Water for Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur Phase 2
Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur is a village with approximately 1,100 residents in the Bert area of Armenia’s Tavush Region. This community lives on the border with Azerbaijan under the risk of sniper fire and renewed armed conflict.
Late last year a pump house, pump and pipelines were installed to provide 110 households in Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur, an estimated 500 people, each day with water. This was done because the supply of water to the water pipeline distribution network was not sufficient. With these improvements, each of these homes receive water daily and the lower reservoir now has enough water to also supply two additional groups of 30 neighboring homes with the installation of two additional pipelines, one 900 meters and the other 1,100 meters long, from the existing newly built pump house.
City / Village
Start Date
End Date
Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.
The Need
Short Term Impact
Long Term Impact
Sponsors Benefits
Mr. & Dr. Jean-Marie & Lori Atamian
New York, NY August 18, 2022Mr. & Dr. Jean-Marie & Lori Atamian
New York, NY September 15, 2020Mr. & Dr. Jean-Marie & Lori Atamian
New York, NY March 9, 2019Mr. & Dr. Jean-Marie & Lori Atamian
New York, NY August 18, 2022Mr. & Dr. Jean-Marie & Lori Atamian
New York, NY September 15, 2020Mr. & Dr. Jean-Marie & Lori Atamian
New York, NY March 9, 2019The local crew began trenching for the installation of the pipes. Some work was completed by hand, while in other areas, a tractor was utilized.
Work was completed on the extension of these two pipelines. Villages are now benefiting from the additional flow of water to their homes.
The Atamian Family visited the village today and saw the completed work on the pump house, pump and piping for both phases of this important project.