information

April 2, 2021

Demolition work began today at the building that will be the new kindergarten in the village of Artsvabert.


July 3, 2021

The roof is now complete at the kindergarten in Artsvabert and work on installing the new windows has begun.

October 5, 2021

The construction work on the building to house the new kindergarten is complete.  The process for licensing the new building has begun.  Soon the facility will be open for students!


Scholarship for a Sustainable Future (Marine A.)

Scholarship for a Sustainable Future: Marine A.


Nor Luyce works with young girls, ages 14-17, from two local orphanages and/or from poverty stricken families from Gyurmi, Armenia. Under the direction of their Executive Director, Shoghik Mikayelyan, the program provides their mentees with positive roles models and emotional support. The reduction of isolation is provided by mentors and by field trips, which expose the children to various work and educational settings. In addition, Nor Luyce’s program emphasizes the development of educational and career plans. They are now at the stage of either beginning or continuing to help implement each older child’s plan for higher education. Each child has also either completed or is in the process of completing a career plan, which includes the most appropriate type and place of higher education.

Nor Luyce is trying to provide Marine, a young girl from Gyumri, with a scholarship that would reduce her out of pocket costs towards her education. Lusine lives at home with her father, mother, sister and brother. Her parents are farmers. At times Marine’s father leaves for Russia to find a job. Their monthly income is 48000 AMD which is not enough to take care of the family and pay the tuition fee of Marine who has just entered University. Marine graduated from the school with high performance. During her free time, she draws and read books. She has been a part of Nor Luyce NGO since 2016. She has successfully finished Mentoring Phase, Skill-Building Phase and now she is in the Scholarship phase. Marine has been very passive, shy and closed-off, and she had fears of expressing her ideas. However, thanks to the great work that her mentor did, Marine became very active, she takes part in all the group meetings and actively expresses her ideas. She has been volunteering her time at the organization scanning and filling out budet documents. The requested scholarship funds will help Marine continue her studies and cover the costs of her tuition, uniform, books, stationaries, winter clothing and her transportation fee for one year.



City / Village


Start Date

September 2019

End Date

February 2021
Scholarship for a Sustainable Future (Marine A.)

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.

The Need

Children living in orphanages and/or within poverty stricken families are often isolated and may lack the knowledge, adult support and financial ability necessary to make appropriate life choices. As a consequence, many of these children are deprived from the opportunity to pursue their education. The frustration of these deficits in addition to the expectation that they will not be able to afford additional education may even lead to a lack of motivation to seek the knowledge and support needed. By being given the opportunity to pursue educational goals, they will be able to secure job opportunities, a good future and a successful life.

Short Term Impact

Marine A., who currently lives in Gyumri’s, will receive the financial support she needs, in a form of a scholarship, covering the costs of her college tuition, uniform, books, stationaries, winter clothes and transportation.

Long Term Impact

The long-term goal is that Marine A., being given the opportunity to continue pursuing her educational goals at the university level will have a reasonable chance to become self-sufficient member of Armenian society and have a successful life.

Sponsors Benefits

Sponsor will be recognized on both the Nor Luyce and Paros Foundation websites. Donors will be given regular progress reports on the girl’s progress during their university studies.

Anonymous User

Ms. Gale Valentini

Petaluma, CA October 12, 2020

Artsvabert Water Pipe

Artsvabert Water Pipe & Reservoir Renovation


Արծվաբերդ (Artsvabert) is a town in the Տավուշ (Tavush) province of Armenia, which shares a 34km long border with Azerbaijan. Artsvaberd is located in a particularly remote and isolated part of Tavush.  Artsvabert has a population of almost 2,600 people living in 500 homes.  Most of these homes only receive water once every three days for one hour.  The lack of enough clean water has resulted in the absence of basic household conveniences, thus making life in Artsvabert difficult for its population.  The implementation of the Artsvabert Water Pipe & Reservoir Renovation program will provide daily water to the majority of the households in Artsvabert.


Tavush Տավուշ

City / Village

Artsvabert Արծվաբերդ

Start Date


End Date

Two months
Artsvabert Water Pipe

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.

The Need
The 2,600 residents in Artsvabert struggle on a daily basis because of a lack of water. The implementation of this project will ease this suffering for the town’s 500 households. $12,750 is needed to completely renovate the reservoir and $6,750 is needed to install water meters in the 500 households in Artsvabert.
Short Term Impact
In the short term, about 2,600 people in Artsvabert will benefit from receiving daily water into their homes. In addition, the local economy will receive a bit of a boost with local materials and labor begin secured to complete the planned work.
Long Term Impact
In the long run, the addition of a steady flow of water to the town’s households will contribute to overall better health and welfare for the town and help its continued development.
Sponsors Benefits
Sponsors of this project will be recognized on The Paros Foundation website, any press related to this important project, and on a plaque in the town of Artsvaberd. A visit can be arranged to Artsvabert for sponsors visiting Armenia.
Anonymous User

Ms. Stephanie Nersesyan

Simi Valley, CA May 1, 2019
Anonymous User


Whittier, CA April 24, 2019
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Bob & Rose Kizirian

Redondo Beach, CA April 21, 2019
Anonymous User

Megrdichian Family

Glendale, CA April 20, 2019
Anonymous User

Mr. Andranik Ovasapyan & Mrs. Arpine Bandaryan

Burbank, CA April 20, 2019
Anonymous User

Mr. Chris Darakjian

Fresno, CA April 19, 2019
Anonymous User


TN, United States April 19, 2019
Anonymous User

Mr. Arakel Aristakessian

United States April 19, 2019
Anonymous User

Ms. Tanya Mosesian

West Hills, CA April 19, 2019
Anonymous User

Mr. Nerses Aposhian

Glendale, CA April 19, 2019
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Updates: Images & Information

Video Update

June 29, 2019

Work on the reservoir in the town of Artsvabert began this week. The concrete panels covering the reservoir were removed and the water pipers were diverted until the relining can be completed.

August 1, 2019

Repairs to the reservoir have been completed and the results are fabulous! The reservoir now has an abundance of water.

September 12, 2019

Our team determined that an additional, unforeseen repair should be made to the main pumping station for the village. Our specialist from Yerevan installed an automatic float for the reservoir and automated the filling system to ensure a steady flow of water for the village.