Home Repair for Border Families
Nerkin Karmir Aghbyur (NKA) is an important border village with a population of 1,380 residents in the Bert area of Armenia’s Tavush Region. This community, whose territory connects with Azerbaijan, lives and works under a constant risk of sniper fire and renewed armed conflict each day. NKA was the single most damaged Armenian village following the Azeri conflict in the 1990’s. The economy of the village and the livelihood of many of its residents have suffered due to these difficult and dangerous times. Furthermore, 70% of their fertile land is unusable because of frequent sniper attacks. Many homes have been damaged and worn out over the years and are in need of partial renovations and repairs, including, indoor plumbing, new windows, doors and floors, roof repairs, new heating systems, and even room additions. The village is economically strained and families are in need of additional aid to care for their families, homes and livelihood.
Sponsorship of this project will help provide 7 families  with materials, technical expertise and/or the necessary labor in order to complete specific renovation projects to their homes. It is of strategic importance to support these villagers in their daily lives so that they may remain inhabitants of this village, mere footsteps from Azerbaijan.
City / Village
Start Date
End Date
Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.
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The Need
Short Term Impact
Long Term Impact
Sponsors Benefits
Mr. & Dr. Jean-Marie & Lori Atamian
New York, NY August 18, 2022Mr. & Dr. Jean-Marie & Lori Atamian
New York, NY July 19, 2022Mr. & Dr. Jean-Marie & Lori Atamian
New York, NY June 18, 2022Mr. & Dr. Jean-Marie & Lori Atamian
New York, NY May 18, 2022Mr. & Dr. Jean-Marie & Lori Atamian
New York, NY April 17, 2022Mr. & Dr. Jean-Marie & Lori Atamian
New York, NY March 19, 2022Mr. & Dr. Jean-Marie & Lori Atamian
New York, NY February 16, 2022Mr. & Dr. Jean-Marie & Lori Atamian
New York, NY January 16, 2022Mr. & Dr. Jean-Marie & Lori Atamian
New York, NY December 21, 2021Mr. & Dr. Jean-Marie & Lori Atamian
New York, NY November 25, 2021Ms. Ingrid Roettele
NY, United States September 3, 2019Ms. Adela Ad Ela
United States September 1, 2019Mr. & Dr. Jean-Marie & Lori Atamian
New York, NY August 18, 2022Mr. & Dr. Jean-Marie & Lori Atamian
New York, NY July 19, 2022Mr. & Dr. Jean-Marie & Lori Atamian
New York, NY June 18, 2022Mr. & Dr. Jean-Marie & Lori Atamian
New York, NY May 18, 2022Mr. & Dr. Jean-Marie & Lori Atamian
New York, NY April 17, 2022Mr. & Dr. Jean-Marie & Lori Atamian
New York, NY March 19, 2022Mr. & Dr. Jean-Marie & Lori Atamian
New York, NY February 16, 2022Mr. & Dr. Jean-Marie & Lori Atamian
New York, NY January 16, 2022Mr. & Dr. Jean-Marie & Lori Atamian
New York, NY December 21, 2021Mr. & Dr. Jean-Marie & Lori Atamian
New York, NY November 25, 2021Ms. Ingrid Roettele
NY, United States September 3, 2019Ms. Adela Ad Ela
United States September 1, 2019Mr. Jack Mastroianni
United States September 1, 2019Ms. Narin� Atamian
New York, NY September 1, 2019Mr. & Dr. Jean-Marie & Lori Atamian
New York, NY April 19, 2019The Lalayan family home received new windows today as the start of the renovation to their home has begun!
ÂBoth the Sharyan and Lalayan homes are complete. The work took a bit longer than anticipated as both men work as soldiers and were away from home more than anticipated.
Work on replacing Urik's windows and his partial roof is complete.
Nareg, a soldier that was seriously injured in the 2020 war needed work done to his home including the renovation of his room, the kitchen and bath. Â This work was completed as Nareg was doing his therapy at the rehab center in Yerevan.
Ghughas had purchased a half built home for his family that needed to have the construction completed. Â This work was finished in late 2021.
Armen A. and Samvel S. both wanted their homes expanded by rebuilding their balconies and incorporating this space into their homes. Â This work was completed on both homes in the spring of 2022.