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Agribusiness on the Border – NKA

Agribusiness on the Border - NKA


Several villages in the Tavush region of Armenia are bordering Azerbaijan. Residents in these border villages live and work under a constant risk of sniper fire and renewed armed conflict each day. The economy of the villages and the livelihood of many of its residents have suffered due to these difficult and dangerous times. It is of strategic importance to support these villagers in their daily lives so that they may remain inhabitants of these villages, mere footsteps from Azerbaijan. Economic development and opportunities for work are essential to continue improving the conditions in these border villages. To date we have successfully implemented several agribusiness projects in the village of Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur (NKA). This village with a population of 1,380 residents is located in the Bert area of Armenia’s Tavush Region. This community, whose territory connects with Azerbaijan, lives and works under a constant risk of sniper fire and renewed armed conflict each day. Our goal is to implement 10 additional agribusiness projects in this village. Sponsorship of this project will help provide needy villagers with the opportunity to care for their families and to help improve the village’s economy. Families will be screened and chosen to receive farm animals for which to care for and benefit from, and also renovation materials to renew their barns and/or chicken coops. Also, as a part of this effort, families will be provided training and/or business tips for the ensured success of their agribusiness. Frequent visits will be made to the family to track their progress and determine the success of their new venture.



City / Village

Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur

Start Date


End Date

One year from start date
Agribusiness on the Border – NKA

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.

The Need
Due to the remote and dangerous areas in which these villages are situated, residents are unable to travel for work, or establish many other economical opportunities so that they can financially provide for their families. 70% of their fertile land in Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur is unusable because of frequent sniper attacks. Helping these families better establish their agribusinesses will allow them to be self-sufficient, care for their families and improve their village’s economy.
Short Term Impact
In the short term one families will receive the animals, materials and/or tools they need to construct and run the space needed for their new agribusiness. In addition, directions and training on how to construct or run their new venture will also be given.
Long Term Impact
In the long term, this family will have established a form of income and will likely have the ability to expand their work. The village economy will also improve, as more jobs will be created for the residents. This will help deter emigration from the village.
Sponsors Benefits
All sponsors will be recognized on all relevant press regarding this project and on The Paros Foundation website. Visits to this village can be arranged for sponsors visiting Armenia.
Anonymous User

Mr. & Dr. Peter & Houry Abajian

Beverly Hills, CA
In Honor Of Jackie Gurgenian's Birthday December 1, 2019
Anonymous User

Mrs. Jackie Gurgenian

West Hills, CA November 28, 2019
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Nora Nahabet

Glendale, CA January 2, 2018
Anonymous User


Oakland, CA December 13, 2017
Anonymous User

Ms. Tara Petrosian-Lovitt

Los Angeles, CA December 11, 2017
Anonymous User

Dr. Allen Nalbandian

Escondido, CA January 24, 2017

Agribusiness on the Border 11: Nver H. Family

Agribusiness on the Border 11: Nver H. Family


Currently home to 286 households and 955 people, the village of Baghanis was established in the fifth century and is situated in the Tavush region of Armenia. The village is adjacent to the Republic of Azerbaijan, sharing a 2 km-long border. Today, the residents make a living by farming and tending to their livestock. Now, economic development and opportunities for work are essential to continue improving the conditions in this border village. Sponsorship of this project will help provide needy villagers with the opportunity to care for their families and to help improve the village’s economy.

Nver H. and his family have been identified as one of the families who are in need of additional support in order to help their agribusiness grow. Their family consists of five members including three children. They live in a dangerous area as their home is exposed to Azeri sniper fire. Nver works as a contract soldier stationed on the border. They currently have a barn, and have requested cows for their agribusiness. As a part of this effort Nver H. and his family will be provided training and/or business tips for the ensured success of their agribusiness. Frequent visits will be made to the family to track their progress and determine the success of their new venture.



City / Village


Start Date

April 2016

End Date

April 2017
Agribusiness on the Border 11: Nver H. Family

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.

The Need
Due to the remote and dangerous areas in which these villages are situated, residents are unable to travel for work, or establish many other economical opportunities so that they can financially provide for their families. 50% of their fertile land is unusable because of frequent sniper attacks. Helping these families better establish their agribusinesses will allow them to be self-sufficient, care for their families and improve their villages economy.
Short Term Impact
In the short term the sponsored family will receive the animals, materials and/or tools they need to construct and run the proper space needed for their new agribusiness. In addition, directions and training on how to construct or run their new venture will also be given.
Long Term Impact
In the long term, families will have an established a form of income and will likely have the ability to expand their work. The village economy will also improve, as more jobs will be created for the residents. This will help deter emigration from the village.
Sponsors Benefits
All sponsors will be recognized on all relevant press regarding this project and on The Paros Foundation website. Visits to the families can be arranged for sponsors visiting Armenia.
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. William & Lauren Conrow

Ross, CA March 17, 2016

Updates: Images & Information

April 25, 2016

Nver H. and his family received animal feed and the cows they requested for their agribusiness.

December 28, 2016

We received the sad news that Nver H. passed away as a result of cancer. We express our deepest condolences to his family. We have spoken with his family and they indicated they are able to continue caring for their animals.


Agribusiness on the Border 13: Alik A. Family

Agribusiness on the Border 13 - Alik A. Family


Currently home to 286 households and 955 people, the village of Baghanis was established in the fifth century and is situated in the Tavush region of Armenia. The village is adjacent to the Republic of Azerbaijan, sharing a 2 km-long border. Today, the residents make a living by farming and tending to their livestock. Now, economic development and opportunities for work are essential to continue improving the conditions in this border village. Sponsorship of this project will help provide needy villagers with the opportunity to care for their families and to help improve the village’s economy.

Alik A. and his family have been identified as one of the families who are in need of additional support in order to help their agribusiness grow. Their family consists of seven members including three children and Alik’s parents. Alik works as a contract soldier defending the border in their village. They live in a dangerous area as their home is exposed to Azeri sniper fire. Alik works as a contract soldier stationed on the border. They currently have a barn and are in need of financial assistance to obtain materials needed for barn renovations. Alik will complete the construction work by his own means once we have provided the materials. He has also requested a cow, and a few pigs. As a part of this effort Alik A. and his family will be provided training and/or business tips for the ensured success of their agribusiness. Frequent visits will be made to the family to track their progress and determine the success of their new venture.



City / Village


Start Date

April 2017

End Date

April 2018
Agribusiness on the Border 13: Alik A. Family

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.

The Need
Due to the remote and dangerous areas in which these villages are situated, residents are unable to travel for work, or establish many other economical opportunities so that they can financially provide for their families. 50% of their fertile land is unusable because of frequent sniper attacks. Helping these families better establish their agribusinesses will allow them to be self-sufficient, care for their families and improve their villages economy.
Short Term Impact
In the short term the sponsored family will receive the animals, materials and/or tools they need to construct and run the proper space needed for their new agribusiness. In addition, directions and training on how to construct or run their new venture will also be given.
Long Term Impact
In the long term, families will have an established a form of income and will likely have the ability to expand their work. The village economy will also improve, as more jobs will be created for the residents. This will help deter emigration from the village.
Sponsors Benefits
All sponsors will be recognized on all relevant press regarding this project and on The Paros Foundation website. Visits to the families can be arranged for sponsors visiting Armenia.
Anonymous User

Cultural Society of Armenians from Istanbul

Southfield, MI April 18, 2016

Updates: Images & Information

December 11, 2017

Alik received his cow this evening. After his search, he found a suitable animal in a neighboring village.


Agribusiness on the Border 12: Razmik A. Family

Agribusiness on the Border 12: Razmik A. Family


Currently home to 286 households and 955 people, the village of Baghanis was established in the fifth century and is situated in the Tavush region of Armenia. The village is adjacent to the Republic of Azerbaijan, sharing a 2 km-long border. Today, the residents make a living by farming and tending to their livestock. Now, economic development and opportunities for work are essential to continue improving the conditions in this border village. Sponsorship of this project will help provide needy villagers with the opportunity to care for their families and to help improve the village’s economy.

Razmik A. and his family have been identified as one of the families who are in need of additional support in order to help their agribusiness grow. Their family consists of five members including three children. They live in a dangerous area as their home is exposed to Azeri sniper fire. They currently have a barn, and have requested three cows for their agribusiness. As a part of this effort Razmik A. and his family will be provided training and/or business tips for the ensured success of their agribusiness. Frequent visits will be made to the family to track their progress and determine the success of their new venture.



City / Village


Start Date

April 2016

End Date

April 2017
Agribusiness on the Border 12: Razmik A. Family

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.

The Need
Due to the remote and dangerous areas in which these villages are situated, residents are unable to travel for work, or establish many other economical opportunities so that they can financially provide for their families. 50% of their fertile land is unusable because of frequent sniper attacks. Helping these families better establish their agribusinesses will allow them to be self-sufficient, care for their families and improve their villages economy.
Short Term Impact
In the short term the sponsored family will receive the animals, materials and/or tools they need to construct and run the proper space needed for their new agribusiness. In addition, directions and training on how to construct or run their new venture will also be given.
Long Term Impact
In the long term, families will have an established a form of income and will likely have the ability to expand their work. The village economy will also improve, as more jobs will be created for the residents. This will help deter emigration from the village.
Sponsors Benefits
All sponsors will be recognized on all relevant press regarding this project and on The Paros Foundation website. Visits to the families can be arranged for sponsors visiting Armenia.
Anonymous User

Dr. Julie Kulhanjian Strauch

Piedmont, CA April 19, 2016

Updates: Images & Information

April 6, 2017

Razmik and his family received three new cows to complete their agribusiness grant. Two of the cows will soon have a calf, and help Razmik's business grow


Kharpert Home for Special Children Excursion 13

Kharpert Home for Special Children Excursion 13


The Kharpert Home for Special Children is an orphanage located in the village of Nor Kharpert serving more than 250 children with varying degrees of developmental disabilities. The orphanage is a state run facility that receives governmental support to provide these vulnerable children with their basic care and education.

Excursions for these children to amusement parks and/or other appropriate venues provide these children with both valuable community experience and needed recreation. Children with disabilities in Armenia are generally kept sheltered from society. These children do not attend school, but rather attend classes at the orphanage. It is important for both these children and society for these children to experience community life.

For each donation of $250, approximately 20 children and an appropriate number of care provides will be able to go on an excursion to Yerevan at Victory Park, or another appropriate venue for a morning or afternoon of activities including transportation, admission and snacks. Please consider supporting multiple excursions for these children.



City / Village

Nor Kharpert

Start Date

June 2018

End Date

June 2018
Kharpert Home for Special Children Excursion 13

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.

The Need
Approximately 1,200 children live in Armenia’s 15 orphanages. While these facilities provide basic care for these children, their limited funding does not permit these children regular visits and participate in various social and cultural activities. A child with a disability has very few opportunities to visit the city and experience life outside of the grounds of the Kharpert orphanage.
Short Term Impact
The short-term impact of this project will be the employment of a bus driver, money being spent in Armenia’s local economy and most important the education and social benefits for 20 children with developmental disabilities.
Long Term Impact
This project has considerable long-term benefits for both the children and for society. Society’s attitudes towards people with disabilities will slowly begin to change as witness these children regularly and realize that society can indeed accommodate them as part of their community.
Sponsors Benefits
Your donation to the Kharpert Home for Special Children will be recognized at the Center and your name listed as a sponsor on The Paros Foundation website and in appropriate press related to this important project. The Paros Foundation stands ready to help you arrange a visit to the Kharpert Home for Special Children when you are in Armenia.
Anonymous User

Mr. Sevan Abnous

Danville, CA December 19, 2016

Updates: Images & Information

June 27, 2018

SERVICE Armenia 2018 participants, along with Paros staff, and this project's donor and this year's program coordinator, Sevan Abnous, accompanied 20 kids from the Kharpert Home for Special Children to a fun day at Victory Park.


Orphaned Children’s Day Excursion 11

Orphaned Children’s Day Excursion 11


More than 1,200 children live in Armenia’s 15 orphanages. These facilities provide for the children’s basic needs, but their limited budgets do not allow these children to participate in visits to popular historical sites, an amusement park or concert, or attend a cultural event.

Armenia’s orphan children should have the opportunity to experience popular cultural events, exhibits, and excursions in Armenia, or simply have a fun afternoon or activity that they normally would not be able to experience. Many different activities and excursions can be organized for these children. The extent of the activity or trip is directly related to the sponsorship amount. For sponsorships amounts between $250 -$750 approximately 20 children and an appropriate number of chaperons will be able participate in a memorable activity. Please consider supporting multiple excursions for these children.

The Paros Foundation staff and volunteers will organize and oversee the excursion/activity. Opportunities to sponsor excursions for orphanages serving both disabled and non-disabled children exist. Whenever possible, our staff will work with the destination for the excursion to secure group pricing and/or discounts.

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City / Village


Start Date

June 2017

End Date

June 2017
Orphaned Children’s Day Excursion 11

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.

The Need
Armenia’s orphanages generally are able to provide for their children’s basic care, but limited funding does not allow these children to visit museums, historical sites and popular cultural events. Allowing a child a few hours of recreation and/or entertainment as a regular child greatly enhances his/her outlook on life and reduces the emotional complexes of being an orphan.
Short Term Impact
The short-term impact of this project will be the immediate employment of a bus driver, money being spent in Armenia’s local economy and most important the education and social benefits for 20 orphan children.
Long Term Impact
This project has considerable long-term emotion, education and psychological benefits for the children, as they will be able to participate in activities that are above and beyond basic existence in an orphanage.
Sponsors Benefits
Your support of this project will be recognized at the relevant Orphanage, your name listed as a sponsor on The Paros Foundation website and in appropriate press related to this important project. The Paros Foundation stands ready to help you arrange a visit to the care facility when you are in Armenia.
Anonymous User

Anushik Avetikyan in Celebration of Her 8th Birthday

Granada Hills, CA November 12, 2016

Updates: Images & Information

November 12, 2016

Anushik Avetikyan made a donation in celebration of her Eighth Birthday to treat the children at the Yerevan Children's Home to an upcoming excursion.

June 26, 2017

Children from the Yerevan Children's Home were taken to an excursion to the Yerevan Children's Railway & Playground. Participants and volunteers of the SERVICE Armenia 2017 group spent the day enjoying the rides and implementing this important project.


A Sustainable Future for Orphanage Girls (Arpine T.)

A Sustainable Future for Orphanage Girls: Arpine T.


Nor Luyce works mentees, ages 14-17, from two local orphanages and/or poverty stricken families from Gyumri, Armenia. Under the direction of their Executive Director, Shoghik Mikayelyan, the program provides their mentees with positive roles models and emotional support. The reduction of isolation is provided by mentors and by field trips, which expose the children to various work and educational settings. In addition, Nor Luyce’s program emphasizes the development of educational and career plans. They are now at the stage of beginning to implement each older child’s plan for higher education. Each child has also either completed or is in the process of completing a career plan, which includes the most appropriate type and place of higher education.

Nor Luyce is trying to provide Arpine, a young girl who lives at the Fritjof Nansen Boarding School in Gyumri and attends the Gyumri Olympic College. Her fathered passed away in 2003 and she is estranged from her mother. Since childhood Arpine has had a great interest in sports. Her main passion currently, is weightlifting. She had participated and won medals at several competitions. According to the nurses at her boarding school, she is very calm, even-tempered, and responsible. The requested scholarship funds will cover the costs of her tuition, books, stationaries, winter clothing and her transportation fee for one year.



City / Village


Start Date


End Date

A Sustainable Future for Orphanage Girls (Arpine T.)

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.

The Need
Children living in orphanages are often isolated and may lack the knowledge and adult support necessary to make appropriate post orphanage choices. As a consequence, many of these children are deprived from the opportunity to pursue their education. The frustration of these deficits in addition to the expectation that they will not be able to afford additional education may even lead to a lack of motivation to seek the knowledge and support needed. By being given the opportunity to pursue educational goals, they will be able to secure job opportunities, a good future and a successful life.
Short Term Impact
Arpine, who currently resides at the Fritjof Nansen Boarding School in Gyumri and attends the Gyumri Olympic College will receive the financial support she needs, in a form of a scholarship, covering the costs of her college tuition, books, stationaries, winter clothing and transportation for one year.
Long Term Impact
The long-term goal is that Arpine, being given the opportunity to pursue her educational goals at the university level will have a reasonable chance to become self-sufficient member of Armenian society and have a successful life.
Sponsors Benefits
Sponsor will be recognized on both the Nor Luyce and Paros Foundation websites. Donors will be given regular progress reports on the girl’s progress during their university studies.
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Edward & Eleonore Aslanian

San Francisco, CA November 30, 2013

Agriculture Assistance – Baghanis

Baghanis Agriculture Assistance Project


Several villages in the Tavush region of Armenia are bordering Azerbaijan. Residents in these border villages live and work under a constant risk of sniper fire and renewed armed conflict each day. The economy of the villages and the livelihood of many of its residents have suffered due to these difficult and dangerous times. It is of strategic importance to support these villagers in their daily lives so that they may remain inhabitants of these villages, mere footsteps from Azerbaijan. Currently home to 286 households and 955 people, the village of Baghanis was established in the fifth century.  This village shares a 2 km-long border with Republic of Azerbaijan. Today, the residents make a living by farming and tending to their livestock. The village is actively working to improve the quality of life for its residents. To help reduce harvesting costs, the village is in need of farming equipment.

The harvesting of hay and feed for animals is time sensitive. If the feed and grass is cut and gets wet, livestock will not eat it. Additionally, farmers currently struggle to pay the market rate to have hay baled for the winter. A tractor and baler maintained by the village would be able to provide baling and other agriculture services to the village farmers at a below market rate, thus helping improve economic conditions for all farmers. Sponsorship of this project will help the village obtain this equipment necessary to provide needy villagers with the opportunity to care for their families and to help improve the village’s economy.



City / Village


Start Date


End Date

Two months from start date
Agriculture Assistance – Baghanis

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.

The Need
Currently farmers in border villages are barely making ends meet. In Baghanis most farmers do not own their own farming equipment. This project will purchase a tractor and baler for this village to improve efficiency in harvesting.
Short Term Impact
In the short term the village will obtain a tractor and a hay baler in excellent condition and will be able to use them immediately for farming and municipal projects. Furthermore, one villager will be hired to operate and maintain this equipment.
Long Term Impact
In the long term, farmers will pay a lower amount for harvesting and related agricultural services, hence improving their lives and increasing their income. This will help deter emigration from the village.
Sponsors Benefits
All sponsors will be recognized on all relevant press regarding this project and on The Paros Foundation website. Visits to the families can be arranged for sponsors visiting Armenia.
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Ara & Valerie Cherchian

Hartland, WI November 7, 2017
Anonymous User

Ms. Hripsime Hamstra

San Jose, CA October 6, 2017
Anonymous User

Ayvazian-Daghlian Family Charitable Trust

Arlington, MA January 5, 2017
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis & Ruth Sokol

Encino, CA January 5, 2017
Anonymous User

Mr. David Yaldezian

La Habra, CA December 31, 2016
Anonymous User

Dr. John Aljian & Dr. Sylvie Khorenian

Alpine, NJ December 29, 2016
Anonymous User

John Mirak Foundation

Arlington, MA December 29, 2016
Anonymous User

Mr. Levon Der Bedrossian

San Francisco, CA December 25, 2016
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Ara & Maggie Kizirian

Torrance, CA December 22, 2016
Anonymous User

Ms. Pauline Harian

Haverhill, MA December 21, 2016
Anonymous User


Weston, MA December 20, 2016
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel & Juliette Abdulian

Encino, CA December 18, 2016

Updates: Images & Information

April 3, 2018

Today the Mayor of Baghanis and a mechanic made the trip to Lake Sevan to inspect and purchase the tractor. Paros Staff has already ordered the bailer and we are waiting for delivery.

August 22, 2018

This season, the tractor and bailer bailed more than 8,000 bails of hay and straw at a discounted price for the village of Baghanis. This project greatly benefited the villagers and will for hopefully years to come.


Kharpert Home for Special Children Excursion 12

Kharpert Home for Special Children Excursion 12


The Kharpert Home for Special Children is an orphanage located in the village of Nor Kharpert serving more than 250 children with varying degrees of developmental disabilities. The orphanage is a state run facility that receives governmental support to provide these vulnerable children with their basic care and education.

Excursions for these children to amusement parks and/or other appropriate venues provide these children with both valuable community experience and needed recreation. Children with disabilities in Armenia are generally kept sheltered from society. These children do not attend school, but rather attend classes at the orphanage. It is important for both these children and society for these children to experience community life.

For each donation of $250, approximately 20 children and an appropriate number of care provides will be able to go on an excursion to Yerevan at Victory Park, or another appropriate venue for a morning or afternoon of activities including transportation, admission and snacks. Please consider supporting multiple excursions for these children.



City / Village

Nor Kharpert

Start Date

October 2018

End Date

October 2018
Kharpert Home for Special Children Excursion 12

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.

The Need
Approximately 1,200 children live in Armenia’s 15 orphanages. While these facilities provide basic care for these children, their limited funding does not permit these children regular visits and participate in various social and cultural activities. A child with a disability has very few opportunities to visit the city and experience life outside of the grounds of the Kharpert orphanage.
Short Term Impact
The short-term impact of this project will be the employment of a bus driver, money being spent in Armenia’s local economy and most important the education and social benefits for 20 children with developmental disabilities.
Long Term Impact
This project has considerable long-term benefits for both the children and for society. Society’s attitudes towards people with disabilities will slowly begin to change as witness these children regularly and realize that society can indeed accommodate them as part of their community.
Sponsors Benefits
Your donation to the Kharpert Home for Special Children will be recognized at the Center and your name listed as a sponsor on The Paros Foundation website and in appropriate press related to this important project. The Paros Foundation stands ready to help you arrange a visit to the Kharpert Home for Special Children when you are in Armenia.
Anonymous User

Mr. Ivan Dennison

United Kingdom August 30, 2016

Updates: Images & Information

October 19, 2018

Our Journey through Armenia 2018 group spent the afternoon at Victory Park with some of the residents from the Kharpert Home for Special Children.


Packs on Backs Armenia: Debi Arach 2017

Packs on Backs Armenia: Debi Arach 2017


The Heros Humanitarian Foundation (HHF), a Los Angeles based non-profit organization, supports children in need and their educational advancement. The organization was founded in 2008 by six Armenian Americans with the belief that no child should be deprived of the essential necessities needed for their education regardless of their socioeconomic status. Their mission is to provide backpacks and school supplies to children living in poverty and from low socioeconomic households around the world. Through their Packs on Backs initiative, HHF hopes to motivate children, help them stay and excel in school, and have successful futures.

The Heros Humanitarian Foundation has partnered with The Paros Foundation to bring their Packs on Backs initiative to Armenia. After the successful distribution of 380 backpacks and school supplies to children in Gyumri and Vanadzor in the summer of 2015, and 225 backpacks to the children at the Kharpert Children’s Home in the summer of 2016, we have decided to continue to work together and impact more children in Armenia.

Our next distribution will be for the kids attending the Debi Arach Children’s Center in Gyumri. Socially vulnerable children attend the center after their school and receive both humanitarian and educational support through a holistic approach. The Paros Foundation established the Debi Arach Children’s Center on April 15, 2015 and has since provided children each week the necessary academic, psychological, social and humanitarian support they need to succeed. Gyumri’s devastating history has left more than 100,000 residents homeless, and plagued with unemployment and rampant poverty. These families often struggle to provide their children with life’s basic necessities; therefore making backpacks and school supplies a distant priority. Children at the center were recipients of backpacks and school supplies during our first distribution in 2015. This distribution will meet the ongoing needs of both current and new children. Our goal is to provide 150 backpacks and school supplies for the children attending the center. A donation of $30 will help obtain a backpack filled with supplies for one child. School supplies will be grade appropriate and include a combination of pencils, pens, pencil cases, notebooks, folders, erasers, sharpeners, glue, scissors, rulers, highlighters, and crayons. In-kind donations of the items listed are also welcomed.

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City / Village


Start Date

June 2017

End Date

July 2017
Packs on Backs Armenia: Debi Arach 2017

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.

The Need
It is very difficult for a child to learn and excel in their studies without a proper backpack and essential school supplies. In addition, without the proper supplies these children are less likely to attend school on a regular basis, hence severely hindering their educational growth and minimizing future opportunities.
Short Term Impact
150 children from Gyumri’s poverty stricken communities attending the Debi Arach Children’s Center will receive proper backpacks and school supplies to aid in their educational advancement. Local school supplies will be purchased whenever economically feasible in turn boosting the local economy.
Long Term Impact
In the long term, 150 children from Gyumri’s poverty stricken communities will be given the opportunity to excel in their studies and further their educational careers. In additions, children will be motivated to attend school more regularly, and have increased self-esteem.
Sponsors Benefits
Your donation to sponsor the Packs on Backs Armenia: Debi Arach project will be recognized on The Heros Humanitarian Foundation website and in their printed materials. Your name will also be listed as a sponsor on The Paros Foundation website and in appropriate press related to this important project.
Anonymous User

The Heros Humanitarian Foundation

Glendale, CA May 1, 2017
Anonymous User


Los Angeles, CA February 23, 2017
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Shant & Melissa Celikian

Porter Ranch, CA
In Honor Of SANA LUIS December 24, 2016
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Sayyad & Ilona Chakarian

Sierra Madre, CA
In Honor Of SANA LUIS December 24, 2016
Anonymous User

Ms. Azat Murat

Chatsworth, CA
In Honor Of SANA LUIS December 24, 2016
Anonymous User

Mr. Anthony Celikian

CA, United States
In Honor Of SANA LUIS December 24, 2016
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Parunak & Silva Celikian

Porter Ranch, CA
In Honor Of SANA LUIS December 23, 2016
Anonymous User

Dr. & Mrs. Michael & Karin Terzian

Porter Ranch, CA
In Honor Of SANA LUIS December 23, 2016
Anonymous User

Kirkor & Filor Celik

Montebello, CA
In Honor Of SANA LUIS December 23, 2016
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Pakrat & Ilda Asik

United States
In Honor Of SANA LUIS December 23, 2016
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Kirkor & Filor Celik

Glendale, CA
In Honor Of SANA LUIS December 23, 2016
Anonymous User

Mr. & Mrs. Jack & Maral Karapetian

Glendale, CA
In Honor Of SANA LUIS December 23, 2016
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