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Debi Arach Children’s Center 2024 Operating Budget

Debi Arach Children's Center 2024 Operating Budget


The Paros Foundation launched the Debi Arach Children’s Center in Gyumri, Armenia on April 15, 2015 with the help of generous donors. The center, which provides 185 children each week the necessary academic, psychological, social and humanitarian support, has since been a source of positivity in this city. The residents of Gyumri, Armenia’s second largest city have endured very devastating realities since the tragic 1988 Spitak Earthquake. More than 100,000 residents were left homeless, and plagued with unemployment and rampant poverty for years to come. In turn, the fate of children in Gyumri has also been affected. Dealing with the difficulty of finding means to feed and care for their families, many parents are unable to provide their children with the proper guidance, supervision, educational aid and the financial resources for them to excel in school and have successful futures. The Debi Arach Children’s Center, which in Armenian means “moving forward,” helps these socially vulnerable children through a holistic approach providing them with both humanitarian and educational support. The center provides counseling and group therapy with a psychologist on staff, homework help and tutoring for almost every subject the children learn in school including English, Math, Art/Design, and Computer classes. Additionally, they are served a nutritious meal everyday, helping them receive the calories and/or nutrients they would otherwise not have. Furthermore, the Center addresses a very important hygienic need by providing the children in attendance with supervised bathing facilities. The goal is to help hundreds of children develop a vision for a successful future, and to give them the skills they need to reach these goals. This project is impacting the lives of hundreds of socially vulnerable children by helping them gain the guidance and support they need in order to create greater future opportunities, and become successful individuals and good citizens.

To date, the center has already had several important successes. At least nine children have been taken out of boarding schools, attend our center and now live back at home with their families. Many of the children who were receiving poor grades in school are now achieving top scores. The children have become socially well adjusted and much more healthier than before with the continued consumption of multi-vitamins and a daily well-balanced meal. Staff trainings take place with an academic counsel of professionals from the United States and Armenia to ensure that the children are receiving the best care, treatment and methods for their development.

The center is working on funding year nine and raising additional funds in order to develop and add to the programs and classes offered with the ability to hire more educators, and get more supplies, and equipment. Funds will also be used to supplement daily activities, hold forums for guest speakers and provide educational and career planning opportunities. $92,000 is needed to cover operating costs for the Center. In January of 2017, Debi Arach successfully launched its first program within its Vocational Training Center, teaching children computer programming, 3d printing and robotics curriculum. The goal of this newest component is to provide these children with marketable job skills in order to help them work themselves out of poverty. In 2019, with the long term commitment by Dr. & Mrs. Gary and Linda Assarian (MI) the vocational training program was renamed the Assarian Vocational Training Program


Shirak / Շիրակ

City / Village

Gyumri / Գյումրի

Start Date

April 2024

End Date

March 2025
Debi Arach Children’s Center 2024 Operating Budget
$35,715 of $92,000 raised
Personal Info

Dedicate this Donation

Honoree Details

Donation Total: $100 One Time

The Need

Thousands of children in Gyumri are living in extreme poverty, with no hope for a decent future. These socially vulnerable children are in need of a safe and enriching environment where they can receive additional guidance through social, psychological and academic support giving them a chance to break their cycle of poverty. The children’s center will continue to provide these children with the opportunity to attend afterschool and summer school programs providing them with the additional skills necessary for a successful future. Additionally, these children suffer from malnutrition and related illnesses due to a lack of well-balanced meals. The center will continue to provide each child with a nutritious meal everyday, helping them receive the calories and/or nutrients they need. Furthermore, many families were forced to take refuge in overseas shipping containers (domiks), or in condemned buildings after the devastating 1988 Spitak Earthquake or due to their poor socioeconomic status. An entire generation of children has grown up in deplorable conditions, often times with no running water and little or no heat to take showers. The Center will address this very important hygienic need by continuing to provide the children in attendance with supervised new bathing facilities.

Short Term Impact

The short-term 185 children will receive immediate support and guidance to help them succeed for the second year. The Center will continue offer nutritious meals, bathing facilities, counseling opportunities, homework aid and tutoring and core classes including English, Computer, Art/Design, and Math.

Long Term Impact

In the long term, with the success of the Center’s current offerings, additional classes and programs will be added and attendance will rise. The number of children growing up in poverty in the future will decrease as the number of children successfully graduating from our program and continuing onto college or successful vocations increases. The number of “social orphans” and children temporarily residing in boarding schools in Gyumri will be reduced as parents become increasingly able to keep their children at home given the humanitarian support they receive at the center. Through ongoing employment opportunities created, several families will continue to receive a fair wage, hence improving Gyumri’s economy.

Sponsors Benefits

Your donation to sponsor the operating cost for 2024 of the Debi Arach Children’s Center in Gyumri will be recognized with a plaque at the Center and on the Center’s website and in their printed materials. Your name will also be listed as a sponsor on The Paros Foundation website and in appropriate press related to this important project. The Paros Foundation will proudly arrange a visit to the new Center when you are in Armenia.

Anonymous User

Ms. Monica Markarian

PA, United States July 7, 2024
Anonymous User

Mr. Roupen Dechkounian

Lexington, MA July 4, 2024
Anonymous User

Mr. John Sickler & Mrs. Tina Kashishian-Sickler

Cinnaminson, NJ
July 1, 2024
Anonymous User

Ms. Monica Markarian

PA, United States June 7, 2024
Anonymous User

Mr. Roupen Dechkounian

Lexington, MA June 4, 2024
Anonymous User

Ms. Monica Markarian

PA, United States May 7, 2024
Anonymous User

Mr. Roupen Dechkounian

Lexington, MA May 4, 2024
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Updates: Images & Information

April 24, 2024

On the 109th Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day, Peter Abajian and The Paros Team visited the Debi Arach Children's Center. With our staff , the children commemorated April 24th through a presentation on Armenian Genocide history.

June 26, 2024

Med-Aid Armenia 2024 visited the Debi Arach Children's Center providing important health check-ups for the children. 

Artsakh Refugee Support Fund

Artsakh Refugee Support Fund


Armenians living in Artsakh last week woke up to the Azeris again attacking their ancestral homeland.  This time their goal was the complete surrender and ethnic cleansing of the entirety of Artsakh.  

The mass exodus from Artsakh has begun, and while the fate of our brothers and sisters there remains uncertain, one thing for sure is that thousands of refugees are arriving in Armenia in need of food, shelter and basic necessities.  This humanitarian crisis has begun.  

To assist, and based on our experience from the refugee crisis during and after the 2020 War, The Paros Foundation is launching the Artsakh Refugee Support Fund to assist refugees coming to Armenia with basic humanitarian needs including food, medicine, clothing, and shelter.  

Our main goal is to begin assessing housing needs and re-home refugees into permanent homes as quickly as possible and as funding provides.  Our team will work closely with our contacts throughout the country to help find communities and homes available as well as provide immediate humanitarian support for refugees.  



City / Village


Start Date

September, 2023

End Date

One Year From Start
Artsakh Refugee Support Fund
$889,145 of $950,000 raised
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Honoree Details

Donation Total: $100 One Time

The Need

Armenian refugees driven from their homes in Artsakh have already begun arriving into Armenia in the thousands.  This people will need food, shelter, clothing, medicine and other immediate humanitarian support.  The Armenian government is not able to immediately help these people, nor are there any international organizations prepared and willing to support this effort.  

Short Term Impact

As refugee families begin arriving in Armenia, we will help provide as many as possible with short term humanitarian support.  All forms of support provided will benefit the local Armenian economy.

Long Term Impact

In the long term,  The Paros Foundation will again support these families re-homing needs as we did following the 2020 war.  Homes in communities outside of Yerevan will be purchased and renovated and given to refugee families.  This work will be done with local materials and labor and thus have a significant impact on the local economy.

Sponsors Benefits

All sponsors of this important project will be listed on The Paros Foundation’s website and in all press related to this project. Visits to these communities can be arranged for sponsors visiting Armenia.

Anonymous User

Dr. & Mrs. Agheg & Rima Yenikhomshian

Monte Sereno, CA
In Memory Of Dr. Dikran Horoupian July 23, 2024
Anonymous User

Dr. & Mrs. Leon & Marie Louise Yengoyan

San Jose, CA
In Memory Of Dr. Dikran Horoupian July 20, 2024
Anonymous User

Ms. Chaghig Chahinian

Yerevan, Armenia
In Memory Of Dr. Dikran Horoupian July 17, 2024
Anonymous User

Dr. Armen Hovanessian

Las Vegas, NV
In Memory Of Dr. Dikran Horoupian July 6, 2024
Anonymous User

Ms. Lori Janjigian

New York, NY
In Memory Of Dr. Dikran Horoupian July 6, 2024
Anonymous User

Harabetian Family

Glenview, IL
In Memory Of Dr. Dikran Horoupian July 5, 2024
Anonymous User

Chris and Gohar Kibarian

Piedmont, CA
In Memory Of Dikran Horoupian July 5, 2024
Anonymous User

Ms. Ellen Sarkisian Chesnut

Alameda, CA July 5, 2024
Anonymous User

Mrs. Rose Hagopian

Philadelphia, PA July 2, 2024
Anonymous User


Carmel, NY June 30, 2024
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Updates: Images & Information

October 26, 2023

The Paros team has distributed firewood to now 20 families from Artsakh who have taken refuge. It will be used for both heating and cooking.

October 31, 2023

Paros Staff and JOURNEY Through Armenia Participants all gather together to distribute shoes to women who are refugees from the Artsakh in preparation for the cold winter months lying ahead. The shoes are donated from the company Zadur Shoes. They gave a grand total of 500 pairs of winter boots.

November 5, 2023
After much consideration, we will be focusing on providing permanent housing for displaced Artsakh families. We will be resettling families in the Vardenis, Berd, and Kapan areas.
December 1, 2023

Thanks to the generosity of our donors we have raised enough funds to purchase 26 homes for displaced families. Our team is actively engaged in this process -- more updates coming soon!

April 30, 2024

Thus far five families have been moved into their newly renovated homes. Currently, three homes are under renovation, ten are being built, and a Community Living for Older Refugees home in Goris is in the process of being launched.

May 21, 2024

The Paros Foundation is pleased to launch a new effort to provide permanent housing for older Artsakh refugees with the purchase of a home for the Community Living for Older Refugees project in the community of Goris. This home will serve as a group home for 10 older refugees to offer them a clean, safe, and comfortable environment to live dignified lives. 

June 24, 2024

The Simonyan Family, who were displaced from Arsakh last year, is the newest family to receive a newly renovated home in Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur. A huge thank you to Jean-Marie & Lori Atamian, Stepan Atamian, and Nariné Atamian who made this positive impact possible for the Simonyan Family.

Khndzoresk Kindergarten Renovation

Khndzoresk Kindergarten Renovation


More than 2,000 residents call the ancient village of Khndzoresk their home.  This large village on the border with Azerbaijan has a rich history and is known for its beautiful canyon and cave dwellings. 

The village’s large kindergarten currently is operating with three groups of children (75 in total) and has a waiting list of an additional 30 children who would like to attend, but cannot do to the conditions within parts of the building.

Over the years, parts of the kindergarten have been renovated and operating.  However, the roof over two parts of the kindergarten needs to be replaced and the entire facility does not have proper heating and is currently heated in the cold winter months with ineffective electric heaters.  In addition, one complete wing of the kindergarten encompassing a classroom, sleeping room and bathroom needs to be renovated to expand the number of children attending.  The balance of the kindergarten needs to have a cosmetic renovation throughout.  



Start Date

March 2024

City / Village


End Date

Four months from start
Khndzoresk Kindergarten Renovation
$82,900 of $120,000 raised
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Dedicate this Donation

Honoree Details

Donation Total: $100 One Time

The Need

The large village of Khndzoresk has children that cannot attend kindergarten because of the current conditions within the building.  This negatively effects both the children and their families.  In addition, the current facility does not have proper heating and is not protected against rainy weather. 

Short Term Impact

Work at the kindergarten in Khdzoresk will begin as soon as funding is available with the roof and balance of windows that need to be replaced.  Once the exterior of the building is sealed, work will begin on the inside of the facility.  This will immediately create several part time jobs and have a boost for the local economy as all materials will be purchased locally. 

Long Term Impact

In the long term, once construction is completed, three new full time jobs will be created with the expansion of the kindergarten.  In addition, 25 new children and their families will benefit from the fact that they will be able to attend kindergarten in a safe and comfortable surroundings.

Sponsors Benefits

All sponsors of this important project will be listed on The Paros Foundation’s website and in all press related to this project. Visits to the kindergarten in Khndzoresk can be arranged for sponsors visiting Armenia.

Anonymous User

Ms. Adrienne Krikorian

Calabasas, CA June 10, 2024
Anonymous User

Ms. Adrienne Krikorian

Calabasas, CA June 10, 2024
Anonymous User

Ms. Adrienne Krikorian

Calabasas, CA June 7, 2024
Anonymous User

Ms. Adrienne Krikorian

Calabasas, CA April 22, 2024
Anonymous User

Mr. Diran Depanian

Los Angeles, CA
April 5, 2024
Anonymous User

Ms. Adrienne Krikorian

Calabasas, CA March 21, 2024
Anonymous User

Ms. Adrienne Krikorian

Calabasas, CA February 14, 2024
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Updates: Images & Information

March 3, 2024

Today, renovations on the Khndzoresk Kindergarten began. The crew removed old roofing and is ready to continue renovations.

April 3, 2024

Work on the interior of the Khndzoresk Kindergarten has started with the crew removing old walls and flooring.

May 15, 2024

The crew has made great progress! So far, they have installed new flooring, windows, doors, supports and paneling for the walls and ceilings, as well as painted several rooms, and so much more. 

July 11, 2024

Today, the SERVICE Armenia 2024 group had a work day at the Khndzoresk Kindergarten. Our team sanded and painted walls, cleaned the various spaces, and laid down laminate flooring. 

Komitas Conservatory Student Scholarships

Komitas Conservatory Student Scholarships


The Cultural Society of Armenians from Istanbul has created a scholarship fund in memory of one if its founding members, Mr. Shahen Kavafian.

Mr. Kavafian was born on August 24, 1933 in Istanbul, Turkey, where he received his primary education.  He graduated from Robert College in Istanbul and then moved to the United States to further his education. He received a master’s degree in engineering at the University of Michigan and settled in metro Detroit.  He worked at Detroit Edison for the entirety of his professional career.  

In 1964, he became one of the founding members of the Cultural Society of Armenians from Istanbul, an organization which helps promote Armenian cultural and educational programs.  Mr. Kavafian shared a love of music and the arts with his mother, who was an accomplished pianist.  

When Mr. Kavafian passed away on April 20, 2019, he left a generous contribution to the Cultural Society of Armenians from Istanbul.  To honor his memory, a music scholarship fund has been created to support student’s attending the Komitas Conservatory in Yerevan, Armenia.  

Students wishing to apply for this scholarship may do so through the Komitas Conservatory.




City / Village


Start Date


End Date

Komitas Conservatory Student Scholarships

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.

The Need

Students who wish to pursue studies at the Komitas Conservatory often have financial difficulties meeting their tuition requirements.  The government of Armenia does offer some tuition assistance to students in need, however they cannot meet the needs of all of the students.  

Short Term Impact

In the short term, students who are in financial need will be able to continue their musical education with the support of these scholarships. 

Long Term Impact

In the long term, Armenia’s rich cultural and heritage will be promoted through these students pursuit of the arts.

Sponsors Benefits

All sponsors of this important project will be listed on The Paros Foundation’s website and in all press related to this project. Visits to the Komitas State Conservatory of Yerevan can be arranged for sponsors visiting Armenia.

Anonymous User

Cultural Society Of Armenians From Istanbul

Southfield, MI April 29, 2024
Anonymous User

Ms. Marine Aarakelians

San Bruno, CA August 22, 2023
Anonymous User

Cultural Society of Armenians from Istanbul

Southfield, MI April 28, 2023

Updates: Images & Information

June 7, 2023

At the Komitas Conservatory, six scholarships have been awarded to bright young musicians  that were in need of financial aid to continue their academic studies in 2023. 

Support the Nor Hachen Clinic

Support the Nor Hachen Clinic


The town of Nor Hachen is located in Armenia’s Kotayk Region. Approximately 8,400 people call this community home. Nor Hachen has a fully staffed polyclinic with three pediatricians and five family medicine doctors that serve the medical needs of the Nor Hachen community, schools, and outlying villages. The total service area of the Clinic is almost 13,000 people. Nor Hachen Polyclinic provides primary care, ambulance service and some specialty services. Many of the doctors at the center also work in Yerevan as Nor Hachen’s proximity to the city is about 30 minutes away. The medical center lacks some basic equipment that prevents it from successfully serving its patients. 

Nor Hachen Polyclinic with Med Aid Armenia aims to achieve their mission of bringing western standards of medical care to the community. This will be done with evidence-based medicine, screening programs and preventive care practices. This will achieve improved health outcomes coupled with efficient use of resources to provide a sustainable model of care delivery.

The Nor Hachen Polyclinic operates on sparse resources, and mostly in the form of outdated and decrepit equipment carry-over from the Soviet-era. Care delivery at Nor Hachen is also mostly Soviet-era style, unlike some newer clinics in the capital, Yerevan. The clinic operates on a single payer system with the option of fee-for-service. 

Specialty services available include cardiology, HNS, ophthalmology, neurology, gastroenterology, OB/GYN and minor surgical procedures. Some of these specialists are available several times a week. Limited laboratory and imaging services available hamper the clinic staff ability to provide quality and complete care, necessitating referral out for the services at cost to the patient for significantly more, and often preventing the patient from getting the care needed. The clinic is eager for basic resources and developing improved knowledge in delivering care.

Over the last 3 years, Med Aid Armenia has developed a working relationship with the staff at the Polyclinic. Spending more time at the clinic, we are able to see firsthand the struggles of care delivery and an inefficient system. The remainder of Armenia is also struggling with its health care, especially primary care, notably those areas outside of Yerevan.

What makes Nor Hachen unique is its location, the size of population it serves, and the open-minded eager staff committed to learn and improve. The clinic’s 30-minute drive distance from Yerevan gives relatively ease of access: Diasporan physicians and clinic resources would not need to travel far. The population is large enough to implement significant programs and study its effectiveness. This can be done without overwhelming resources typically required for national level programs.

Med Aid Armenia set out to create a program at the Nor Hachen Polyclinic with the ultimate goal of improving health outcomes of the population with grounded and sustainable use of resources and improving the wellness of the clinic staff.




City / Village

Nor Hachen, Nor Keghi and surrounding areas.

Start Date


End Date

Two months after start
Support the Nor Hachen Clinic
$75,427 of $80,000 raised
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Honoree Details

Donation Total: $100 One Time

The Need

Currently, the Armenian Government is renovating the building and last year we were able to raise enough funds to purchase an x-ray machine for the polyclinic. However, the Nor Hachen Polyclinic is still in need of numerous pieces of medical equipment to give the best safe medical care. 

Short Term Impact

In the short term, as funding is available, needed quality equipment will be purchased and delivered to the medical center. This will allow the polyclinic’s doctors to give quality care all in one place without having to send patients elsewhere for necessary medical services.

Long Term Impact

In the long term, 13,000 patients will receive better health care as the Nor Hachen Clinic receives better equipment and staff is trained upon this new equipment. 

Sponsors Benefits

All sponsors of this important project will be listed on The Paros Foundation’s website and in all press related to this project. Visits to the Nor Hachen community can be arranged for sponsors visiting Armenia.

Anonymous User


Carmel, NY July 21, 2024
Anonymous User

Mr. Ararat Hacet

Prospect, KY July 17, 2024
Anonymous User


Carmel, NY June 21, 2024
Anonymous User

Ms. Betty Tutor

Pasadena, CA June 8, 2024
Anonymous User


Carmel, NY May 21, 2024
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Assadour & Lena Kizirian

Redondo Beach, CA May 13, 2024
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. David & Margaret Mgrublian

Pasadena, CA
May 9, 2024
Anonymous User

Mr. Hratch Karakachian & Dr. Marika Issakhanian

Glendale, CA May 2, 2024
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Updates: Images & Information

January 5, 2024

The Armenian Government has confirmed their intent on renovating the physical clinic. We hope to start renovations by the end of this year.

January 20, 2024

Today, Peter Abajian delivered four vital sign monitors and four otoscopes. Dr. Deramerian explained proper usage of the vital sign monitors to the clinic staff.

July 3, 2024

Med-Aid Armenia 2024 participants visited the Nor Hachen Clinic to teach a training to the staff and provide check-ups for locals. This also included a visit to Getamej, a town close to the Nor Hachen Clinic, providing check-ups. The goal is to deliver emergency care, but also ensure that these villages are receiving ongoing preventative care.

Musical Armenia

Musical Armenia


Musical Armenia was founded in 2017, to support youth music education in Armenia. They believe that every child in Armenia should have access to music education, regardless of financial means. Musical Armenia has partnered with The Paros Foundation to help provide tuition scholarships and instruments for underprivileged children. Musical Armenia is solely supported by individual donors.

This project aims to provide full, ongoing music scholarships to children from socially vulnerable families in Vanadzor who attend the Orran Center andchildren in need from Nork Marash who attend the Andreasyan School of Music. The budget includes funds allocated for securing instruments, transportation costs and other related expenses whenever needed.

Your contribution of $20 per month ($240 per year) will sponsor one child for the duration of one year. Sponsorship in any amount is welcomed.


Lori, Yerevan

City / Village

Vanadzor, Nork Marash

Start Date

January 2023

End Date

December 2024
Musical Armenia
$6,117 of $14,000 raised
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Dedicate this Donation

Honoree Details

Donation Total: $100 One Time

The Need

Children who attend the Orran Center in Vanadzor and the Andreasyan School of Music in Nork Marash have been identified who would like to study music, but are unable to pay for tuition due to their family’s economic condition.

Short Term Impact

Children will study music in a warm and nurturing environment. This includes learning an instrument, studying music theory, and having the opportunity to sing in the school choir (optional). In addition, the project increases teacher salaries, since teachers are paid per student and the project increases the number of students.

Long Term Impact

Musical education teaches discipline, helps develop good work ethic, increases self-esteem and empowers children. This project will sponsor children for the duration of their studies (maximum 8 years), making a lasting investment in the child’s development. The goal is to inspire and allow the children to explore their talents and reach their full potential. Furthermore, this project has the potential to promote Armenia’s rich culture.

Sponsors Benefits

All sponsors will be recognized on The Paros Foundation and Musical Armenia websites. In addition, donors will be recognized on all relevant press regarding this project.

Anonymous User

Mr. Ovsep Akopchikyan

Tujunga, CA January 1, 2024
Anonymous User

Ms. Agunik Sarksyan

United States December 27, 2023
Anonymous User

Mr. Armen Khachatryan

United States December 25, 2023
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Hovsep & Elizabeth Hajibekyan

Glendale, CA December 18, 2023
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Hovik & Lusine Gabrielyan

West Hills, CA December 13, 2023
Anonymous User

Ms. Azatuhi Hajibekyan

Tujunga, CA December 8, 2023
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February 22, 2024

With consistent funding, the children are continuing their music education. At the Orran Center, the children are improving on their dhol and guitar skills. The children attending classes at the Andreasyan School of Music are continuing to learning new skills in their private lessons.

High-Tech Education for Children

High-Tech Education for Children


Educators around the globe are aggressively promoting STEM education (science, technology, engineering and math) for children in schools.  These important subjects help secure student’s futures in a world filled with high tech advances in nearly every aspect of live.  

This project aims to augment existing high tech classes including robotics, computer programming and 3-d printing  at schools and children centers across Armenia with additional hardware and educational materials aimed at familiarizing students with drone and photography technology.  Support this effort and help arm our future generations with the skills they need to succeed in our ever changing world.  



City / Village


Start Date

October 2023

End Date

One Year From Start
High-Tech Education for Children
$86,022 of $90,000 raised
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Honoree Details

Donation Total: $100 One Time

The Need

Students need to be armed with STEM education to compete in an every increasing high tech society.  Current STEM classes offered in most of Armenia’s schools do not include drone and photography education.  This project will help familiarize students with this technology. 

Short Term Impact

In the short term, schools and children centers will receive both hardware and appropriate instruction on drone usage, repairs and maintenance.  

Long Term Impact

In the long run, as these students are exposed to and master drone usage, they will be more confident in their abilities to utilize drones.  In addition, having this technology and classes available in schools will encourage them to pursue related tech careers and higher education. 

Sponsors Benefits

All sponsors of this important project will be listed on The Paros Foundation’s website and in all press related to this project. Visits to these programs can be arranged for sponsors visiting Armenia.

Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Jirair & Aline Christianian

Boulder, CO
July 1, 2024
Anonymous User

Mr. & Dr. Peter & Houry Abajian

Beverly Hills, CA April 30, 2024
Anonymous User

Armenian Students Association at UCLA

Los Angeles, CA January 27, 2024
Anonymous User

Mr. Richard Alonso & Mrs. Lori Keurian Alonso

Manhasset, NY
November 29, 2023
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Richard & Lauren Mushegain

Pasadena, CA October 17, 2023
Anonymous User

Dr. & Mrs. George & Gail Kodokian (Gudukian)

Kennett Square, PA
In Memory Of Krikor & Sirvart Gudukian August 26, 2023
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Jirair & Aline Christianian

Boulder, CO August 7, 2023
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. John & Beth Hamparian

Inverness, IL
February 22, 2023
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Updates: Images & Information

February 4, 2023

Our Paros team visited the Armat Odum Lab at a school in Vardenis where students take STEM courses. With appropriate funds raised, we hope to give them a drone to increase their STEM knowledge. 

March 2, 2023

About a month later the Armat Odum Lab at a school in Vardenis was given a drone. With the help of our donors, we are excited to donate many more drones to schools in Armenia. 

March 23, 2023

As part of the High-Tech Education program a guest speaker and a drone operator visited the Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur School to show the children more about the abilities and usage of drones. 

School Improvements for Students in Paruyr Sevak

School Improvements for Students in Paruyr Sevak


The village of Paruyr Sevak was founded in 1978 and named after the famous poet Paruyr Sevak.  The village is located in the Ararat Region and is near the border of Nakhchivan and occasionally receives cross border sniper fire.  Almost 600 people live in the village of Paruyr Sevak. There is no gas infrastructure in the area, so families burn wood or use electricity to heat their homes and public buildings.  Improvements were recently made to the drinking water infrastructure for homes in Paruyr Sevak.  Irrigation water continues to be a problem for the village and dramatically effects their ability to farm.

The village’s school, is in overall poor condition.  The campus was originally designed in the 80s to encompass three large buildings, but only one of them was actually completed.  The 80+ students that attend this school, do so in substandard conditions.  The school does not have heating so it is cold in the winter.  Students do not have any appropriate inside or outside space for gym class, or physical activities.  There is a shortage of space within the existing building for extra curricular activities such as dance classes, choir practices and community gatherings.  

Improvements to the school will be made in phases as funding permits with the most important first step being the installation of a heating system into the school.  This will cost approximately $40,000.  In addition, an outside sports court will be built allowing children an appropriate space to play basketball, soccer and volleyball.  This will cost approximately $9,000.  Finally, one large multipurpose room will be renovated with bathrooms and locker rooms to allow children to have dance class and other enrichment activities for the school.  This will cost approximately $36,000.  

Work will commence as funding is raised for this project.  


City / Village

Paruyr Sevak



Start Date


End Date

Six months after start
School Improvements for Students in Paruyr Sevak
$67,980 of $85,000 raised
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Donation Total: $100 One Time

The Need

The school in the village of Paruyr Sevak does not have a functioning heating system for the cold winter months.  In addition, the school overall is in poor condition and does not have appropriate space for assemblies, dance classes and/or other gatherings including gym class. 

Short Term Impact

In the short term, as work begins on the school, several temporary employment positions will be created and a modest economic benefit will be realized as all materials and will be purchased locally.  

Long Term Impact

In the long run, children and staff will dramatically benefit from these improvements to the school including proper heating and appropriate physical activity space, both which will keep them healthier and contribute to an overall more positive environment at the school and in the village. 

Sponsors Benefits

All sponsors of this important project will be listed on The Paros Foundation’s website and in all press related to this project. Visits to Paruyr Sevak can be arranged for sponsors visiting Armenia.

Anonymous User

Susan & Stepan Piligian

Westford, MA
January 20, 2024
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. John & Beth Hamparian

Inverness, IL
January 20, 2024
Anonymous User

Mr. Dean Shahinian

United States
October 3, 2023
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Rob & Lauren Gawrych

Littleton, MA
July 9, 2023
Anonymous User

Partamian/Kutzer Family

Westwood, MA June 5, 2023
Anonymous User

Armenian Church of The Holy Translators

Farmington, MA May 30, 2023
Anonymous User

Ms. Heidi Price

Weston, MA
In Memory Of Robert & Raynee Price May 14, 2023
Anonymous User

Ms. Agnes Killabian

Cranston, RI May 13, 2023
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Paros Housing, After-School & Vocational Center

Paros Housing, After-School & Vocational Center


The 1988 Spitak Earthquake caused the death of more than 35,000 people and left more than 100,000 people homeless.  Armenia’s second largest city, Gyumri, was most affected by the earthquake.  In the years that followed, Armenia’s Independence, the Artsakh War and corrupt regional and local officials all contributed to a massive housing shortage, the inability to emerge from this housing shortage, and generational poverty in Gyumri.  Today, almost 2,000 domiks are still “home” to people in Gyumri.  While the development in Gyumri has considerably advanced in recent years, this housing shortage continues to exist. 


To date, The Paros Foundation has purchased 26 homes for domik families, and demolished 26 domiks, ensuring no one will ever live in one again.  In early 2022, the new Mayor of Gyumri proposed to The Paros Foundation that the city provides The Foundation with one of Gyumri’s many half-constructed buildings, with the purpose of Paros completing the building’s construction and housing domik families.  The building that was selected and given to Paros is suitable for 16 residential apartments and has an additional 6,000 square feet that Paros will use to open a second branch of its Debi Arach Children’s Center, additional vocational training programs and/or a second social enterprise. 


The Paros Foundation has the experience and track record to successfully implement this project.  Its benefits will be multi-fold including:


  1. 16 domik families will receive a new home.
  2. 16 domiks will be demolished and land returned to the city.
  3. One unfinished building will be completed, eliminating another eye sore for the city.
  4. During the construction phase, more than $500,000 will be invested in Gyumri’s economy through material purchases and labor.
  5. Once completed, Debi Arach will create an additional 8 to 10 full time employment positions.



City / Village


Start Date


End Date

8 months after start
Paros Housing, After-School & Vocational Center
$337,120 of $750,000 raised
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Honoree Details

Donation Total: $250 One Time

The Need

More than 2,000 people remain homeless in Gyumri living in “domiks”.  This project will help create permanent housing for 16 families and eliminate 16 domiks.  

Short Term Impact

The construction of 16 apartments and a second branch office of Debi Arach Children’s Center will create approximately 20 construction jobs for almost one year.  There will be a local bump in the economy as labor and materials will be purchased locally whenever possible.

Long Term Impact

16 families will receive new apartments.  16 domiks will be demolished and the land returned to the city for public use.  100 children will receive the benefits proven through the programing at Debi Arach and 8 to 10 full time employment positions will be created at the new location.  

Sponsors Benefits

All sponsors of this important project will be listed on The Paros Foundation’s website and in all press related to this project. Visits to these communities can be arranged for sponsors visiting Armenia.

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St. James Armenian Church Memorial Fund

Los Angeles, CA May 19, 2024
Anonymous User

The Dickranian Foundation

Beverly Hills, CA
April 20, 2024
Anonymous User

Edward & Pamela Avedisian Charitable Trust

Arcadia, CA
April 16, 2024
Anonymous User

Mr. Edward Tomassian

Glendale, CA
February 16, 2024
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Dikran & Lynn Barsamian

Allendale, NJ
December 27, 2023
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Ara & Christine Atesian

Bloomfield Hills, MI December 27, 2023
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Howard & Catherine Atesian

Bloomfield Hills, MI December 27, 2023
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Updates: Images & Information

September 15, 2022

Thank you to the Assarian and Atesian families for sponsoring a successful event that raised more than $75,000 in support for this important project.


August 22, 2023

We have hired both our project architect and seismic engineering firm for our building.  They will help us design and develop plans for the addition of a fourth floor on the building that will house four to eight additional families in new apartments.


Wrestling Programs in Tavush

Wrestling Programs in Tavush


The ARM HOF (Armenian Hall of Fame) Organization has partnered with The Paros Foundation to implement several wrestling programs at schools in Armenia’s Tavush Region.  

Wrestling programs will include installing proper wrestling mats along with other training equipment, providing coaching salary for one year, and organizing wrestling tournaments among participating schools.

During this initial phase, we hope to raise the necessary funds to launch wrestling programs at 10 schools.  To successfully launch a wrestling team at a school, the school needs some minimum equipment including mats, a climbing rope, free weights, pull up bar, practice mannequins and uniforms. This equipment can cost up to $5,000 depending on whether or not the school already has any of these items. In addition, salaries of coaching staffs can cost up to a maximum of $1,500 per year. In addition to these per school costs, to successfully sponsor a quarterly tournament, transportation for all the schools must be arranged, along with other expenses. This can cost up to a total of $500 per tournament.

Students at school throughout Armenia take a keen interest in physical fitness and wrestling in particular, but due to a lack of funding for both equipment and coaches students often cannot participate. This effort aims at building interest and the necessary support to help students accelerate in this sport an early age, just preparing them for success at future Olympic games and another international Competitions!



City / Village

Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur, Berd, Tavush

Start Date


End Date

June 2023
Wrestling Programs in Tavush
$50,200 of $70,000 raised
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Honoree Details

Donation Total: $100 One Time

The Need

To promote friendly competition between neighboring schools, fitness, and the sport of wrestling, Schools must be equipped with proper equipment and coaching staff salaries. Schools in the isolated Tavush Region do not have the resources to promote wrestling at their schools and competition amongst their schools.

Short Term Impact

In the short term, wrestling materials and equipment will be purchased and installed at schools. Coaches will also be identified at each school. Students will be registered who wish to participate on these teams.

Long Term Impact

In the long term, from the competitions between neighboring schools will lead to a sense of pride in one school, better overall fitness, and add an interesting dimension to village Life. As these programs grow top athletes will be recognized across the country.

Sponsors Benefits

All sponsors of this important project will be listed on The Paros Foundation’s website and in all press related to this project. Visits to these communities can be arranged for sponsors visiting Armenia.

Anonymous User

Mr. Dan Love

Cambridge,, MA April 30, 2022
Anonymous User


United States April 5, 2022

Updates: Images & Information

February 26, 2022

The first Induction event of athletes to the Armenian Hall of Fame took place today in Glendale, California.  Proceeds from this event helped benefit the first of the wrestling projects.  An amazing group of athletes attended and supported the event. 

October 30, 2023

In the Tavush region, 110 kids from 7 different villages and towns, including participants from Artsakh, competed in a wrestling competition that was held for the first time in five years. This is the culmination of months of intramural wrestling support funded through the generosity of the Armenian Sports Hall of Fame via the Paros Foundation including coaches, equipment and training.