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2217 5th Street

Berkeley CA 94710

(310) 400 9061

Mobile Dental Clinic 2024/2025


The Armenian Dental Society of California has partnered with The Paros Foundation in order to help revive its mobile dental clinic and help bring dental care for poverty stricken communities in Armenia. Dental hygiene is commonly overlooked in many of these communities due to several reasons. Dental supplies and dental care are either very hard to find or too expensive for residents in these villages to afford.

To date, the Mobile Dental Clinic has served over 100,000 patients. Drs. Gary Kevorkian and Jack Bayramyan have taken the lead to help secure funding for the clinic. Sponsorship of this project will help raise the funds needed to keep the mobile clinic in operation. The clinic has two dentists, a nurse, a driver on staff who travel along with the mobile clinic and provide dental care for village residents. Dentists from the US have the opportunity to join the two local dentists on a volunteer basis. $3,000 will help keep the mobile clinic working for one month. Dental care provided by the mobile clinic will include basic child oral care and education, cleanings, fillings and other basic care.


Throughout Armenia

City / Village

Throughout Armenia

Start Date

January 2024

End Date

December 2025
$25,495 of $72,000 raised
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Donation Total: $100 One Time

The Need

Dental supplies and dental clinics are very hard to find or too expensive for residents living in Armenia’s remote and/or poverty stricken villages. This can cause a lifetime of dental problems and oral disease. Residents living in these areas are in need of dental care in order to be able to prevent serious dental issues in the future.

Short Term Impact

Residents of remote and poverty stricken villages will be visited by the mobile dental clinic and receive basic dental care. In addition, two dentists from Armenia will be hired to work alongside volunteer dentists from the United States.

Long Term Impact

Residents of remote and poverty stricken villages will have a decreased chance of tooth decay and serious oral issues in their future.

Sponsors Benefits

Your donation to sponsor the Mobile Dental Clinic will be recognized on The Paros Foundation website and in all appropriate press related to this important project.

Anonymous User

Dr. & Mrs. Jack & Azniv Bayramyan

Glendale, CA December 24, 2024
Anonymous User

Dr. Gary Kevorkian

Glendale, CA December 18, 2024